
標題: 培正同根德園你地會入邊間?? [打印本頁]

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-10 13:10     標題: 培正同根德園你地會入邊間??


[ 本帖最後由 cy36baby 於 09-1-10 13:31 編輯 ]
作者: iantsang    時間: 09-1-10 14:51

Hi, I am also in same situation!  

Would like to hear some comments to compare the two also!  Although I know they are totally different.  It's more how to compare the future path.
作者: yyqueen    時間: 09-1-10 15:41

係囉, 我都煩緊e個問題, 我個個都係仔仔, 好好彩兩間都收左... 但係就諗緊入邊間好... 因為兩間都係好好嘅學校, 各有長處... 好煩惱...
作者: cecimelody    時間: 09-1-10 20:42

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-10 21:31

My wife prefer KV but I prefer PC:

My point is
1.PC is Dragon

2.If choose KV, once fail to got one good primary school than will regret

3. Even PC is Chinese school, but I think it is not a brand 3/4 Chinese school, it is brand 1 and famous Chinese school
作者: wincyho56    時間: 09-1-10 21:48

My girl accepted by St. Cat only and rejected by PC adn KV. If accepted by both, I absolutely prefer to choose PC coz is dragon. KV not grantee accept a good primary school. Right?
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-10 22:18

原帖由 wincyho56 於 09-1-10 21:48 發表
My girl accepted by St. Cat only and rejected by PC adn KV. If accepted by both, I absolutely prefer to choose PC coz is dragon. KV not grantee accept a good primary school. Right?

Yes..this is the what I most concern...KV grad. from K3 around 6xx plus other K...than we all know that those famous primary school need to cut the study quota..that mean the competitive become higher and higher...V_V
作者: BH_2    時間: 09-1-10 22:57

我2間都冇報. 不過如果如樓主的情形, 我會選kv.  

正如大家都同意, 培正是中上. ,但一入讀培正, 小學相信不會轉出來試其它的. 就算想試, 亦未必有好大的優勢 (因培正幼稚園聽在讀的家長說是較淺..)

我覺得幼稚園已選一條龍只可以避免左以後考小學的煩惱, 不過小朋友仲細,  如果他個人好合適kv  的教法,  各方面都好好, 或者到時可以考取一間比培正更好的呢, 所以我暫不會偏向選一條龍的幼稚園 (除非是女生, 入讀 st. paul 個d又唔同..)
作者: iantsang    時間: 09-1-10 23:03

Ever consider both the same time?  

In my case it is actually possible.  Pui Ching accepts AM and Kentville PM.  
作者: bol    時間: 09-1-10 23:05

pc收左亞仔pm class.
我同想法一樣, 之前諗過如果pc reject or waiting. 我要讀其他kinder even佢係好出名, 但亦要有好profile先可以係k1同其他人競爭, 因為我地06同07都係出生高.
即係你要俾佢學好多有cert 同埋可以出賽o既crouse俾佢. 已經話依幾年預左唔出去旅行同埋亞仔要辛苦d.

pc可以一條龍同埋將來佢出去考其他英中學校, 其實pc仔都唔差.


原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-10 21:31 發表
My wife prefer KV but I prefer PC:

My point is
1.PC is Dragon

2.If choose KV, once fail to got one good primary school than will regret

3. Even PC is Chinese school, but I think it is not a brand  ...

作者: bol    時間: 09-1-10 23:09

agree, 家下收左PM鬆哂.可以多番d錢用..同埋亞仔唔使密集O既crouse.其實係咪am都冇所謂, 反正k2一定上午, k3 下午.

原帖由 cecimelody 於 09-1-10 20:42 發表
我見好多朋友為考小學而奔波煩惱,之前又要谷d小朋友學好多野去砌靚個portfolio,諗起都怕怕...所以我多數會揀培正...其實,好睇你想要d乜,如果想你仔仔考入再勁d既學校,好似DBS,LS等,咁梗係揀kv啦...但對我地黎講,一間 ...

