
標題: 澳洲Sydney的小學 [打印本頁]

作者: vanessamom    時間: 07-11-19 17:52     標題: 澳洲Sydney的小學


(1) 澳洲Sydney的小學,那一間好(成績及品行)?

(2) 是否私校比政府學校較好?

(3) 本身不是天主教的話,是否可以入讀天主教學校?

(4) 在香港讀小學一年級,去到那邊是否可以插讀 Year 1?

作者: sachi    時間: 07-11-22 14:42

原文章由 vanessamom 於 07-11-19 17:52 硐表

(1) 澳洲Sydney的小學,那一間好(成績及品行)?

(2) 是否私校比政府學校較好?

(3) 本身不是天主教的話,是否可以入讀天主教學校?

(4) 在香港讀小學一年級,去到那邊是否可以插讀 Year 1?

希 ...
你係syd邊一區呀? 我記得有一本天書既東東, 介紹syd 既中小學, 可以去買本睇睇.

除左 selective, 私校好多時都係比政府學校好~ 你自己有無心水學校?

唔係天主教, 都可以試下報, 不過有心理準備, 要讀聖經喎~
作者: 曱甴人     時間: 07-11-25 00:31

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作者: vanessamom    時間: 07-11-26 17:57

hi, sachi,

作者: mocha    時間: 08-1-12 17:36

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作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-22 23:42


我的女兒是大女,在港讀一年班,我問過朋友,朋友說可能需要讀 Year 2了,但這樣便跳了半年下學期未讀就已經去到二年班,可以適應到嗎?英文方面,我知道囡囡聽及講方面一定需要時間去學習,至於 read and write 方面,那邊的 Year 2 會否很深呢?你亦是於7歲時移民澳洲嗎?要多久才適應學校的生活及交到新朋友仔呢?Ths!
作者: jeannedarc    時間: 08-1-23 11:32

(1) 澳洲Sydney的小學, 那一間好(成績及品行)?
選擇入讀學校的話, 要很視乎你住邊區, 因為收生的時候, 學校是會按地區而收錄學生的. 所以, 你有沒有打算在那區定居? 如有的話, 我可以再睇睇情況而介紹給你參考.

至於那本天書..你可以在大間一點的(當地)文具店購買, 價錢不貴...如果你想即時上網就睇得到的話, 可以參考以下網址:

(2) 是否私校比學校較好?
政府學校有部份都是 Selective (精英學校), 會收一些成績好的學生, 但 Selective 學校是不收錄海外留學生的. 所以你的小朋友必定是入了藉的澳洲人才可申請報讀, 否則只可選擇政府或私校了.

至於私校, 不是所有私立學校都比政府的好, 因為私立學校的課程很緊迫, 小朋友如果受不住壓力的話會好辛苦. 不過, 小學的情況會好一點, 因為澳洲的小學及初中課程一般都比香港的教得慢. 但當去到高中 Year 11-Year 12 時, 課程就會突然深好多. 以前曾經幫一些由香港過來 sydney 讀私校的中學生補習, 見到他們的工課多到有點兒恐怖..精神受到好大壓力~

我的建議是..選擇小學的話, 真的沒有什麼名不名校 / 政府 / 私校的分別, 一般香港過去的小朋友都會拿得到好成績的. 最重要的是, 小朋友返學返得開心, 而且入讀中學時的階段才是最重要! 因為澳洲的小學生相比香港那些真的單純好多, 讀到到中學 Year 9 開始時, 先會是關鍵時刻呢!

(3) 本身不是天主教的話,是否可以入讀天主教學校?
應該可以, 我以前也不是基督徒, 也讀基督徒學校. 不過可能要向個別學校查詢.

(4) 在香港讀小學一年級,去到那邊是否可以插讀 Year 1?
如果你的小朋友是較聰明, 可以向學校要求做測試跳級. 我有朋友的親戚的兩個仔仔都跳了級!  

