
標題: 今日申請 a famous Kinder (in Central) 等到好激氣, 似輪街症! [打印本頁]

作者: puzzledmama    時間: 07-10-27 22:32     標題: 今日申請 a famous Kinder (in Central) 等到好激氣, 似輪街症!

今日我去申請a famous Kinder (in Central) , 實在好失望, 離晒譜,
但我整個感覺是: 效率奇低!
故意製造成家長要等好耐, 製造人龍!

申請學校姐, 搞到好似輪街症;

I wasted two hours standing in the open playground to queue to get a form and finish the application, which I think is absolutely unnecessary!

作者: ShatinMaMa    時間: 07-10-27 22:36

my friend went there in the morning and there was a long queue. Afternoon was much better.

Many schools have their application form online and some even allow you to apply by post.

[ 本文章最後由 ShatinMaMa 於 07-10-27 22:37 編輯 ]
作者: puzzledmama    時間: 07-10-27 23:08

I first went there before noon , since the queue was so long, I left and went there again afterwards. But I still spent two hours to finish the whole process. What made me so angry was that the procedure was indeed nothing complicated, just to get a form, fill it and then hand it to the staff for a simple checking on the original birth cert. Then give u an interview schedule time card. That's it. U can actually finish the whole process within 15 min! I really wonder why the school had to arrange parents (I saw some pregnant moms standing for over an hour but still no chair for her and no assistance offered by the staff) queuing in the open playground for so long a time.

原文章由 ShatinMaMa 於 07-10-27 22:36 硐表
my friend went there in the morning and there was a long queue. Afternoon was much better.

Many schools have their application form online and some even allow you to apply by post.

作者: erikalo    時間: 07-10-27 23:59

唔好講風涼話, 我今日去了其分校交form, 情況真係有別啦... 我用了5mins 就完成了, 仲有校長親自係學校同我地交談學校方針, 小朋友既教學心德, 真係好到不得了.... 可能正校真係出名d 掛....

原文章由 puzzledmama 於 07-10-27 23:08 硐表
I first went there before noon , since the queue was so long, I left and went there again afterwards. But I still spent two hours to finish the whole process. What made me so angry was that the proced ...

作者: yckd    時間: 07-10-28 00:38

I do think the arrangement was really bad, queue for over an hour, they allowed maybe 10 more applicants to go up at one time to 3rd floor to get application form but need to ensure the kid's age is accepted before they give form the u, parents was arranged to a room to fill in the form, after that go to another room to get the interview appointment cert.

I believe the whole process can be shorten quite a lot,

1. allow application form download from their website.
2. if they need to check applicant cert of birth, this can be done once everyone come in to their school, then everyone can fill in data when they queue, no need to queue & wait for others filling their form. u see how long we can save for this stupid arrangement. we waited how many time for other filling their data.

pls no more for the interview next week as we need to go to St. Paul next to them for application.
作者: siumao    時間: 07-10-28 11:12

我下午2點幾3點去到, 好快搞掂!
作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-28 12:19

作者: puzzledmama    時間: 07-10-29 00:25

Wow, 5 min for the sister school? How come the Central Branch played us like this? I should have applied the other one, I suppose no big difference!!

原文章由 erikalo 於 07-10-27 23:59 硐表
唔好講風涼話, 我今日去了其分校交form, 情況真係有別啦... 我用了5mins 就完成了, 仲有校長親自係學校同我地交談學校方針, 小朋友既教學心德, 真係好到不得了.... 可能正校真係出名d 掛....


作者: Ruby_Lau    時間: 07-10-29 11:24

作者: superbread    時間: 07-10-29 12:11

原文章由 Ruby_Lau 於 07-10-29 11:24 硐表

dear BK mums:

I was so happy to see such topic as I intended to open a topic when I clicked into this web.