[ 本帖最後由 bol 於 09-1-10 23:10 編輯 ]
作者: pamelaywy    時間: 09-1-10 23:21

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-10 13:10 發表

兩年前我有相同的煩惱, 結果我選了pc. 絕對沒有後悔這個選擇
作者: yyqueen    時間: 09-1-11 01:27

咁又係... 其實我老公好鍾意培正, 覺得佢校風出名好, 所以佢知道阿仔被取錄後好開心, 我當然都開心, 畢竟培正係一間出名的好學校而且好多人爭... 唯一有少少擔心就係英文e個問題... 但係你講得好啱, 老實講, 我個人係緊張大師黎, e家阿仔in k1我都嚇餐死, 如果仲要我到k3時再要咁樣頻頻樸樸去in小學, 我諗我都未必頂得順個份壓力, 分分鐘仲會影響埋阿仔添... 都係嘅, 其實入到一間中上的學校已經好開心, 最緊要係個小朋友一路成長, 唔好學壞... 多謝晒你嘅意見, 我諗我都會揀培正多... heehee

原帖由 cecimelody 於 09-1-10 20:42 發表
我見好多朋友為考小學而奔波煩惱,之前又要谷d小朋友學好多野去砌靚個portfolio,諗起都怕怕...所以我多數會揀培正...其實,好睇你想要d乜,如果想你仔仔考入再勁d既學校,好似DBS,LS等,咁梗係揀kv啦...但對我地黎講,一間 ...

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-11 10:07

原帖由 pamelaywy 於 09-1-10 23:21 發表

兩年前我有相同的煩惱, 結果我選了pc. 絕對沒有後悔這個選擇

作者: pamelaywy    時間: 09-1-11 10:37

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-11 10:07 發表


作者: lcyaa    時間: 09-1-11 14:23

My son is studying in Pui Ching P.3. Although his English is not as good as those study in English Sch, he studied very happily there and had a lot of friends who knew each other starting from Kinder life and had no problem adapting to primary school life. Many of his friends' sisters and brothers are also studying in PC, thus we knew that the syallbles had been improved a lot and not as easier as before for the kinder student now. Some of my son ex-classmates in kinder can get into St. Paul, Lasalle...etc famous school as well even most of them chose to stay in PC. My girl is now admitted to K1 AM class too and I will let her study there. She is also placed in KV waiting list, but we will not choose KV as some of my friends' kid studied there couldn't get in into very gd sch after graduation. Also, KV is also traditional chinese sch similar and might not have advantages if we want our kids to get in to English Primary School.

[ 本帖最後由 lcyaa 於 09-1-11 14:24 編輯 ]
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-11 15:33

原帖由 lcyaa 於 09-1-11 14:23 發表
My son is studying in Pui Ching P.3. Although his English is not as good as those study in English Sch, he studied very happily there and had a lot of friends who knew each other starting from Kinder  ...

多謝你的意見, 我都其實好concern 讀完KV考唔到好小學會點.因為我地冇家底...唔可以比囝囝去國際學校..再加上因為我住沙田區...如果大抽獎唔會太多好學校選(至小同培正同級)....所以我都另要一個較大保險的選擇....培正.
作者: cecimelody    時間: 09-1-11 15:58


原帖由 yyqueen 於 09-1-11 01:27 發表
咁又係... 其實我老公好鍾意培正, 覺得佢校風出名好, 所以佢知道阿仔被取錄後好開心, 我當然都開心, 畢竟培正係一間出名的好學校而且好多人爭... 唯一有少少擔心就係英文e個問題... 但係你講得好啱, 老實講, 我個人 ...

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-11 16:02

我想問培正中, 小學係咪用英文課本中文授課?
作者: lcyaa    時間: 09-1-11 16:17

It's a Chinese School, all books for primary school except English is using Chinese book. However, I know the English standard of Pui Ching Secondary Sch is good as they are studying syallbus b with very high passing rate
作者: heidy4ever    時間: 09-1-11 17:23

According to my own research, Pui Ching Secondary School's ranking is within top 20 among all the Secondary school in HK. At the beginning I worried that it is a "Chinese School " which may lead to a lower standard in English as well as the cause of weakness in related subjects while attending universities overseas. However, I found that their English passing rates and the rate of getting A's in English is quite satisfactory. And also, I just realized that the secondary school is using english books for the remaining subjects even though they are labelled as "Chinese School" only that the teaching language is Chinese which actually is as same as those "English School".
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-11 23:56

原帖由 heidy4ever 於 09-1-11 17:23 發表
According to my own research, Pui Ching Secondary School's ranking is within top 20 among all the Secondary school in HK. At the beginning I worried that it is a "Chinese School " which may lead to a  ...

Thanks for your information!
作者: marcusmom    時間: 09-1-12 08:57


作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-12 11:00

我又想問培小教科書(除英文科)應該用中文書, 但其他所謂"英文小學"又係咪用晒英文書呢? 我記得以前我讀小學用中文書, 但又唔係中文小學喎!