希望以上答案會幫到你! :)
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-28 01:03


多謝你的詳細資料!如囡囡在港讀一年級讀到一半,去到那邊就要開始讀 Year 2,是否會很吃力呢?不知澳洲小學 Year 2 的程度是否很深呢?擔心她不知要多久才能適應那邊的生活
作者: Casablanca-220    時間: 08-1-28 09:19


不用擔心, 澳洲 year 2 程度真的不會太深. 小朋友適應力強, 大約半年應巳適應.  No worry.

我妹妹兒子今年剛升 year 3, 讀 Catholic school, 在 year 1 & 2 時學校都冇家課帶回家做, 因為學校唔想家長太辛苦喎 (真令人羨慕.)

如你囡囡在 5 、6月前出世或會真升 year 2.  你們打算幾時過 Sydney ?

原文章由 vanessamom 於 08-1-28 01:03 發表

多謝你的詳細資料!如囡囡在港讀一年級讀到一半,去到那邊就要開始讀 Year 2,是否會很吃力呢?不知澳洲小學 Year 2 的程度是否很深呢?擔心她不知要多久才能適應那邊的生活 ...

作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-28 09:56


你好!暫定5月頭過去,所以我女還未完成香港小一的課程,而囡囡是11月出世的,現時已經7歲了,朋友說過到去應該是 Year 2 了,因澳洲是2月開學的。

作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-1-29 20:10

Welcome to Sydney.

A useful weblink is: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/learning/k_6/index.php

This link is the Kindergarten to Year 6 learning areas for schools in NSW Australia from the Board of Studies. If you click on the various links on this site, it also has the syllabus which outlines what the teacher covers in each learning area.

The usual rule is: since your child's birthday is in November, she should start Kindrgarten after she turned 5. So the other advises you have are correct - most school would put her in year 2 at 7 yrs old. Most schools (both public and private) are very helpful and will help you to decide whether your child should skip a year / go to yr 2 / yr 1.

Remember to bring school reports / sample of homework and school work - these will help the school to give you the correct advise.
作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-1-29 22:56     標題: 回覆 #2 vanessamom 的文章

Can I ask some questions here, too?


And I have another son 5 now. Can he study in year 1?

I am going to live in somewhere very close to Ashfield.

作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-1-29 23:36

原文章由 ttmum000 於 08-1-29 22:56 發表
Can I ask some questions here, too?


And I have another son 5 now. Can he study in year 1?


Schools age in Sydney are fairly simple -
if the child is 4.5yrs to 5.5yrs, they will normally enter Kindergarten in Jan 2008 (similarly, 5.5 yrs to 6.5yrs will start yr 1 in Jan 2008)
if child's birthday is borderline (say birthday in May / June / July), the decision is made by the parent(s) and/or school (detemined by whether they think the child is ready or not, whether the child should start or hold back a year).

Note that the above is not set in stone - I know a little girl who started Kindergarten in 2007 at the local public school - at 4yrs and 2 months (a special case, very high IQ, reading level already reached yr 2, her older sister already skipped a grade)

Yes, you can migrate and start school half way through a school year - just contact the school as soon as you decide public / private, which school and the date you want to start. Most schools have website and contact details (though of course the most direct way is to ask in person).

Hope the above helps.

[ 本文章最後由 sbandliz 於 08-1-29 23:38 編輯 ]
作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-1-30 01:21

Thanks for your information.

I will call tomorrow as the school just start now right? I will  let my sons go to the public school. One more question is any bully things happen in public school?

原文章由 sbandliz 於 08-1-29 23:36 發表

Schools age in Sydney are fairly simple -
if the child is 4.5yrs to 5.5yrs, they will normally enter Kindergarten in Jan 2008 (similarly, 5.5 yrs to 6.5yrs will start yr 1 in Jan 2008)
if child ...

作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-1-30 01:32

原文章由 ttmum000 於 08-1-30 01:21 發表
... I will call tomorrow as the school just start now right? I will  let my sons go to the public school. One more question is any bully things happen in public school? ...

Kindergarten starts on Thursday, the rest of primary school starts tomorrow (Wednesday).