I went there by 3p.m. and left at 3:30p.m. Much shorter waiting time than those in the morning. However, I was still angry about their stupid arrangement. I also saw pregnant mom standing at the queue. She later wanted to go to toilet but there is none at the floor. Those "teachers" or
"assistant" saw her but just neglect. Poor!!!

Why did we need to wait for others' to fill in the form??? Also, I visited such "famous" kinder the 1st time and didn't think that the environment looking like a happy kinder, but just a normal primary school's setting.

very disappointed.
作者: kiu_ma    時間: 07-10-29 12:45

I guess you guys will get angry again when you take the interview!  It is much stupid arrangement and bias with someone

I have the same experience with you.  So disapppointed and doubt on her teaching method.

My child get the seat, but I give up finally.  Because I feel my child will not have a happy study in this kinder even it is so famous.
作者: 雙子媽媽    時間: 07-10-29 14:40

唔好意思, 請問講緊邊間幼稚園?
作者: 薳然媽媽    時間: 07-10-29 14:57

我係其中一個孕媽媽, 好彩我老公同我一齊去, 唔駛我排隊, 我都可以話可以坐響d小童櫈(唔係d老師叫架, 係自己去搵個位坐咋), 雖然坐得好辛苦..  佢地地下係無女洗手間架, 不過我問佢地, 佢話用地下男洗手間裡面其中兩格 .

講真對d老師印象真係麻麻地, 因為佢地黎緊個星期六面試, 咁啱我就快生得, 我驚我隨時要生, 就問吓老師若果我咁啱當天作動, 而老公要陪產, 咁可唔可以改期, 佢一口就答我話唔得, 面試得一日, 一d笑容都無, 我有d打個突, 之後佢可能覺得自己唔係咁好, 就兜話到時打來校務處問啦.    我之前問幾間幼稚園d老師, 個個都話因為我情況特殊, 可以改期.  

原文章由 superbread 於 07-10-29 12:11 硐表

dear BK mums:

I was so happy to see such topic as I intended to open a topic when I clicked into this web.

I went there by 3p.m. and left at 3:30p.m. Much shorter waiting time than those in the mo ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-29 15:08

原文章由 kiu_ma 於 07-10-29 12:45 硐表
I guess you guys will get angry again when you take the interview!  It is much stupid arrangement and bias with someone

I have the same experience with you.  So disapppointed and doubt on he ...

作者: nicemum    時間: 07-10-29 15:11

原文章由 puzzledmama 於 07-10-27 22:32 硐表
今日我去申請a famous Kinder (in Central) , 實在好失望, 離晒譜,
但我整個感覺是: 效率奇低!
故意製造成家長要等好耐, 製造人龍!
申請學校 ...

咁我奉勸以上咁多位媽咪唔好去 interview,因為我有朋友上年 in完直頭嬲到一支箭標左出學校。
作者: superbread    時間: 07-10-29 15:33

would you pls. tell us the details of interview? I am puzzling whether my daughter will go to the interveiw this sat as she also another interveiw at "lui kwok pak fung" in the e

作者: nicemum    時間: 07-10-29 15:42

原文章由 superbread 於 07-10-29 15:33 硐表
would you pls. tell us the details of interview? I am puzzling whether my daughter will go to the interveiw this sat as she also another interveiw at "lui kwok pak fung" in the e


學校會安排四個家庭入同一個班房,班房裡面有兩個老師,咁老師會續個家庭走埋去 interview,不過有機會老師只係好cool咁行埋黎問兩句就走左去,我朋友就係因為咁而好嬲。所以去得interview既家長真係要有心理準備先得。
作者: kiu_ma    時間: 07-10-29 15:50

Exactly :tongue: my experience

原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-29 15:11 硐表

咁我奉勸以上咁多位媽咪唔好去 interview,因為我有朋友上年 in完直頭嬲到一支箭標左出學校。

作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-29 17:00

hi, I'm one of the moms who went there on that afternoon.  I got there around 2:00pm and finished the application around 3pm.  I would also like to say something..well, I also think that the arrangement was a little bit stupid and clumsy..I think it should be much better to download the form from their school website, and then send it back either by hand or by mail (the sisiter school in Mount Butler---app.form can be downloaded) simple arrangement,right? It seems that the head of the school didn't think..or even didn't know this way.. by the way, I didn't see the head while I was waiting.  I only know that the head of the school is a woman, right?

