
標題: cky second in,家長和小朋友一起見校長﹖ [打印本頁]

作者: dong-dong    時間: 09-10-22 13:14     標題: cky second in,家長和小朋友一起見校長﹖

作者: sschiu    時間: 09-10-22 20:28

小朋友兩至三個一齊見校長, 家長見主任.
作者: pyyip    時間: 09-10-22 20:53

現時在網頁上的第二輪面試名單, 有沒有17/10面試的學生?
作者: childrenfirst    時間: 09-10-22 23:30

i dont think so, the no of CKY's list at the web only lasts till 5xx
I think the haven't posted the list of Oct 17's round.
why CKY handles it so badly?
作者: queen.mouse    時間: 09-10-23 01:02

請問家長要見主任, 知唔知要考d吔呢? 小朋友見校長又考d吔呢??? CKY家長可否幫幫忙, Thanks a lot!
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 09-10-23 09:59


原帖由 queen.mouse 於 09-10-23 01:02 發表
請問家長要見主任, 知唔知要考d吔呢? 小朋友見校長又考d吔呢??? CKY家長可否幫幫忙, Thanks a lot!

作者: sschiu    時間: 09-10-24 00:18

家長一定要知道CKY行緊甚麼學制, 考慮清楚才報, 而唔係漁翁撒網, 人報我報就唔洗擔心見主任啦!
作者: hkmama2004    時間: 09-10-24 17:44

Nothing special to ask for parents. Just enquired our choice of musical instrument for the child.... and see if we have any q on the other hand
Our main concern on the transport ... We live in Ma On Shan.... Big nig concern
作者: hkmama2004    時間: 09-10-24 20:05

My daughter was asked to read books in the 2nd interview. Seems pretty hard .
作者: hkmama2004    時間: 09-10-24 20:32

The list shown in the 2nd round list may not be exhaustive.

I enquire why the 2nd int list of 1xx students for the 1xx P1 places still need to go through the 2nd interview process.

The staff just said that the interview process would continue and the result would be released in Dec.

I sense that the interview process might not finish on 2 days only... may be next batch will be coming.....
作者: dougdora    時間: 09-10-24 23:00

Hi may i ask wat kind of books, Eng / chin.. ?

any mandarin qtns??

many many thanks

原帖由 hkmama2004 於 09-10-24 20:32 發表
The list shown in the 2nd round list may not be exhaustive.

I enquire why the 2nd int list of 1xx students for the 1xx P1 places still need to go through the 2nd interview process.

The staff just s ...

作者: queen.mouse    時間: 09-10-24 23:19

好多謝CKY家長的意見, 真的希望小兒能入讀CKY, 多謝大家!!!
作者: yypapa    時間: 09-10-24 23:33

While it has 5-star campus, the most disappointing thing about CKY is that the toilet looks like a public one on the street.   So poorly  designed and rennovated !!!!
作者: dong-dong    時間: 09-10-25 10:34

仔仔說2nd in全程用英文對答﹐還要讀一頁四至五行字的英文書。
作者: diversity    時間: 09-10-25 12:07

原帖由 dong-dong 於 09-10-25 10:34 發表
仔仔說2nd in全程用英文對答﹐還要讀一頁四至五行字的英文書。

what? to me this is absolutely unncessary. It's their responsibility to teach students good eng, and not to choose students with good eng!
作者: hkmama2004    時間: 09-10-25 21:52     標題: 回覆 1# diversity 的文章

Eng one... not quite easy in the 2nd interview. I originally  think it's a formality for a 2nd interview...
作者: simon00    時間: 09-10-25 21:56

原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-25 12:07 發表

what? to me this is absolutely unncessary. It's their responsibility to teach students good eng, and not to choose students with good eng!

Yes, it is better to test mathematics also, make sure the child knows multiplication, addition, subtraction......everything.

Education in HK is really rediculous!!
作者: nov03bb    時間: 09-10-25 22:33

其實很多小學都會因應自己的取向, 教育目標等來設計課程, 在小學一年級, 個別科目都會比一般學校教深半級,一級甚至更深,即小一教小二課程...;  因此, 個別學校在面試時會考一些比其他學校更深的(例如數學及中文)試題。點解無人會質疑這些小學的面試手法?我相信因為大家都預算學校教得深,面試的要求也提高了。

假設某小學教某科的課程是比普遍的教深一級或以上,而她們的課程也在小一已是採用小二的workbooks or textbooks, 如果她們不會降低程度來遷就學生, 那麼, 在面試階段不考慮自己的課程而盲目選一些未達她們預期學術水平的學生, 到開學之後拖延了全班的進度, 對其他的同學又公平嗎? 即使該小朋友被取錄了, 之後發覺跟不上而自信屢受打擊, 對他又是公平嗎? 因此, 經過學校根據自己要求選取學生後, 她們就有義務教好學生, 但是責任都不能全部推落學校身上, 而是家校都有責任, 以上是本人的愚見, 與大家分享。 

原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-25 12:07 PM 發表

what? to me this is absolutely unncessary. It's their responsibility to teach students good eng, and not to choose students with good eng!