To be truthful - bullying does happen sometimes, but in very isolated cases as far as I know. The best way I found is better communication - if you are worried, talk to your child, and then to the other parents, teachers and school principle. Be involved with your child's school - ie. voluntee to help with Math / reading / canteen, then you can observe what is happening in the school.
作者: jeannedarc    時間: 08-1-30 11:22

原文章由 ttmum000 於 08-1-29 22:56 發表

I am going to live in somewhere very close to Ashfield.


Ashfield 及其附近的地區都係比較複雜, 因有好多社會問題 (e.g.販毒) 同罪案 (e.g. 搶劫) 發生..亦是比較多大陸及中東人 (黎巴嫩 / 印度 / 越南) 居住..所以...如果選擇學校的話, 建議選擇近 Burwood 或 Strathfield 比較安全.

如果講話選擇地區, Sydney 北區會比較多香港人 (比較有錢)區住, 學校亦會比較有名一點..所以居住環境會比中區安全, 但物資會比較貴好多. 而南區就會較適合中產階層, 因為會有多一點大陸, 台灣, 同亞裔人士等區住..居住環境都比中區安全好多.

Anyway, 我知道有一間好出名的一條龍 (私立) 男校 Newington College 近 Homebush 那邊, 由幼稚園至 Year 12, 另亦有宿舍提供, 可參考一下:

p.s. 如果想搵澳洲地圖, 可參考:

[ 本文章最後由 jeannedarc 於 08-1-30 11:33 編輯 ]
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-30 21:42





作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-1-31 06:54

Making friends / new environment - 99.9% of the kids are very friendly, and the teacher will do their best to help your child. Chinese population is fairly high in Sydney, so you will find that most classes have at least 2 to 10 Asians (in a class of 20 to 30 kids). The teacher will look at your child's English level and decide whether she need any extra help - at such young age, your child will catch up in no time.

If you can spare an hour or 2 each week, I do suggest you voluntee to help in class - Math/sharpening pencils/cutting up craft materials etc. This means you can actually see what is going on in the classroom and playground. Chat to the other Mums in the morning or afternoon, this will help your little girl to make friends, and you will find out more about the school. Talk to the teacher and ask questions if you have any concerns, they will understand and will help.

Uniform / school bags /shoes - all depends on which school you go to, and whether it is private / public.
Most private school have their own uniform and school bags with their school logo on them, so maybe hard to get them from HK. The best way is to decide on which school, then contact them to find out about enrolment procedure and uniform requirements - this way you can buy exactly what is needed and not waste money.

Primary schools here are very easy on the kids - not many books to bring home each afternoon, most are left in class. At yr 3 last year, my daughter had 2 A4 size books to bring home each week (not thick, each maybe 5mm to 10mm thick).

My children goes to public school, and this is what I have been packing in their school bag :
- lunch box (not too big, enough to fit sandwich, fruit, snack)
- drink bottle (I prefer water, only pack small juice packs on special occassions)
- change of socks/underwear/shorts (for the younger one in yr 1, just in case)
- raincoat (again for the younger one)
- small pencil case (for yr 1 - 12 colour pens, 2 markers, small pencil sharpener - the other stationeries provided by school. for yr 4 - the above, plus 4 pencils, small ruler, eraser, glue stick)
- plastic pocket with zipper, slightly bigger than A4 size (for the reading book they bring home each night)
- library bag, clothe bag with strap, slightly bigger than A4 size, use once per week for library books. (also available from school)
So you can see that their bag aren't that heavy. But I did buy their school bags in HK - because more choice and prettier.

Sorry about the detailed description of their bag. I hope the above info helps.
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-31 08:36


Thank you very much for your details information.  You are really very nice!


作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-1-31 12:02

Maybe your little girl is worried about leaving her friends behind.