I think that the head of the sister's school should be much better..I heard that some of the moms who wanted to ask something to the headmistress..but they couldn't see her until they left...
作者: BillieBug    時間: 07-10-29 17:15

點解一間咁出名既教會幼稚園, 會咁對d家長, 有咩好處呢?
唔通因為收得平, 就要我地d家長 suffer下, 好似去睇街症咁, 唔應該有咁多要求?:tongue: :tongue:

我知道隔離果間, 即同一間教會的幼稚園, 並唔係咁既作風, 佢地個黃校長好好, 個個老師好有禮貌, 對家長同小朋友好體貼, 都係收得好平, 呢d就叫做真正教會名校既風範呢!!

原文章由 kiu_ma 於 07-10-29 15:50 硐表
Exactly :tongue: my experience

作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-29 17:23

原文章由 erikalo 於 07-10-27 23:59 硐表
唔好講風涼話, 我今日去了其分校交form, 情況真係有別啦... 我用了5mins 就完成了, 仲有校長親自係學校同我地交談學校方針, 小朋友既教學心德, 真係好到不得了.... 可能正校真係出名d 掛....


woow~~I think the head in Mount Butler should be much better than the one in Central...When I was queuing, I heard that some of the moms wanted to ask something to the headmistress, so, they asked one of staff to look for the headmistress, but it seemed that they didn't see the head until they left..
作者: tautaub    時間: 07-10-29 18:06     標題: 回覆 #1 cacatam 的文章

May I know how long we need to expect for the waiting time before the interview conducted?  Do we have to wait for 2 hours even we arrive on time?
作者: ShatinMaMa    時間: 07-10-29 19:20

Many kids applied but not difficult to get in. My friend got waitlist first but they school called them later to offer her a place. I think many parents rejected them afterward.
作者: daisy100    時間: 07-10-29 21:01     標題: 那一間名校?


原文章由 BillieBug 於 07-10-29 17:15 硐表
點解一間咁出名既教會幼稚園, 會咁對d家長, 有咩好處呢?
唔通因為收得平, 就要我地d家長 suffer下, 好似去睇街症咁, 唔應該有咁多要求?:tongue: :tongue:

我知道隔離果間, 即同一間教會的幼稚園, 並唔係咁既作風,  ...

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-29 21:40

原文章由 cacatam 於 07-10-29 17:23 硐表

woow~~I think the head in Mount Butler should be much better than the one in Central...When I was queuing, I heard that some of the moms wanted to ask something to the headmistress, so, they asked on ...

But the headmistress in Central has better experience, and maybe better connections with primary schools.
The one in Mount Butler is a new one.
作者: 薳然媽媽    時間: 07-10-29 23:27


大家係講緊聖x會幼稚園, 唔係rhs.
想問吓您囡囡響rhs, 讀得開心嗎 ?
我上星期六亦都有去rhs, 去完真係另眼相看, 對學校環境,老師, 安排, 行政, 課程安排感覺很好, 與聖x會相比, 真係好好多.  rhs亦都係我呢兩年去參觀過既港九幼兒園/幼稚園最好的一間.
您知道rhs升小學派得好嗎 ?
我個人認為rhs小學好似唔係咁好, 因我有好幾個中學同學都係rhs小學過來的, 佢地d成績&品行都好似麻麻地.  呢個亦係我concern一點.  您可以給我一點指引嗎 ?

