
標題: "Your Baby Can Read" 有什麼好? [打印本頁]

作者: Birdsuper    時間: 09-6-29 03:52     標題: "Your Baby Can Read" 有什麼好?

I just finish reading "How to teach your baby to read" by Glenn and Janet Doman.  I only read the book but haven't seen any of the related 教材.

The methodology described in the book sounds very pushy and unnatural to me.  Maybe those who have used this methodology can help me understand more.

The baby may recognize more words sooner than those without the "training", but what's the real benefit in a long run?  Brain development? Or other things?  Any experience from bk parents (good or bad both welcome), please share.
作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-29 10:21

你呢度講緊兩樣嘢: (1) your baby can read (2) Glenn Doman 學說/flash card

個人經驗: your baby can read呢套教材好好, 唔貴, 但係work! 佢會有畫面, 有字, 又有歌仔, 小朋友可以見到物件, 有音又有字, 同時接收訊息~

flash card~ 我試過~ 但做唔出, 太無人性喇! 反而轉個方法睇圖咭咁就ok, 阿仔好鍾意!

每個人都唔同, 每個家庭都好唔同, 如果自己覺得唔舒服嘅, 就搵一個開心嘅方便!
learning is fun!!!

作者: Birdsuper    時間: 09-6-29 11:48

Thanks kerkermui,

Does it mean that "Your Baby Can Read" 呢套教材 is not actually based on Doman?  If you can clarify this for me that would be great.

Maybe I got mixed up, because the book I read by Doman is entitled "How to Teach Your Baby to Read."

I am interested in the 教材, but worry that if 教材附上說明 asked me to follow the Doman approach, then I won't feel comfortable using it.
作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-29 14:44

原帖由 Birdsuper 於 09-6-29 11:48 發表
Thanks kerkermui,

Does it mean that "Your Baby Can Read" 呢套教材 is not actually based on Doman?  If you can clarify this for me that would be great.

Maybe I got mixed up, because the book I read  ...

套教材唔係"完全" base on doman, 如果以Doman嘅準則, ybcr 唔係佢standard嘅教材!
我會話有d似~ doman係用card(字)+聲音
ybcr係字加圖加聲, 比較"立體"

印象中,HK版有parents guide(書), 不過好貴!
網上訂嘅, dvd嗰part有introduction, 其實唔難用, 只係每日播1-2節, 得閒睇吓字咭
作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-29 15:01

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作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-29 16:10

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作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-6-29 18:18

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作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-29 21:38

原帖由 FANNYLAI 於 09-6-29 16:10 發表

想請教一下,其實FLASH CARD係唔係必須 ???
亦見到BK MAMI話DIY.但我係在職媽媽,恐怕只有時間湊女冇時間DIY FLASH CARD ...

flash card~ 最好一日play 6-7次, everyday! 唔啱working moms
作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-29 21:47

原帖由 michaelckt 於 09-6-29 18:18 發表
I had read some articles about both methods, Your Baby Can Read and Glenn Doman's flashcard methods. Although the two brands are created by 2 different people, they are actually doing one thing in com ...

小兒兩歲, 英文已經可以自己拼音, 生字讀到一半半, 玩緊串字遊戲
中文都可以拆開, 知道某d common部首

我唔覺得有呢個問題.. 其實, 教材係死嘅, 教嘅人係生嘅.. word cards可以有唔同玩法, 所以, 基本上我反對flash!
作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-6-30 00:04

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作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-30 10:07

不過我個人唔會信死一套system, 我覺得樣樣嘢都應該有可取之處 (小朋友/人 亦然) 如果你要只做一樣嘢, 唔駛專家都知一定有壞後果, 偏食就係一個好例子! 嗰樣嘢好, 但係食得多就有害! 黑色同白色中間有好多唔同深淺嘅灰, 點解要講d咁極端嘅嘢呢?

ybcr教嘅簡易拼音係唔夠, 但係無人叫你唔去學其他架? 我就唔鍾意d phonics readers好無聊嘅故事架! 而呢d system可能要大少少(~3歲)先教到, 咁~ 係咪乜都唔做? 當然唔會啦!

我懷疑.. 時下嘅讀寫障礙, 有幾多細個屋企用flash card/ybcr~ 不過, anyways, 我無機會接觸呢d小朋友, 無辦法去搵個答案出嚟~~

我唔係要sell 呢套教材, 只係因為小朋友用過幾個月, 見到成效..

[ 本帖最後由 kerkermui 於 09-6-30 10:08 編輯 ]
作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-30 10:13

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作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-30 10:14

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作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-30 10:25

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作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-6-30 16:18

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作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-6-30 17:49

原帖由 FANNYLAI 於 09-6-30 10:14 發表

可否share怎樣教你囝囝 ?