Lots of luck with your move. Feel free to talk even if it is just to voice your worries. I am sure there are a lot of mums on here who are happy to help or just to listen (me included ).
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-1-31 12:35


Thanks again  
作者: jeannedarc    時間: 08-1-31 13:19


澳洲小學唔會有太多學習壓力俾小朋友, 返小學係好活動教學, 好自由, 唔洗點做功課的~ 學校有好多玩具, 小朋友可以在課室玩, 所以唔好太過擔心啦! 你的女女一定會喜歡在澳洲生活的呢~:loveliness:
作者: matthewdad    時間: 08-1-31 13:58

I prefer northern art of Syney as it is less complicated. James Ruse and King's if you live in Epping or Carliford area. Plyble girls if you live near Chatwood and Pymble area.
Sydney grammer school is good but difficult to get a seat.

Life in Sydney is great and Good Luck !

原文章由 jeannedarc 於 08-1-31 13:19 發表

澳洲小學唔會有太多學習壓力俾小朋友, 返小學係好活動教學, 好自由, 唔洗點做功課的~ 學校有好多玩具, 小朋友可以在課室玩, 所以唔好太過擔心啦! 你的女女一定會喜歡在澳洲生活的呢~:loveliness: ...

作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-1-31 23:13

sbandliz & jeannedarc

Thanks for your very usefull informations.


No worry too much. Everyone in Sydney is very nice and helpfull. They are willing to help you. Which area are you going to live?

Did you join「澳航移民優惠計劃」?
1.  免費額外行李超重優惠*


[ 本文章最後由 ttmum000 於 08-2-2 01:36 編輯 ]
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-2-4 15:18

jeannedarc, matthewdad,



作者: IwanMum    時間: 08-2-24 02:10

Dear all,

My family will move to Sydney in Sep 08 and looking for a preschool for my 5 year olds boy, We will live in Balkham hill / western subrub, any school recommendation???
Many thx!
作者: ngmammy    時間: 08-2-25 13:33


Hi, if you are decided to come, make sure that you will bring your daughter's Vaccin record (打針card) with you.  Then you will need to go to the local doctor here to cross-check and make sure your daughter had all the vaccin taken as according to Aussie's standard.

In my daughter's case, she came at the age of 5 and need to take extra 3 needles before going to public primary school.

原文章由 vanessamom 於 08-2-4 15:18 發表
jeannedarc, matthewdad,




作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-2-25 17:27


Ths very much for your useful information
作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-2-27 00:00

Thanks! I almost forget about 打針card.

原文章由 ngmammy 於 08-2-25 13:33 發表

Hi, if you are decided to come, make sure that you will bring your daughter's Vaccin record (打針card) with you.  Then you will need to go to the local doctor here to cross-check and make ...

作者: ngmammy    時間: 08-2-27 07:41

You are welcome. Glad I could help.


原文章由 ttmum000 於 08-2-27 00:00 發表
Thanks! I almost forget about 打針card.

作者: F.Forest    時間: 08-3-20 10:59

If your son has turned 5 in Sept 08, he needs to go to kindergarden (i.e public school) and after a year, he starts his year 1. You can go to NSW education website and get a prelimary idea of schools within Hill District. Hopes this help.

原文章由 IwanMum 於 08-2-24 02:10 發表
Dear all,

My family will move to Sydney in Sep 08 and looking for a preschool for my 5 year olds boy, We will live in Balkham hill / western subrub, any school recommendation???
Many thx!

作者: jane9898    時間: 08-4-7 14:05

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-4-24 10:41

hi, sbandliz

I still stuck on choosing the primary school, after checked the website you provided, I know there are totally 3 public primary school near our house, but the point is how can I know which one is the best?  We try to ask our friends but they have no idea as they are not living in the same area, also, their kids are only in kindergarten now.

I know there have some selective schools for high school in au, can you give me some advise how can I get a seat for my daughter several years later (I assume she may go to Year 2 when she go to au).  Any kinds of primary school can have the opportunity to go into selective schools just depends on the good school report?  Or need to do something prepared to go into selective schools?

sorry for asking too many questions, but it really make me worry sooo much!

原文章由 sbandliz 於 08-1-29 20:10 發表
Welcome to Sydney.

A useful weblink is: http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/learning/k_6/index.php

This link is the Kindergarten to Year 6 learning areas for schools in NSW Australia from the Board of Stu ...

作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-4-26 01:31

It is hard to say which school is best unless you talk to other Mums in the area and visit each school individually.