原文章由 daisy100 於 07-10-29 21:01 硐表
唔知你讚緊果間名校,係唔係我囡囡讀緊的幼稚園(RHS)?我記得2年前去取報名表,安排椅子給我們坐,不要站的,老師笑容很親切(感受到是出自真心),用了約20分鐘辦完手續,便帶我們參觀校舍,校舍很大,老師一邊講解,一邊讓囡囡玩一會,又拿 ...

作者: beckylui    時間: 07-10-29 23:42

原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-29 15:42 硐表

學校會安排四個家庭入同一個班房,班房裡面有兩個老師,咁老師會續個家庭走埋去 interview,不過有機會老師只係好cool咁行埋黎問兩句就走左去,我朋友就係因為咁而好嬲。所以去得interview既家長真係要有心理準備先得。 ...

This is also exactly my experience last year ...
作者: BillieBug    時間: 07-10-29 23:46

Hi Daisy100,

The one I highly recommended is along Glynealy, Central.
I think RHS is another religious group, not SKH.
Anyway, the school you described sounds also very friendly and nice. Should be a very caring kinder for kids.

原文章由 daisy100 於 07-10-29 21:01 硐表
唔知你讚緊果間名校,係唔係我囡囡讀緊的幼稚園(RHS)?我記得2年前去取報名表,安排椅子給我們坐,不要站的,老師笑容很親切(感受到是出自真心),用了約20分鐘辦完手續,便帶我們參觀校舍,校舍很大,老師一邊講解,一邊讓囡囡玩一會,又拿 ...

[ 本文章最後由 BillieBug 於 07-10-29 23:48 編輯 ]
作者: yckd    時間: 07-10-30 00:29     標題: 回覆 #3 薳然媽媽 的文章

星期六都有去RHS,因為中環等了太久,的士上到RHS都已經1:30pm,在carpark登記完便離開,是否我太遲,請問有什麼其它東西提供給家長?Thks! btw,它的環境我幾了解,因我在它中學畢業。

作者: tristalok    時間: 07-10-30 00:44

我去畢拉山o個邊 校長 老師 同姐姐老好nice喎~
& 聽o的家長講畢拉山o個個校長好似幾出名... 好似仲有寫過報紙o的專欄喎~
中環o個個就唔係太識... 不過真係好多人排隊... 好彩我係叫工人去交表咋...

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-29 21:40 硐表

But the headmistress in Central has better experience, and maybe better connections with primary schools.
The one in Mount Butler is a new one.

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 01:03

原文章由 ShatinMaMa 於 07-10-29 19:20 硐表
Many kids applied but not difficult to get in. My friend got waitlist first but they school called them later to offer her a place. I think many parents rejected them afterward.

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 02:59

原文章由 tristalok 於 07-10-30 00:44 硐表
我去畢拉山o個邊 校長 老師 同姐姐老好nice喎~
& 聽o的家長講畢拉山o個個校長好似幾出名... 好似仲有寫過報紙o的專欄喎~
中環o個個就唔係太識... 不過真係好多人排隊... 好彩我係叫工人 ...

But I know some parents in Mount Butler thinking moving from MB to Central as they like the old principal.
I think the current central principal is the principal of both campuses last year.  But this year a new principal joined MB and the old principal is only responsible for Central.
I hear both of them having speech to parents.  I found that old principal made better speeches.
More importantly, when applying P.1, old principal might have better connections.
The new principal stopped working for a couple of years before rejoining SKH.
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-30 08:52

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-29 21:40 硐表

But the headmistress in Central has better experience, and maybe better connections with primary schools.
The one in Mount Butler is a new one.

Excuse me, what do you mean by better connections with primary schools??   Some of my friends are teachers.  They told me that there won't be any connections with kinders except those kinders and primary schools are "One Dragan"...I did browse the Profile of Kinders of EDB...this kinder is a non-profit making one, so should be No connections with primary school..isn't it??
作者: siumao    時間: 07-10-30 09:35

原文章由 cacatam 於 07-10-30 08:52 硐表

Excuse me, what do you mean by better connections with primary schools??   Some of my friends are teachers.  They told me that there won't be any connections with kinders except those kinders ...

