
標題: st.cat ~創價~鑽石山靈糧點揀 [打印本頁]

作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-4 00:16     標題: st.cat ~創價~鑽石山靈糧點揀

thank you!
作者: SCKnight    時間: 08-12-4 02:24

英文好—St Cat
作者: dingdingbb    時間: 08-12-4 10:13

作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-4 13:48

作者: kakatam    時間: 08-12-4 15:43

hello Kitty,
恭喜晒, 3間都收!!
個個都爭要入st.cat, 但係講番得開心絕對係創價1st choice. 因為我有個大女係樂基讀nursart, 之後到st.cat讀k1-k2之後轉左番樂基讀k3, 呢家係女拔讀p1.,細女係創價讀緊k1.
我之前都係有d "羊群"心態, 就幫大女考st.cat. 考到好開心呀...但係, 我大女番學並唔係話番得甘開心. 英文程度比起黎係深d, 但係, 一樣要concern學習環景同氣氛.
加上, k1時她是讀am班, 放左學我帶她去學畫畫同phonics. 其實, 入得st.cat, 預左係同學間,家長們間會有d壓力....或許我大女比教早熟, 那時她已經時常同我講, 番學番得好唔開心...>.< 到左k2, 要改番pm班. 課外活動試過改上晝給她, 但好像有d"次序調亂"的感覺...加上...番晏晝之後, 我發覺大女的變得更加唔多鍾意番學!! 做mommy的, 心痛死呀!!! 經我老公觀察同傾過之後(我老公係心理學的professional), 發覺, 大女好鍾意番樂基, 一個k1到st.cat後, 所有都唔同左..老師呀, 同學呀..學習環景同模式都唔同左. 小朋友自己產生左無明點恐懼感...幸好是有得在放學後有點課外活動玩下; 但一到k2, 時間的倒轉令小朋友要重新適應, 她慣左有午睡..慣左番學後有activities..加上學習上有d改變, 有功課etc...在之前的恐懼+重新適應...令她不再喜歡番st.cat....我沒有幫大女投考cckg, 因為...我唔想迫小朋友了...于是, 為免令她厭惡番學, 我最後同我老公寫信重考樂基......可幸, 可以見她笑住番學...在家自動自覺做homeworks...唱歌..教細妹....因k3番樂基的am班, 所以...課外活動番番黎....大女的學習能力同results都比之前好左好多...更考入了女拔讀p1. 感謝主!!!! 我真怕我以為對的路係會令改變左大女的一生......

之後, 我聽朋友說, 創價好好...我不敢"羊群"心態了....
幫細女考了樂基同創價. =)
考樂基時, 細女扭計呀..哈哈...唔收!!!
考創價, 細女好合作, 但都係收左pm斑呢!!
她讀左幾個月, 我可以好肯定, 沒有揀錯....因為我細女比較文靜, 但, 她日日都同我講好鍾意番學. 她自己都話d老師同嬸嬸好好人...=) 在我立場, 小朋友學習環景係好important!!!! 你放心, 我細女的英文水評都唔差的. 其實, 呢間真係1間唔錯的學校, 只係, 在這區..某幾間出名的kindergartens太出名了....可能會令自己忽略左還有好的可以選摘!!!

至于靈量, 我就幫不到你了....

我講左自己的大女同細女的經歷, 希望可以幫到你
作者: maggiewawa    時間: 08-12-4 16:02

Thanks for your valuable opinion.

My girl is accepted by St Cat. and Soka pm class.

I am thinking of which one should choose.  SC is good at teaching English, however, the campus (Nolfolk) is old, untidy and dark.  The steps in the school are too high for small kids and so may cause accidents.  The teachers seems not as friendly as Soka's.

While my girl says she loves Soka (cause she played for an hr at school on the interview day).  Hus and I also prefer Soka's env. , teachers are friendly, classrooms are bright and tidy.

So I am headache of choosing between 2 cause i really want my girl to have good English.  

Do you know whether there is an Eng lesson (by Native Eng teachers)everyday at Soka?  Do they teach Phonics at K1?

About the class size, both schools are more of less the same (about 30 in one class)?
原帖由 kakatam 於 08-12-4 15:43 發表
hello Kitty,
恭喜晒, 3間都收!!
個個都爭要入st.cat, 但係講番得開心絕對係創價1st choice. 因為我有個大女係樂基讀nursart, 之後到st.cat讀k1-k2之後轉左番樂基讀k3, 呢家係女拔讀p1.,細女係創價讀緊k1.
我之前都 ...

作者: muichujamie    時間: 08-12-4 16:07

我個女日日返學都好開心架, 佢又肯自動自覺做功課同埋睇書。

原帖由 kakatam 於 08-12-4 15:43 發表
hello Kitty,
恭喜晒, 3間都收!!
個個都爭要入st.cat, 但係講番得開心絕對係創價1st choice. 因為我有個大女係樂基讀nursart, 之後到st.cat讀k1-k2之後轉左番樂基讀k3, 呢家係女拔讀p1.,細女係創價讀緊k1.
我之前都 ...