原帖由 marcusmom 於 09-1-12 08:57 發表


作者: BigBoyMaMa    時間: 09-1-12 17:07

去年我也有同一煩惱 (choose between PC, KV and St. Cat)。最終選擇了KV。經過差不多一個學期的上課和看見他的進步,我絕對沒有後悔當時的決定。作為父母,自己最清楚小朋友的能力。(小兒的學習能力比我預期高) 我不想太早左右他在學習上的能力。

PC無疑是一間好學校, 尤其學生們的品德 (我以前是住近pc,很喜歡他們的學生,包括小學及中學)。而pc以前其實也是我的dream school。但當了解了小兒的能力后,很想給他多些選擇。

原帖由 BH_2 於 09-1-10 22:57 發表

我覺得幼稚園已選一條龍只可以避免左以後考小學的煩惱, 不過小朋友仲細,  如果他個人好合適kv  的教法,  各方面都好好, 或者到時可以考取一間比培正更好的呢, 所以我暫不會偏向選一條龍的幼稚園 (除非是女生, 入讀 st. paul 個d又唔同..)

作者: sallyfung001    時間: 09-1-12 19:31

There is no English Syllabus B in HKCEE anymore !

原帖由 lcyaa 於 09-1-11 16:17 發表
It's a Chinese School, all books for primary school except English is using Chinese book. However, I know the English standard of Pui Ching Secondary Sch is good as they are studying syallbus b with v ...

作者: Pkceddie    時間: 09-1-13 01:18

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-10 13:10 發表

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-13 10:11

作者: 靚媽唔易做    時間: 09-1-13 10:45

我會揀kv, 因為;

1.  kv出名深, 中數強, 比阿女打好個底上小 一唔使咁辛苦, 如中數真係ok, 我只需要花錢幫佢補英文同習其它興趣班, 唔使樣樣都唔到岸咁, 而pc既kinder課程同一般學卷幼稚園一樣較淺.

2.  kv都出名操行, 我諗唔會比pc差

3.  小學都會揀返津校/直資, 而kv個名夠響, 萬一派唔到心儀, 去叩門應該都會容易d

4.  唔太鐘意pc校舍, 太近d煩忙馬路, 空氣可能會差d

5.  kv有自己既校車, 感覺幾有系統

6.  之前有個topic話如揀得pc, 到揀小學, 第一輪都可以參加下攪珠, 但第2輪就要揀返pc小學, 唔係到時無心儀學收, 連pc都無埋.......所以我覺得除非自己想入pc小學, 唔係要諗清楚

7.  睇返自己個女, 感覺佢既性格同學習資質都幾岩kv, 所以想比佢試d深既野, 到上小學大家都唔使咁辛苦..........呢樣野我覺得好重要, 因最清楚子女既性格係父母, 千祈唔好揀一間人人都話好但完全唔岩個小朋友讀既kinder, 因可能會有反效果的
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-13 12:10

原帖由 靚媽唔易做 於 09-1-13 10:45 發表
我會揀kv, 因為;

1.  kv出名深, 中數強, 比阿女打好個底上小 一唔使咁辛苦, 如中數真係ok, 我只需要花錢幫佢補英文同習其它興趣班, 唔使樣樣都唔到岸咁, 而pc既kinder課程同一般學卷幼稚園一樣較淺.

2.  kv都出名 ...

其實我都覺KV唔錯..但考慮各點後...都係覺PC會較合適囝囝同我地家庭背景....唔該晒你個分析 ^^

作者: 靚媽唔易做    時間: 09-1-13 12:31

pc唔收, 但唔係因為佢唔收我先咁講, 其實當初我報佢同民生係貪佢夠老字號, 將來要去叩門人地都起碼知呢2間係咩kinder........一直以黎kv先係我first choice, 所以當kv收咗後我想唔去pc in的, 但老公又話既然報咗同pc都ok咪去吓囉, 所以我都有帶阿女去in, 但in後都放埋一邊, 無心急過等結果.......又或者佢好多人報但學位太少, 阿女又自己入去in, 你跟本唔知佢到底有無chance, 入到都係好彩.

anyway, 既然你覺得pc適合你仔仔多d就唔好諗咁多, 叠埋心水讀啦, 哈~
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-13 12:59

原帖由 靚媽唔易做 於 09-1-13 12:31 發表
pc唔收, 但唔係因為佢唔收我先咁講, 其實當初我報佢同民生係貪佢夠老字號, 將來要去叩門人地都起碼知呢2間係咩kinder........一直以黎kv先係我first choice, 所以當kv收咗後我想唔去pc in的, 但老公又話既然報咗同pc ...