我估係唔係central個校長人際網絡好d, 可能同d出名小學關係較好, 佢嘅推薦會有力d?

另外, 我想講一講, 我覺得唔可以單從報名面試安排唔好就否定間學校嘅教學質素, 我知道歷史比較悠久嘅學校會比較因循以前一路以來嘅做事方法, 可能唔太切合現時家長嘅要求! 再講我in蘇浙都要比原定約見時間遲2個鐘, 有晒心理準備會遇到更壞嘅情況咖啦!:

我選校嘅目的係要升到好嘅小學, 報名果日睇到嘅野唔多, 不過都覺得校舍細d, 課室入面又無琴, 不過老公鍾意呢間學校多過而家阿仔讀間幼兒園(蘇浙)

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 09:38

幼稚園校長識得小學校長,咪屬於better connection囉,識得小學校長,叩門時,被推薦人都有著數啦,不過,被推薦者都要自己有料
原文章由 cacatam 於 07-10-30 08:52 硐表

Excuse me, what do you mean by better connections with primary schools??   Some of my friends are teachers.  They told me that there won't be any connections with kinders except those kinders ...

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 09:52

原文章由 cacatam 於 07-10-30 08:52 硐表

Excuse me, what do you mean by better connections with primary schools??   Some of my friends are teachers.  They told me that there won't be any connections with kinders except those kinders ...

Other mums already answer your queries
But the new headmistress is more friendly, and the games day this year held by her is more successful.  Besides, she is trying to update the website now (as many knows there is no webpage before) and install an intranet thing.
New hires are more energetic.

[ 本文章最後由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-30 09:59 編輯 ]
作者: nicemum    時間: 07-10-30 10:03

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 01:03 硐表



[ 本文章最後由 nicemum 於 07-10-30 10:07 編輯 ]
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-30 10:42

Actually, some of my friend's children are now studying the one in Central(K3).  They told me that the teachers are good, professional and caring. : And my sister's son and daughter are now studying the one in Mount Butler.  She told me that the teachers are good also.  : And the most important is that, she told me that the headmistress is really professional, experienced and aim to develop childhood education.  I want to apply the one in Mount Butler, but it's really far from my family..so~~
作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 10:55     標題: 回覆 #1 cacatam 的文章

my girl is in MB campus.  As I know, not very fully.  Her class only got 28 students.  I think they can make it to 30 a class.
作者: joycemickey    時間: 07-10-30 12:25


你們是否講緊聖公會 (中環鐵崗)呀..
認真唔明, 現在IT, 上網咁COMMON,,,點解LEI間學校仲可以咁
OUT DATED, 明知年年都會有人龍, ,,,點解唔可以網上交FORM, 好似靈糧堂咁, 佢地真係幾勁, 我都交左form去3間學校, 未見過有咁差的安排...

就算要親自交FORM, 唔該俾人網上
DOWN LOAD FORM 先啦....再安排一段時間交表..咁咪幾好..起碼唔駛浪費大家咁多時間...

p.s. 佢地通常都係會收番見己同教會人多...
作者: siumao    時間: 07-10-30 13:26

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-30 10:55 硐表
my girl is in MB campus.  As I know, not very fully.  Her class only got 28 students.  I think they can make it to 30 a class.

oh really? I love the MB campus but then applied the Central one because MB is really too far away...maybe will consider applying MB for K2 next year, as i think my son will be able to cope with the long journey when he become a  bigger boy
作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 15:45


Lower KG

Upper KG


AM Session

No. of Enrolmen





PM Session





原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-30 10:03 硐表


2005年既出生率比2003、2004多,競爭可能會大d,所以真係睇下大家點睇。 ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 15:48


原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-30 10:03 硐表


2005年既出生率比2003、2004多,競爭可能會大d,所以真係睇下大家點睇。 ...