For selective high school - kids will sit for a special test during March in Year 6, their score at this test will determine whether they can get into the selective high school of your choice. The school will provide more information to you in Year 5 & Year 6.

Sorry that I can't be of more help - my oldest is only in Year 4 this year.
作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-4-26 01:34

原文章由 jane9898 於 08-4-7 14:05 發表
1)生於NOV2004, 是否FEB 2010讀小一?


Yes, Nov 2004 baby will start Year 1 in Jan / Feb 2010.
作者: bigbigmother    時間: 08-4-28 15:23     標題: 回覆 #2 sbandliz 的文章

Dear sbandiz,

Hi may I know where you live? I will immigrate to Epping in July.  Hope that we will keep contact in this web. We will have more support!

Thank you.

作者: vanessamom    時間: 08-4-29 08:23

hi, sbandliz


原文章由 sbandliz 於 08-4-26 01:31 發表
It is hard to say which school is best unless you talk to other Mums in the area and visit each school individually.

For selective high school - kids will sit for a special test during March in Year ...

作者: EliasDaddy    時間: 08-5-19 22:18


I am also migrating to Sydney Sept 08. I will go there to look for a job and prepare everything before my wife and son to come. My son is P.3 in HK.
Does anyone know a place called "Kogarah"? Is it good and safe? Because I will stay there!
作者: Szebaba    時間: 08-5-20 01:58

我大舅一家連二子一女住係澳洲Crestwood,讀緊小二至中學, 另舅母在當地開辦了兩間英文補習教室  ,是 franchised 形式, 像香港的 Kumon 那些, 等我叫佢睇下呢個post, 睇下可否幫到你地o拉!
作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-5-20 23:49

I am coming to Sydney next month. May I know something about the school uniform please? Do I need to buy the school bag from the school?

作者: chansm8    時間: 08-5-25 10:29

我剛從MEL回來,看過一些小學, 他們的教學方法同香港完全不同,小學低年班不用書,每天只是玩,做手工,去動物園,公園等,有些學校有少許普通話班,但太早去澳洲讀書,我怕他們將來不懂看中文.
作者: Mrs.Kangaroo    時間: 08-5-25 21:00

I personally like Kogarah, quite nice area.  It is one of the suburbs my partner and I are thinking to move to later this year.

原文章由 EliasDaddy 於 08-5-19 22:18 發表


I am also migrating to Sydney Sept 08. I will go there to look for a job and prepare everything before my wife and son to come. My son is P.3 in HK.
Does anyone know a place called "Ko ...

作者: EliasDaddy    時間: 08-5-29 18:35

Thanks! Mrs. Kangaroo,
Is it easy to find a flat in Kogarah? Do you know the rent now? How about primary school for 9 years old (July 08)?
作者: bigbigmother    時間: 08-6-4 14:07     標題: 回覆 #1 EliasDaddy 的文章

Dear Eliasdaddy,

If you would like to know the rent of a place, you may try to look at the website as following: http://realestate.com.au  . then you type in the name of the city, you will see the properties in that area. By the way, my son is also in Primary 3 in HK, he will study in Primary 4 last term in Australia which starts in the end of July. He will study in Beecroft Primary School there.

Have a smooth move!

作者: bigbigmother    時間: 08-6-4 14:12     標題: 回覆 #5 ttmum000 的文章

Dear ttmum000,

you can buy the school uniform in the school. however for the school bag you can bring from HK. Me too!  In addition, as I know how the uniform of my son look like, so I buy them from Hong Kong too!

作者: ttmum000    時間: 08-6-11 01:49


Thanks! I think I will bring socks, black & white shoes and the school bag.

原文章由 bigbigmother 於 08-6-4 14:12 發表
Dear ttmum000,

you can buy the school uniform in the school. however for the school bag you can bring from HK. Me too!  In addition, as I know how the uniform of my son look like, so I buy them from  ...