作者: muichujamie    時間: 08-12-4 16:21

If you want to have good english environment, then SC should be your 1st choice.
But if you want to have balance development and happy learning environment, then Soka is quite suitable. There are 2 native teachers in Soka. K1 students have 3 eng lessons per week(K2 - 4 lessons/week). They start phonics at K1.
For my daughter, we used to communicate in Cantonese at home, so her english standard is bad. But after 3 mths in Soka, her eng has improved, at least she knows more simple words in english. Her pronunciation is getting better. I am quite satisfied with this as I can see and hear the difference after 3 mths. To me, I don't expect her to be very good in English. I want her to be happy and love going to school. So, Soka is already good enough for me and her.

原帖由 maggiewawa 於 08-12-4 16:02 發表
Thanks for your valuable opinion.

My girl is accepted by St Cat. and Soka pm class.

I am thinking of which one should choose.  SC is good at teaching English, however, the campus (Nolfolk) is old, u ...

[ 本帖最後由 muichujamie 於 08-12-4 17:18 編輯 ]
作者: maggiewawa    時間: 08-12-4 16:30

IC.  But since Soka has native teachers there, why the Eng standard not comparable to St Cat?  Is it soley just because there is an Eng class at St Cat everday?

Why kids at Soka seems happier (what I learnt from BK)?
原帖由 muichujamie 於 08-12-4 16:21 發表
If you want to have good english environment, then SC should be your 1st choice.
But if you want to have balance development and happy learning environment, then Soka is quite suitable. There are 2 n ...

作者: muichujamie    時間: 08-12-4 17:15

For Soka, the teaching medium is cantonese, except for the Eng lessons, so it's not an english environment school. Whereas SC uses eng as the teaching medium. So, the eng in SC should be better in terms of oral and listening.
Actually there are a lot of ways for your kid to learn more eng besides from the school, like you can let your kid attend some eng courses outside, speak with him/her in eng at home.
Yes, most of the kids in Soka are happy. I don't know why!? My daughter is very happy too! She likes going to school. She told me the teacher is nice and 好錫佢!
To me, what I like the most is the school environment, comfortable, clean and tidy! And of course I also like 主題教學 of this school.

原帖由 maggiewawa 於 08-12-4 16:30 發表
IC.  But since Soka has native teachers there, why the Eng standard not comparable to St Cat?  Is it soley just because there is an Eng class at St Cat everday?

Why kids at Soka seems happier (what I ...

作者: maggiewawa    時間: 08-12-4 17:19     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

Agreed.  Now as my girl was accepted to pm class, I would write to both schools for a change to am class and see which one replies ok.  So let god decides.
作者: Jen2008    時間: 08-12-5 06:37

You child is really smart.

I think all three are good schools.  Soka and Diamond Hill Ling Liang are also fun and caring schools.  Both have NET teachers.  I've tested the English of a recent Diamond Hill Ling Liang graduate.  The pronunciation is excellent.  She is now studying in DGJS too.

If you want your child to receive Christian education, Diamond Hill Ling Liang is a good choice.  If religious background is not that important to you, I would say Soka and Diamond Hill Ling Liang are both good.

原帖由 kitty23205 於 08-12-4 00:16 發表
thank you!

作者: kakatam    時間: 08-12-5 15:27

yes. totally agree with "muichujamie".
i can tell that, my little girl's Eng level now is as good as the level of her big sister's K1 level....the happy environment can let the explorer of the child's mind too!!!! dun ignore this point!!!! =)
作者: chloeau2002    時間: 08-12-6 21:41     標題: Soka ??????

My friend kid study in soka K1, but her kid said do not like to school, because the classteacher very terrible, my friend say with kid if teacher blame you just want you to be better, once day they need to dot exercise but her kid can't do it. Class teacher blame her kid again, starting this 1.5 mth her kid said he don't like the teacher and don't want to school, and her kid get a sick about 1 week and no go to school. but her class teacher is not call her. you feel this is normal or not.. I don't know my kid just take a 2 day leave the teacher should call me and you feel sincere.. So teachers attitude and sincere are very important .. I hope you God Bless You !
作者: CKAU06    時間: 08-12-6 22:34


原帖由 chloeau2002 於 08-12-6 21:41 發表

My friend kid study in soka K1, but her kid said do not like to school, because the classteacher very terrible, my friend say with kid if teacher blame you just want you to be bette ...