作者: nicemum    時間: 07-10-30 16:03

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 15:48 硐表

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 16:21

原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-30 16:03 硐表


作者: nicemum    時間: 07-10-30 16:27

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 16:21 硐表

作者: yanip001    時間: 07-10-30 17:48

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 16:21 硐表


btw, SKH既application procedures is the most stupid one i have ever experienced.
作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 17:56



原文章由 nicemum 於 07-10-30 16:27 硐表


作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 18:00


原文章由 yanip001 於 07-10-30 17:48 硐表


btw, SKH既application procedures is the most stupid one i have ever experienced.

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 18:01     標題: 回覆 #2 yanip001 的文章

Maybe St. Paul's in Causeway Bay is one of them
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 07-10-30 20:40

我有個親戚個女, 之前讀mb剛升小一, 舊年考學校時, 全軍覆沒! 只有中西區一間(得罪講句)人人考都收既私小有offer, 最後大抽獎入到跑馬地聖保祿
成日有人話skh同d名校有connection, 我真係有d懷疑......
原文章由 cacatam 於 07-10-30 08:52 AM 硐表
Excuse me, what do you mean by better connections with primary schools??   Some of my friends are teachers.  They told me that there won't be any connections with kinders except those kinders ...

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 21:18


P.1 allocation not bad.  Take a look.
作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 22:09

呢個表睇唔到校長叩門既能力,自行同統一都唔關學校事,考到私校同直資,都係小朋友既能力<<<呢方便只靠學校又唔得,但只靠家長就可行(可能有人唔認同),除非佢列埋叩門有幾個入到去,大家都知spc去小學,全靠幼稚園既關係,聖心去私小又係全靠幼稚園既關係,st joe又係靠幼稚園關係,叩門多數入返佢小學,但skh呢,真係一個迷

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-30 21:18 硐表

P.1 allocation not bad.  Take a look.

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-30 22:50     標題: 回覆 #1 Sindy 的文章

I think SKH has advantage to Christian schools with its SKH background.  
I know someone from MB was accepted to both DGS and St. Paul's co-ed.  But of course she is smart, too.  Only SKH alone cannot put an average kid into top schools.
作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-30 23:31


我都識得一個幾叻既小朋友,佢唔知讀邊間幼稚園出身,但都考得入co-ed插班,由其係co-ed ,我覺得係靠能力多,有家姐讀緊都要'倪'(唔知佢入唔入到,我無跟進 )

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-30 22:50 硐表
I think SKH has advantage to Christian schools with its SKH background.  
I know someone from MB was accepted to both DGS and St. Paul's co-ed.  But of course she is smart, too.  Only SKH alone cannot ...

作者: ypoons    時間: 07-10-31 00:30


可唔可以pm俾我係邊間私小? 謝謝!

原文章由 Charlotte_mom 於 07-10-30 20:40 硐表
我有個親戚個女, 之前讀mb剛升小一, 舊年考學校時, 全軍覆沒! 只有中西區一間(得罪講句)人人考都收既私小有offer, 最後大抽獎入到跑馬地聖保祿
成日有人話skh同d名校有connection, 我真係有d懷疑......

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-31 01:34     標題: 回覆 #2 Sindy 的文章

此外SKH真係好多有錢人讀,good family background will surely increase the chance of getting into top schools.
Some of my girls schoolmates are having english tutor one to one, $500 an hour.  Some attend SKH in the morning, and Starters school in the afternoon.  Lots of money, time and efforts put in.
作者: Unclejt    時間: 07-10-31 02:06

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-31 08:07

梗係有錢啦,佢其中一個揀人既方式,我唔想致評..........不過關於starter school又唔係好貴喎.....千八蚊一星期返三日,平過上playgroup/centre對住鬼喎.....我都有諗過比仔去,但又唔捨得少左時間係我身邊,你知啦,對佢地少左時間,就少左,第時大d有自己既世界啦麻.....