作者: ysnmama    時間: 09-1-13 13:53

我認識有位小朋友. 他當年也是根德園及培幼也收. 最後父母為兒子選了根德園. 因為想給多點機會自己兒子將來選擇適合的小學. 當然對於父母. 這也是不易的選擇, 但今天的他們也認為自己當天沒選錯.

至於小朋友能谷與否. 沒有人能在他們兩歲時便知. 只是父母是否想吧. 如果真的不適合, 到選擇小學時已經可以大致知道小朋友的能力. 到時選校會更易.

相反如果不想煩. 真的只有一條龍學校才可以做到.

[ 本帖最後由 ysnmama 於 09-1-13 13:54 編輯 ]
作者: BMW0305    時間: 09-1-13 14:06

想當年我都係放棄PC而讀KV, 現在KV K3, 又要考小學, 好辛苦, 我住 48網, 好難選, 考了多間真資/私小, 得1間收, 1間waiting list.
如果個校網好, 一於KV, 唔好就請選PC, 小一直升又可考其他直資/私小, 起碼有PC小一 back up 唔駛煩先.
KV 好多功課, 程度深, 個個選KV都想考到好小學, 起碼小一容易適應, 這也是我選KV原因之一.
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-13 14:22

原帖由 BMW0305 於 09-1-13 14:06 發表
想當年我都係放棄PC而讀KV, 現在KV K3, 又要考小學, 好辛苦, 我住 48網, 好難選, 考了多間真資/私小, 得1間收, 1間waiting list.
如果個校網好, 一於KV, 唔好就請選PC, 小一直升又可考其他直資/私小, 起碼有PC小一 b ...

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-14 22:46

原帖由 heidy4ever 於 09-1-11 17:23 發表
According to my own research, Pui Ching Secondary School's ranking is within top 20 among all the Secondary school in HK. At the beginning I worried that it is a "Chinese School " which may lead to a  ...

Where did you find the ranking? I just know PC is using Chinese book and only F.4-F.7 use English book for Science classes only.
作者: heidy4ever    時間: 09-1-15 13:55

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-14 22:46 發表

Where did you find the ranking? I just know PC is using Chinese book and only F.4-F.7 use English book for Science classes only.

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-15 14:45

原帖由 heidy4ever 於 09-1-15 13:55 發表


Thanks...it is a good school..but I quite don't like Chinese school..so I may be choose KV now.
作者: wincyho56    時間: 09-1-15 16:26

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-15 14:45 發表

Thanks...it is a good school..but I quite don't like Chinese school..so I may be choose KV now.

That's mean u'll give up PC???? For me, I really think that PC is a very gd school overall but I miss the application time, if I'm at ur sitation, I absolutely will choose PC cos no need to worry in P1, so ur final decision is quiet surprise
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-15 22:21

原帖由 wincyho56 於 09-1-15 16:26 發表

That's mean u'll give up PC???? For me, I really think that PC is a very gd school overall but I miss the application time, if I'm at ur sitation, I absolutely will choose PC cos no need to worry in ...

Yes..if I choose PC, no need to worry about more P1 but PC than is almost my only choice...and PC Middle school probably is my only choice only...the main problem is their Middle School is Chinese school. BTW, I am also not made my final decision.
作者: Bcat    時間: 09-1-15 22:25

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作者: Scarlet    時間: 09-1-16 00:16

It is so difficult to choose between KV and PC.  Althought my elder son could get in PC, but I have another problem is i am afraid if my younger son cannot get a seat from PC, he don't have so many marks in first round primary school lucky draw!!  

Its seems many of us choosing between these two school.

原帖由 Bcat 於 09-1-15 22:25 發表

就算你唔like中中,都係你個仔讀中學既時候先諗. 到時你可以讀又得唔讀又得.

如果你讀kv,連小學去邊都未知. 中學去邊就更大未知數.

咁培小係中文小學,但香港大部份小學都係中文小學架啦! 加上培小質素有 ...

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-16 10:54


原帖由 Bcat 於 09-1-15 22:25 發表

就算你唔like中中,都係你個仔讀中學既時候先諗. 到時你可以讀又得唔讀又得.

如果你讀kv,連小學去邊都未知. 中學去邊就更大未知數.