[ 本帖最後由 nov03bb 於 09-10-25 22:41 編輯 ]
作者: diversity    時間: 09-10-25 23:41

原帖由 nov03bb 於 09-10-25 22:33 發表

oh come on, what academic level are you expecting. Afterall, they are all 5 yrs old. I think most of the good schools are choosing those with gd learning potential - being attentive, analytical, patience, observant.... It's good enough. Knowledge transmission is the main duty of school, and not getting a 5 yr old phD to their school. The focus is to choose those have potential to learn and not how much they have already learnt!
作者: nov03bb    時間: 09-10-26 02:23

我不是想同你爭論甚麼, 我祇是"個人"覺得, 本港很多學校, 包括較出名的學校(特別是直資及私立),就是因為她們有自行選擇學生的權利, 她們一定選擇她們認為最適合她們的學生, 閣下所提及的當然很重要, 可是, 既然有得選擇, 亦大把家長比自己的子女她們選, 她們當然要最好的, 即係:" choosing those with gd learning potential - being attentive, analytical, patience, observant.... as well as gd academic level...."

呢個遊戲規則, 根本就存在, 如果有一間dream school, 有教無類, 擔保負起知識承傳的責任, 任何程度, 任何智商, 任何學習障礙, 通通來者不拒, 有如此教育理念, 有如斯胸襟的學校, 的確很理想, 但又有幾多家長在有得選擇的情況下心甘情願地選擇此校?

人選你, 你選人, 當家長無得選擇時, 什麼類型, 什麼教育理念的學校都要接受。 如果有三五七間小學都收, 你就自然會雞蛋裡挑骨頭, 最好就是馬兒好, 如果馬兒不吃草則更好。同樣地, 學校如果有選擇權, 又大把學生在某些學科有上佳的表現, 如果他們同時是具備有學習潛質, 能觸類旁通, 耳清目明的學生, 那為何學校不選呢?

因為這樣可能是因果之關係, 有好的學術基礎, 一定程度上反映了學生的潛質及家長的配合, 再經由面試的過程引證及了解, 挑選既有潛質又有學術基礎的學生, 當然, 若有得選擇, 任何學校相信都想更進一步, 選擇那些既有潛質, 而且品學兼優的學生。當然, 如果選擇不足, 有些學校的著眼點會不同。 相信CKY會較重視小朋友的品德,所以,才德兼備比單有學識更為重要。 

原帖由 diversity 於 09-10-25 11:41 PM 發表

原帖由 nov03bb 於 09-10-25 22:33 發表

oh come on, what academic level are you expecting. Afterall, they are all 5 yrs old. I think most of the good schools are choosing those with gd learning potential - being attentive, analytical, patience, observant.... It's good enough. Knowledge transmission is the main duty of school, and not getting a 5 yr old phD to their school. The focus is to choose those have potential to learn and not how much they have already learnt!

[ 本帖最後由 nov03bb 於 09-10-30 08:32 編輯 ]
作者: dong-dong    時間: 09-10-26 07:45

作者: diversity    時間: 09-10-26 18:48

To me, what constitutes a good school is their possession of self-confidence. They have the confidence in transmitting knowledge to children who have demonstrated their potential to learn. How much they have already learnt for me are totally irrelevant. If you said Eng is important in reflecting their  學術基礎 (to me it's funny in applying this term on a 5-yr old kid), why not PTH, math.....? Kids are like sponge who can absorb knowledge in great speed beyond your imagination, if there is a proper environement. This is excatly the role of what a school should deliver. There are so many examples of new immigrants who didn't even read abc on day 1 can eventaully get an A in HKCEE.That's my point.
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 09-10-27 10:54




[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 09-10-27 12:44 編輯 ]
作者: papa_pop    時間: 09-10-27 12:51

It's been rightly pointed out that it's not a fair game for a 5-year-old.  But still I'm puzzled why parents would consider it fair if a kid is 'selected' for his attentiveness, analytical skills, patience and observance; but not for his English (not necessarily overall academic standard).

After all, English is the primary medium of instruction at CKY and learning by reading is one of its approaches to education.

Disclaimer: My kid is now studying at CKY happily and loves reading, but he's not really attentive, analytical, patient or observant. I guess different schools have different picks.
作者: dougdora    時間: 09-10-27 13:18

thanks for the sharing... CKy is really my dream school..  ..

can you share with us your last interview process (2nd in). .. wat are they looking for.... how long it took..

tks for advise
作者: diversity    時間: 09-10-27 20:11

....My kid is now studying at CKY happily and loves reading, but he's not really attentive, analytical, patient or observant.

ok, now I understand the selection criteria of CKY. Thank you for your advice.
作者: bbone    時間: 09-10-28 09:38

原帖由 dong-dong 於 09-10-26 07:45 發表

Thank you, dong-dong. So I think children need to read a paragraph of text to the principals and answer some questions. How come it takes one hour? Do the children need to do more than the above? Can somebody please share?
作者: ate-a-lamb    時間: 09-10-28 10:09

原帖由 nov03bb 於 09-10-26 02:23 發表
我不是想同你爭論甚麼, 我祇是"個人"覺得, 本港很多學校, 包括較出名的學校(特別是直資及私立),就是因為她們有自行選擇學生的權利, 她們一定選擇她們應為最適合她們的學生, 閣下所提及的當然很重要, 可是, 既然有得 ...

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