原文章由 BoBoCute 於 07-10-31 01:34 硐表
此外SKH真係好多有錢人讀,good family background will surely increase the chance of getting into top schools.
Some of my girls schoolmates are having english tutor one to one, $500 an hour.  Some attend  ...

作者: Sindy    時間: 07-10-31 08:10

原文章由 Unclejt 於 07-10-31 02:06 硐表

作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-31 09:26     標題: 回覆 #3 Unclejt 的文章

old principal 都起碼會寫封信,但new principal話唔會特別幫人寫reference letter...
不過old principal都不是個個肯寫,你都要有D特出先得,I know because she once refused my friend's request.
作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-31 09:30     標題: 回覆 #3 Unclejt 的文章

old principal 都起碼會寫封信,但new principal話唔會特別幫人寫reference letter...
不過old principal都不是個個肯寫,你都要有D特出先得,I know because she once refused my friend's request.
作者: chingbb    時間: 07-10-31 11:02

唉! 仲諗住出年會同仔仔報這間幼稚園 自己不是專業人士, 不是有錢人, 沒有宗教, 沒有人事! 點算 仲要係在職媽媽, 去拿application form 都要放假?
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-31 11:05

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 23:31 硐表

我都識得一個幾叻既小朋友, ...

I agree..so, I don't think that she (central) has good connection with those famous primary school lor..
作者: cacatam    時間: 07-10-31 11:09

原文章由 Sindy 於 07-10-30 23:31 硐表

我都識得一個幾叻既小朋友, ...

I agree..so, I don't think that the headmistress (in Central) has good connection with those famous school lor..
作者: gongonma    時間: 07-10-31 11:53

至於MB校的新校長來頭很大,做校長都有20幾年,而且之前間學校佢令學校成為 pilot school 在教院內無人不識!報紙雜誌時有佢的文章及訪問。梁校是我教友,我弟弟囡囡又系讀佢之前間KG, 她人的確好而且有教育抱負,教學又新又有趣!我弟弟囡囡在校有Africa鼓打,又有陶瓷玩,仲會出街四周去。
話佢唔寫 reference letter 我就唔知啦,不過佢出名有求必應,唔幫家長寫信會否有內情就要當事人先知啦!我仔仔小學轉校都系佢幫忙。
作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-31 12:37     標題: 回覆 #1 gongonma 的文章

作者: tristalok    時間: 07-10-31 15:57

而家睇MB 個網... MB o個個姓梁... central o個個姓謝 lor...

仲有... 我尋日 lunch 時路過central... 撞啱佢地放學... 勁得人驚...
睇住佢地響馬路邊... 逐個將o的小朋友一個一個從校巴後門 "放入" 車入面...
真係眼都突埋... 條路又勁斜... 雖然有老師睇住... 但係響路邊... 如果有咩壞人行過捉走o的小朋友咁點算呀...

死啦... 我又住得遠... 收我仔仔就實在坐校巴... 咁講... 唔知 MB o個邊點上車呢???
作者: BoBoCute    時間: 07-10-31 16:26     標題: 回覆 #1 tristalok 的文章

MB get on or off the school bus inside the school.

There is one thing I have to praise the new principal of MB.
Before she came, private car can go in the school and make a turn to come out, very dangerous.
Now she asks the parents not to park cars in front of the school entrance, making room there for private cars to u turn.
作者: YammieMak    時間: 07-11-3 14:28


原文章由 puzzledmama 於 07-10-27 22:32 硐表
今日我去申請a famous Kinder (in Central) , 實在好失望, 離晒譜,
但我整個感覺是: 效率奇低!
故意製造成家長要等好耐, 製造人龍!
申請學校 ...

作者: lamww    時間: 07-11-3 17:30

Today my kid attended the interview in SKH (central). The teachers and principal were both very nice. But, there were heaps of interviewee. Though my kid did perform ok duriing the interview, I am not too optimistic about the result. Keep my fingers crossed.

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