咁培小係中文小學,但香港大部份小學都係中文小學架啦! 加上培小質素有 ...

作者: welcomewoe    時間: 09-1-16 12:19

I would like to choose KV.  Because we can choice many good primary school. But PC is one choose.:(
作者: bol    時間: 09-1-16 13:10

我見你好三心兩意, 好似仲未拿定主意.
相信你已有好多advise. 越問會越煩. 兩間都係好幼稚園.
你揀任可一間都冇問題, 你衹要金錢/時間/心理上有哂計劃應該冇問題.

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-15 14:45 發表

Thanks...it is a good school..but I quite don't like Chinese school..so I may be choose KV now.

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-16 17:57

原帖由 welcomewoe 於 09-1-16 12:19 發表
I would like to choose KV.  Because we can choice many good primary school. But PC is one choose.:(

你都係PC vs KV?  係..KV可以choose other primary..but not guarantee. 其實我覺培小都幾好...而最令我考慮係中中呢個問題..不過如果阿囝培小成績好...都可以試下考其他中學.....因為萬一我讀KV..而又考唔到好學校就要係沙田網到"抽獎"
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-16 17:59

原帖由 bol 於 09-1-16 13:10 發表
我見你好三心兩意, 好似仲未拿定主意.
相信你已有好多advise. 越問會越煩. 兩間都係好幼稚園.
你揀任可一間都冇問題, 你衹要金錢/時間/心理上有哂計劃應該冇問題.


作者: Scarlet    時間: 09-1-17 00:59

But there is so many good primary school in Shatin!  Will you consider them?

原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-16 17:57 發表

你都係PC vs KV?  係..KV可以choose other primary..but not guarantee. 其實我覺培小都幾好...而最令我考慮係中中呢個問題..不過如果阿囝培小成績好...都可以試下考其他中學.....因為萬一我讀KV..而又考唔到好學 ...

作者: wilsonchanwh    時間: 09-1-17 09:37

作者: Charmainemummy    時間: 09-1-17 12:35     標題: 培正同根德園你地會入邊間??

I faced same problems 3-4 years ago - got admission to PC AM class, KV AM class, Soka AM class, etc.. I chose PC Kindergarten AM class for my girl finally. I found I picked the right choice. When my girl grad. from PC kindergarten last year, she had classmates going to DBS primary though majority went to PC P1.

As a working mom, I have been so relaxed when seeing other moms are busy with various extra curriculum activities throughout the kindergarten years for getting more certificates to make up a profile for Primary school enrolment purpose.

School life in PC kindergarten and PC primary is fun. My girl has cousins studying in Marynoll and DBS primary, she keeps saying PC is the best school, and will never consider to go to other school.
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-17 13:20

原帖由 Scarlet 於 09-1-17 00:59 發表
But there is so many good primary school in Shatin!  Will you consider them?

Those primary school in Shatin are not my target..so I prefer those P in Kowloon City district.
作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-17 13:22

原帖由 Charmainemummy 於 09-1-17 12:35 發表
I faced same problems 3-4 years ago - got admission to PC AM class, KV AM class, Soka AM class, etc.. I chose PC Kindergarten AM class for my girl finally. I found I picked the right choice. When my g ...

Many PC parent comment that PC provide a good learning environment with a high moral.
作者: HebeMama630    時間: 09-1-17 13:27

So which one will you choose now? Still considering?
原帖由 cy36baby 於 09-1-17 13:22 發表

Many PC parent comment that PC provide a good learning environment with a high moral.

作者: cy36baby    時間: 09-1-17 13:31

原帖由 HebeMama630 於 09-1-17 13:27 發表
So which one will you choose now? Still considering?


[ 本帖最後由 cy36baby 於 09-1-17 22:40 編輯 ]
作者: Athena822    時間: 09-1-18 12:31     標題: PC vs KV (PC 暫勝)

我囡囡都係有KV同PC offer.本來一心入KV, 從來無考慮PC. 但當最近收到PC offer後便認真考慮PC.現在入PC嘅機會由原先少過10%到而家50-60%.我多數會先交留位費然後再多搜羅各方意見.

1. 有前輩(非PC人)舉腳支持PC, 話佢network勁, 校風好.我唯一擔心PC係中中嘅影響, 唔知有幾大?

2. 其實PC都有出色的會考成績, 但唔知成績稍差的學生其英文程度會去到邊?

3. 另請問PC各級別(幼, 小, 中) 及各科目的中文教學其實是怎樣的?


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