作者: stone940828    時間: 08-12-6 23:19


英文好 - st. cat
開心ge - 鑽石山靈糧 最後會揀 創價

原帖由 SCKnight 於 08-12-4 02:24 發表
英文好—St Cat

[ 本帖最後由 stone940828 於 08-12-6 23:33 編輯 ]
作者: michellehewitt    時間: 08-12-7 15:09

If your child three of the KG accept ,that mean yr little one very smart or so cute .Diamond hill 60/900 places.St Cat there are 700/3000.Soka I dont know la!!!Before I think that St.Cat is gd but now is easy to hav a place there.St Cat hav to pay $$$.Others two save more money and the child study there is almost happy.
作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-7 22:22

作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-7 22:25

thank you!
作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-7 22:29

作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-7 22:31

thank you!
作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-7 22:43

最近有媽咪話sc k1唔錯
作者: winnie-pooh    時間: 08-12-7 23:29

agree !

原帖由 stone940828 於 08-12-6 23:19 發表

英文好 - st. cat
開心ge - 鑽石山靈糧 最後會揀 創價

作者: chloeau2002    時間: 08-12-7 23:52     標題: about soka comment

no thank if my friend have any new progress I will thro here to share with you all for our reference, we just want to friend a care environment to our kids. I hope you are find the suitable and care kindgeraten
作者: Oscar媽    時間: 08-12-8 12:04

創價真係有 lee d 老師架 !!

我仔仔讀左 3 年我都唔覺老師會係這樣的 !!

原帖由 chloeau2002 於 08-12-6 21:41 發表

My friend kid study in soka K1, but her kid said do not like to school, because the classteacher very terrible, my friend say with kid if teacher blame you just want you to be bette ...

[ 本帖最後由 Oscar媽 於 08-12-8 12:06 編輯 ]
作者: dch_07    時間: 08-12-8 12:40

Kakatam:  創價is in Chinese right?  You have one older daughter for you to compare, I am worried if that school could provide sufficient English medium.  Although, I did hear good things about 創價also.  But I will definitely look further into it!
原帖由 kakatam 於 08-12-4 15:43 發表
hello Kitty,
恭喜晒, 3間都收!!
個個都爭要入st.cat, 但係講番得開心絕對係創價1st choice. 因為我有個大女係樂基讀nursart, 之後到st.cat讀k1-k2之後轉左番樂基讀k3, 呢家係女拔讀p1.,細女係創價讀緊k1.
我之前都 ...

作者: kakatam    時間: 08-12-8 14:41

我開頭講真, 真系為左sc係出名所以毅然幫我大女由hkps轉去sc.....以為決定冇錯...但係...估唔到....大女 番得好唔開心....我覺得sc學生真係多左d...變得crowded左...真係唔係teacher可以care到甘好...當年, 那位net都唔係d人講得甘好....好失望.....到了k2那年...net唔係成日係班....英文想學得好..唔係真係靠晒番學就得呀...所以....係邊間番都可以學好英文架!!!! 只要我地做家長可以同小朋友配合到....但係真係架...學習環境, 我肯定soka係好過st.c.....新好多...facilties新同多過sc...
我細女番soka真係番得好開心呀....日日都好happy....仲同我地講好鍾意番學....以前好shy架...番左學之後, 個人變得活潑好多...又自律....所以...對我來說環景因素係好important!!! 小朋友番得開心...學什麼都易吸收好多!!!! 對將來都有好處呢....
作者: alowe    時間: 08-12-8 23:52

Soka亦有好多學生去喇沙, 瑪利諾, 唔見得佢地差過人.

SC雖說係英文幼稚園, 但如果你小朋友唔係入番英文小學(全港好少英文小學)或國際學校, 學到嘅野好快無哂. 特別係好多野係塞入去而唔係小朋友自己嘅體會.

我好同意有d家長話, 小朋友父母悉心栽培先至係最重要. 學校尤其是幼稚園, 學科嘅灌輸唔係咁緊要, 反而培育佢地嘅德行, 同啟發佢地去學習, 先至係最緊要.
作者: chelsealam    時間: 08-12-9 11:08

大家好,我都係煩緊個仔入邊間.我老公 prefers Soka, 我自己就想 St. Catherine, 我地當然都想個仔讀得開心又學到野啦,不過我既擔心都係英文未如其他幼稚園,又覺得好似係人都覺得 St. Catherine 好好,傳統名校...起碼係個保證.

當然,唔代表 Soka 唔好,因為都有好多口碑.

作者: Pulmma    時間: 08-12-11 18:15

想英好好d 選york 啦!!! 佢地講英文的時間多d, sc 我唔覺得英文會特別好.

囡囡的好朋友係sc 讀, 好迫, 好多人一班, nat teacher 教英文, 每日得半個鐘(唔啱讀sc 的家長更正, 我係聽個朋友仔講)

只係想講, 我個朋友個囡囡一齊去考soka和sc, 當年我朋友個囡囡兩間都收, 選咗去sc, 但我就只係sc 收, soka reject.