作者: Elise@Sydney    時間: 08-6-16 15:40

Thank you Szebaba for referring me to this forum (8 May 08). (This is my first time posting a message in this forum. I found  that some words are connected together when I previewed the passage. I hope it will be fine when it is published and you will not have much difficulties in reading it.  Sorry!)

I have been in Sydney for 6 years – not too long indeed. I am more thanhappy to share my experience with the parents here and hope the informationprovided below will be of help to you.

(1) Primary education here is free of pressure andfull of fun. For public schools, it doesn’t really make big difference to which schools to be attended. Once you live in the “boundary” of a school, the schoolis bound to take your kids no matter how full they are. That’s why some parentspurposely move to those “good” areas in order to go into the “good” schools.Those good areas are normally the higher income areas. I am more familiar withthe Hills District, North-West part of Sydney. This is the area I settled since moving to Sydney partly because of the “good schools” around.

(2) When we say a public primary school is good, itis normally is determined by words of mouth, the availability of “outstanding class” (OC) in year 5 and entry rate to “selective high school”. Students haveto take highly competitive examinations in order to get into OC and SelectiveHigh. The main objective of these examinations are to identify those gifted andtalented kids and provide them different curriculum (or higher level work) inorder to further bring their potentials out.
They are on voluntarily basis. Most of parents here (I mean the Aussie parents) actually are not care about these examinations and their children willjust move up from the main stream / public schools.

Kids takingthese examinations are largely from Asian (particularly Chinese & Indian)families and they usually take a lot of after-school tuition classes in orderto prepare for those examinations. If you stay closer to Chinese communitieshere, you will feel the same “pressure” like that in HK – my kids should go tocoaching schools. It will be too much if I go on to explain. Afterall, yourkids are still young and you still have plenty of time to understand theeducation system here.

(3) For private schools, they are broadly dividedinto Christian/Catholic schools and other non-religious ones. School tuitionfees range from A$2,500 to A$20,000, not including uniform, excursion, specialevents etc. People like to send the kids to these schools mainly because oftheir reputation of strict disciple and better school resources (of course youpay them). Some private schools also perform very well in academic area. Theyhave a higher level of demand on students’ academic performance and school tests/examinationsare round the year even at primary grades. You don’t need to be aChristian/Catholic in order to get into these religious private schools as mostof them will reserve a certain quota for non-Christian families. However,without doubt, you will have much higher chance if you are of the samereligious background as the school.

(4) For non-English speaking background students,schools provide “English as Second Language” (ESL) program for students whose Englishlevel is not adequate to catch up in the class. Some schools run ESL atkindergarten but some provide the program for year 1 and above students.
While teachers will tell you whether you kidsare required to be put into ESL program, I would suggest you to keep closecontact with the class teachers (don’t be afraid to ask) about your kids’performance and request for ESL program if you notice that your kids arestruggling hard with English.

(5) Our kids come from a Chinese background, wherelanguage is captured by depending on cues, recall, and memory dependentassociations. Learning to read English, however, is very different.Essentially, it is about processing sequence of sound and letters.
We reckon that some kids do need extra helpin learning English from outside schools. The English learning centers, named“I Can Read”,
I am working at provideprograms on reading, writing, oral presentation etc. They are developed by 2Australian Education Psychologists, approved by the Ministry of Education in
Singapore and taught in 7 countries. The programs are not onlyfor non-English speaking students. Actually, at the I Can Read centers in Sydney , a lot of students come from Aussie families, whosefirst language is English. Most of them do not have learning difficulties butfor various reasons are behind the required standard at schools. I witnessedthe great improvement these kids have made after learning with the programmes.If you wish to have more information about the I Can Read, please see www.icanreadsystem.com .

That’s all the information I can think of at thismoment. Please feel free to ask if you need further information on the above. I will tell you as much as I know.
作者: F.Forest    時間: 08-6-20 09:27     標題: 回覆 #47 Elise@Sydney 的文章

Thanks very much Elise. The info are really helpful to us.

Do all the public schools have the OC? Do kids take the OC exams in year 4? Once kids entered in OC, does it means for both year 5 & 6?

