
標題: 上下午班你地點選擇? [打印本頁]

作者: ronnie90    時間: 09-11-12 00:11     標題: 上下午班你地點選擇?

n班嘅上下午班你地點選擇? 點解多數家長都選上午班?
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-12 09:37

If have a choice, I would choose 上午班.  Gernerally speaking, 上午班可使小朋友養成早睡早起之習慣,午睡也容易按排,時間好似見使些, & more easy to find interest classes in the afternoon.

原帖由 ronnie90 於 09-11-12 00:11 發表
n班嘅上下午班你地點選擇? 點解多數家長都選上午班?

作者: agneswlm    時間: 09-11-12 12:00     標題: Yes, I agree

啟思下午班收了, 但唔知好唔好交錢
作者: pingu_k    時間: 09-11-12 13:59


作者: yankaka    時間: 09-11-12 14:22

我心儀嗰間今年只開下午, 所以都冇咩得選擇! 況且佢上午又一定要再睡一覺, 反而下午那覺可以五點左右才睡, 所以都應該會選下午!
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-12 17:44

If you don't have other better offer on hand, suggest you pay the deposit and write the letter to school asap to line up for AM class if you like AM more.

原帖由 agneswlm 於 09-11-12 12:00 發表
啟思下午班收了, 但唔知好唔好交錢

作者: EggEgg08    時間: 09-11-12 18:36

我阿b又係好晏起身....平時4點幾先午睡...所以都諗緊下午班可能重適合for N1 (因啟思收佐佢N1, 起碼冬天唔洗凍冰冰早起...可能K1先考慮轉上午班....不過而家又wait緊啟思上午班...真係15/16
作者: Sorb    時間: 09-11-13 10:49

If your kid have afternoon sleep so late, I think PM is also a good choice.  You can never imagin how difficult is to wake a 2-year old kid up so early in the morning to go to school, especially winter.  My girl often cried and shouted when I wake her up "No, No, I want to sleep longer, why can't you let me sleep longer".  

One of my friends also told me her son's 鼻敏感 has improved after changing from AM class to PM class as there is no need for him to wake up too early.

Another friend told me her daughter is happier now after changing from AM to PM classs too.

Having said the above, I will still choose AM as I think it is good to study in the morning instead of PM and it is good to wake up early for a child.

原帖由 EggEgg08 於 09-11-12 18:36 發表
我阿b又係好晏起身....平時4點幾先午睡...所以都諗緊下午班可能重適合for N1 (因啟思收佐佢N1, 起碼冬天唔洗凍冰冰早起...可能K1先考慮轉上午班....不過而家又wait緊啟思上午班...真係15/16 ...

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