結果, 我求位入到soka.  

三年後, 我朋友好後悔當年冇選soka

sc 學費貴.  

soka 學費平.

我將兩間學校的差額, 請了一個nat教我個囡三年, 成效好好多多多多多多
作者: mw7183    時間: 08-12-12 00:07

我諗你唔系太了解soka 了,10個小朋友對1個老師唔系間間都系都想15:1 ,同埋佢既視學報告有好高既評價,如果間學校/老師唔好我相信教育署既評價唔會咁好.你有時間不如去佢個wabsite睇睇先.另外唔讀既唔好去留位了,因為真系好多人想讀.比下機會果啲真系想小朋友入去讀既人.謝謝.
原帖由 chloeau2002 於 08-12-6 21:41 發表

My friend kid study in soka K1, but her kid said do not like to school, because the classteacher very terrible, my friend say with kid if teacher blame you just want you to be bette ...

作者: cheungmingwai    時間: 08-12-12 13:41

作者: fostermak    時間: 08-12-12 14:41




作者: eggmama    時間: 08-12-13 14:57

hi, would you mind telling us which class did your elder girl take in HKPS? PTH/ENG or anglo-chinese? Just want to know whether the international class would give pressure to kids.
原帖由 kakatam 於 08-12-5 15:27 發表
yes. totally agree with "muichujamie".
i can tell that, my little girl's Eng level now is as good as the level of her big sister's K1 level....the happy environment can let the explorer of the child's ...

作者: smalleatb    時間: 08-12-13 15:19

原帖由 Pulmma 於 08-12-11 18:15 發表
想英好好d 選york 啦!!! 佢地講英文的時間多d, sc 我唔覺得英文會特別好.

囡囡的好朋友係sc 讀, 好迫, 好多人一班, nat teacher 教英文, 每日得半個鐘(唔啱讀sc 的家長更正, 我係聽個朋友仔講)

只係想講, 我個朋 ...

你好呀, 請你請既nat teacher係唔係單對單架? 一個星期上幾多堂同幾多個鐘架?可唔可以比佢啲知料比我呀, 因我都想請, 唔該晒.
作者: michellehewitt    時間: 08-12-15 11:02

Infact st.cat accept my son in am class excess rd.My son is studying in PN Learning Habitat.Is diffcult to choose either one.Finally on13/12 I went to st.cat. I had seen a large playground and green field.All the equipment is almost new compare with the other campus.Honestly I ont like Norfolk Rd is very old. And Learning Habitat is a new kindergarten with native speaker stay in class for 3 hrs and hav putonghua/english class too.Is just like a copy cat of st.cat.Ah ya ya Headache!!!Almost the parent like st cat cos it is famous with gd reputation.
原帖由 kitty23205 於 08-12-7 22:29 發表

作者: Pulmma    時間: 08-12-15 12:36

原帖由 smalleatb 於 08-12-13 15:19 發表

你好呀, 請你請既nat teacher係唔係單對單架? 一個星期上幾多堂同幾多個鐘架?可唔可以比佢啲知料比我呀, 因我都想請, 唔該晒.

YES! $380/1.5hrs, 1對1, 係個miss 屋苑的club house, 兒童playground 度上課, 英國人, 但係前年返返去英國了lu.

一星期上2堂. $3000/1month左右.

sc學費$3xxx. 唔記得有冇雜費.
soka 學費$1xxx, 冇雜費. 校服又平d, 又包埋afternoon tea.

就算當年我選sc, or soka 唔收, e 筆英文課, 我都take 硬, 所以我好開心當年死求都求入soka.

另外羅福道個間sc 雖然舊d, 但係我聽入咗sc 的朋友仔講, 細個間的老師好d~~~~唔知e+ 係咪咁

[ 本帖最後由 Pulmma 於 08-12-15 12:41 編輯 ]
作者: Pulmma    時間: 08-12-15 12:39


你可以search 下hku, 有好多外國交流生揾part time tutor 咖, 仲會平d, 如果你只係想揾個miss/sir 同小朋友用多d 英文傾下計, 講下故仔, 唔係好特別要教grammer (咁細, 唔知點教grammer) 我覺得個d hku 的交流生係唔錯的選擇啊.
作者: kitty23205    時間: 08-12-15 14:25

作者: smalleatb    時間: 08-12-15 21:34

原帖由 Pulmma 於 08-12-15 12:39 發表

你可以search 下hku, 有好多外國交流生揾part time tutor 咖, 仲會平d, 如果你只係想揾個miss/sir 同小朋友用多d 英文傾下計, 講下故仔, 唔係好特別要教grammer (咁細, 唔知點教grammer) 我覺得個d hku 的交 ...

Pulmma :
唔該晒你呀, 你答得好詳盡呀

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