How old are your kids? In primary school around the Hills District? So where do you live?
作者: Elise@Sydney    時間: 08-6-25 15:45

Hi F Forest,

Not all public schools have OC. This webpage give full info on OC at NSW  http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/le ... nts/ocplacement.php

OC is a 2-year programme for year 5 & 6. To get into OC, the kids have to take an OC placement test which are open toYear 4 students. Schools will announce, normally in May, when applications for OC test are invited. The test will take place in Juy and result will come out in November. This is a very competitive exercise. Apart from test results, academic performance and schools' recommendations are also taken into account. It is always said that the OC placement test is very difficult. A lot of coaching schools out there provide programmes/trial tests of OC and a lot of non-English speaking kids are sent there in order to prepare for the OC test. 2007 OC placement result showed that 42% of students accepted for OC were from non-English speaking background.

I have 3 kids of age 15, 12 and 7. We live in Baulkham Hills and my kids all go to Crestwood schools. Crestwood Public School is quite a good primary school though it doesn't have OC. Crestwood High School is not too bad though quite some parents from Crestwood primary will put their kids in private high schools.

In my area, Matthew Pearce Pub School (just a few minutes from Crestwood) has OC. It is a big size school with nearly 900 students (Crestwood has about 600 students). Not surprisingly, from what I have said above, you will see a lot of Asian faces in this school.

Feel free to write to me if you have any more questions.
作者: Peninsula    時間: 08-8-28 22:32

原帖由 sbandliz 於 08-4-26 01:31 發表
It is hard to say which school is best unless you talk to other Mums in the area and visit each school individually.

For selective high school - kids will sit for a special test during March in Year ...

Hello Sbandliz,


作者: sbandliz    時間: 08-9-1 15:21

原帖由 Peninsula 於 08-8-28 22:32 發表
Hello Sbandliz,
你好!我一家移民到Sydney大約幾個月,而家住在Ryde,想請問Ryde附近有無边幾間比較出名嘅小學,我個仔而家兩歲,只係喺度番Gymbaroo的playgroup,對依度小學嘅認識真係好小,边間好校風都唔知,我淨係知 ...


Try asking at: 澳洲媽媽會
There are a couple of mums who is living in Eastwood / Epping / Carlingford.

My kids goes to Denistone East, and I have friends who have kids at St Kevin, St Michael, Ermington, and Melrose Park. They are all happy with their school. Though I have observed that Chinese & Korean parents tend to like Eastwood Public School & Denistone East Public School. Also, another mum in BK has choosen Beecroft Public School.

I hadn't heard anything bad about any of the schools above.

Hope this helps.

作者: Peninsula    時間: 08-9-1 20:42

Hello sbandliz,

Thanks for spending time to reply my mail, I will try to search for those schools later on, or I may ring those schools and schedule for a school tour.

Thanks for the link(澳洲媽媽會) that you have sent me, it is very useful...I have already post one question there regarding about the school.

Do you enjoy living here in Sydney? For me, I am quite enjoy living here, but one thing bothers me .....is hard to get a full time maid...unlike in HK, always have a 24hours stand by which make things much easier!
I think here to hire a maid way too expensive, luckily I have my mother-in-law, father-in-law and my husband to help.
When my son first came here he was 14months old, that was the first time I took care of him by myself without the maid...I felt very challenging at that time coz I guess I didn't know how to manage the daily routine, didn't get enough rest, didn't even know how to ask for help! I was very depressed at that time.

When my son grow older (new montn 2yr old),I feel better coz he is easier to manage, actually my son is in HK at the moment, I will bring him back to Sydney in mid Nov, I will try to put him in day care so that I can squeeze some free time out. He is a shy boy(好痴身), like a piece of sticky rice!
Putting him in day care, I hope this will make him to be a bit more independant.

Nice to chat with you! Keep in Touch!


原帖由 sbandliz 於 08-9-1 15:21 發表


Try asking at: 澳洲媽媽會
There are a couple of mums who is living in Eastwood / Epping / Carlingford.

My kids goes to Denistone Ea ...

[ 本帖最後由 Peninsula 於 08-9-1 20:44 編輯 ]

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