最初~ 當然係ybcr
中間見佢對ABC有興趣, 好快學識26個字母
16mth左右已經好少睇ybcr, 一路都有睇生字圖書/咭
跟住開始玩字母 e.g. bat / pat / dat / cat / yat 有意思無意思嘅都讀俾佢聽 (不過唔係成日玩, 但係開咗個頭, 佢自己開始有d領會)
大少少.. 講嘢ok, 見到佢有興趣嘅嘢就指住讀, 然後有時又讀差唔多音嘅字~

有時~ 又會cover個字一部份 e.g. ice-cream, 咁分開讀, 一齊讀~
又玩過幾次.. 之後阿仔自己讀到newsweek!

呢排~ 玩緊同字母咭拼字, e.g. 佢攞住一張"apple" card, 就搵 A, P, P, L, E 呢d字母出嚟排隊隊
見到PEAR, 就唔好放過機會拼TEAR 同 BEAR etc

總之~ 家長可以自由發輝, 如果小朋友有興趣玩, 就繼續同佢玩! 其實我都唔係有計劃之下做呢d嘢, 只係响某個時候, 有某d教材响手, 自己諗出嚟架!

作者: maggieymh    時間: 09-6-30 21:46

完全同意希望各位媽咪係flash 之前真係要了解清楚,唔好人閃你又閃,只睇見人地o既成效,就盲目咁跟住做
原帖由 kerkermui 於 09-6-29 10:21 發表 flash card~ 我試過~ 但做唔出, 太無人性喇!

作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-6-30 23:20

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作者: baomei    時間: 09-7-1 01:38

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作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-7-1 03:57

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作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-7-1 07:13

原帖由 baomei 於 09-7-1 01:38 發表
我又看過有專家講一開始就教letter name, letter sound 或 phonics 是 meaningless的, 因為它們本身是沒有意思的, 反而一開始先學 wholeword, 之後才學單字母會好d!


and ybcr is a good start!
作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-7-1 08:54

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作者: FANNYLAI    時間: 09-7-1 11:54

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作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-7-1 14:25

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作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-7-1 15:15

原帖由 michaelckt 於 09-7-1 14:25 發表

So, the logic here is that 'YBCR' is a good start to learn  English but after finishing using the program, parents should provide phonics training or else children might fail in actual reading becau ...

the logic here is:
there is SO much to learn in the world, we CANNOT just stop after ybcr.  
and that's it!

其實我唔明你想証明d乜, 因為ybcr有教phonics~

同埋~ 單單嘅phonic system, 我覺得唔夠生活化, 無趣味! (可能係我見識少啦~)
e.g. 教生果, 攞住喺手, apple, orange, pear, kiwifruit
大佬咪玩啦~ 唔通我pear, bear, tear咩!
小朋友唔係機器嚟架! 咁同flash card一樣: 無人性!

sorry~ 都係嗰句: 黑同白中間有唔同深淺嘅灰, 我唔會buy任何一套system就跟到底, 因為人人都一定有可取之處, 我行向一邊, 唔等於你可以借我句說話否定其他嘢, 我個小朋友第日學得好唔好, 唔係任何嘢可以就呢三言兩話下結論..

[ 本帖最後由 kerkermui 於 09-7-1 15:35 編輯 ]
作者: kerkermui    時間: 09-7-1 15:20

原帖由 FANNYLAI 於 09-7-1 08:54 發表
原帖由 kerkermui 於 09-6-29 10:21 發表 flash card~ 我試過~ 但做唔出, 太無人性喇!


flash card.. 係無互動, 單向嘅動作, 無交流, 無感情
所以我話無人性! 本來我睇咗好幾本glenn doman同七田真嘅書, 買哂standard size嘅card, 但係攞上手, 真係flash唔到! 我鍾意有交流嘅學習過程, 有互動~ 有樂趣!
作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-7-1 16:55

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作者: baomei    時間: 09-7-2 01:13

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作者: michaelckt    時間: 09-7-2 03:46

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作者: Birdsuper    時間: 09-7-6 08:43

Thanks to all for your input.  It does help me understand more about YBCR materials.   

At the very beginning, I thought YBCR is a direct product from Doman, so I got confused and needed more info.

From the info I gathered from you all, I think the best way for me now is to use what I have and make it more interactive.  

For learning words, I have been using books with clear pictures and big WORDS, and make it like a story.  For example, the caterpillar is eating APPLE, PEAR, BANANA, KIWI, etc.

For learning phonics, I have been reciting a lot of poems in books with rhymes for him to catch the sound of it, but not using the written form at this early stage.  For example, I will SAY "smell the rose with your nose"

Thanks again for sharing your ideas, knowledge and experience.  Very helpful indeed.

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