
標題: 2010 家長自組活動: 白普理營 (2/4 - 3/4) [打印本頁]

作者: Hayley04    時間: 10-1-13 17:36     標題: 2010 家長自組活動: 白普理營 (2/4 - 3/4)

This camp can offer family house of size 8. It suits for 2-3 families. At the moment, 3 houses are available for booking. It costs $600 per house. Child under 2-yr is free. Estimated cost per head is about $200 (depending on how fully the house is occupied and how many food we order), costs are shared as actual.

Location: 北潭涌
Way to go: 由北潭涌巴士總站, 步行約30分鐘即可到達 (可能租車順便入去黃石碼頭)
Path condition: stroller ok
Activities: BBQ, 觀星, 划艇(小童需由成人培同及穿着救生衣), 親子遊戲, 等

1, Hayley family 2A1C1B
2, monkey妹family 2A1C1B  
3. Paul family 2A1C
4. Chiomama 2A1C

Total = 8A4C (Max. 32)

Location details


Please consider and let me know your preferred date. Before register, I will call you to reconfirm the date and payment.

32 (宿營)

8 (宿營)

·  籃球場/門球場
·  獨木舟/划艇
·  天文觀測儀器
·  小型桌球
·  燒烤場
·  單車/遠足
·  繩網/射箭
·  卡拉OK
·  乒乓球/羽毛球/運動攀爬


作者: Hayley04    時間: 10-1-20 17:27

20 quota is fully filled. Thanks all parents.....

原帖由 Hayley04 於 10-1-13 17:36 發表
This camp can offer family house of size 8. It suits for 2-3 families. At the moment, 3 houses are available for booking. It costs $600 per house. Child under 2-yr is free. Estimated cost per head is  ...

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