
標題: 請問培僑書院 or 祟真英文小學好d呢? 請比d意見呀! [打印本頁]

作者: FoxJo    時間: 10-1-18 17:13     標題: 請問培僑書院 or 祟真英文小學好d呢? 請比d意見呀!

我仔仔讀開學之園幼稚園的, 我想保留返讀譜通話+英文的小學, 而且學之園係活動教學, 我仔仔又係d比較活躍d, 咁培僑書院 or 祟真英文小學好d呢? 因我怕培僑書院d學生紀律會唔會無咁好呢?
作者: Loklok2    時間: 10-1-18 17:36

原帖由 FoxJo 於 10-1-18 17:13 發表
我仔仔讀開學之園幼稚園的, 我想保留返讀譜通話+英文的小學, 而且學之園係活動教學, 我仔仔又係d比較活躍d, 咁培僑書院 or 祟真英文小學好d呢? 因我怕培僑書院d學生紀律會唔會無咁好呢? ...

作者: Hang'sMum    時間: 10-1-19 09:55     標題: 回覆 1# Loklok2 的文章

作者: Hang'sMum    時間: 10-1-19 09:57


原帖由 Loklok2 於 10-1-18 17:36 發表


作者: Cheerglory    時間: 10-1-19 23:52

祟真 is better than 培僑, English is better.
作者: TKTL    時間: 10-1-20 15:54

May I know when will Pui Kiu ask the parent to pay the whole month school fee? So that I will know when will more places be released. Many thanks.
作者: klho    時間: 10-1-20 22:35

I suggest you select "崇真".
作者: 靜靜媽    時間: 10-1-21 00:32

作者: kiu-mummy    時間: 10-1-21 09:34

原帖由 靜靜媽 於 10-1-21 00:32 發表

祟真課程一d都唔淺,開放日我參觀過佢地d小學課本都頗深. 同埋一年有三測兩考.
作者: sallybaby    時間: 10-1-21 09:37

作者: 靜靜媽    時間: 10-1-22 01:29

作者: Loklok2    時間: 10-1-22 02:24

原帖由 靜靜媽 於 10-1-22 01:29 發表
早兩年我小朋友去考插班生,雖然成大班人一起考,d卷超易,出乎意料(而且以為數學用英文考,其實得一條題目用英文,仲係好簡單),考完臨離開學校時,有位考場老師(見家長時見過)已經暗示我收我小朋友,果然兩日後收到錄取信,不過唔敢 ...

作者: littlemak    時間: 10-1-22 12:17

I have heard from my 3 friends that the admin of TZ is very poor. Anyone agree?
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-1-22 12:26

原帖由 littlemak 於 10-1-22 12:17 發表
I have heard from my 3 friends that the admin of TZ is very poor. Anyone agree?

可否詳說TT ADMIN有幾POOR??? 我成日都聽到人講, 但果D人講唔到實例呢。
如果一間學校有四部(主流幼, 國際幼, 主流小, 國際小), 咁我估佢地都幾多WORKLOAD + 煩瑣囉....
作者: FoxJo    時間: 10-1-25 13:47

我覺得最奇怪的是祟真的收費, 學費每月 basic $3600, if 參加拔尖班(中文/英文)各$1300 加上去, 如果兩樣都選, 咁咪好貴要成$6200一個月, 有無祟真家長講吓佢哋d收費其實係幾多呢? 我真係好想知道呀?
作者: piggybank    時間: 10-1-25 16:48

培僑的優點是著重各方面的發展(英文戲劇, 中文藝術, 專項訓練音體藝等都包含在課程內), 而且學術水平不差.

常說培僑英文水平不及其他學校, 我作為家長覺得有欠公允. 大部份培僑的學生都說得一口流利英語, 最起碼亦能與他人以英語溝通. 如果你看過學校的教學內容, 亦會知道他們所接觸的英語的水平是如何的.

作者: taiyingchun    時間: 10-1-28 10:06

我仔仔只是2歲多. 但我己開始留意小學,
1)我不想仔仔死讀書. 想佢有多些發輝的空間
2)而且我已去過培僑的網頁看過. 哇塞. 未曾看過這樣的學校.( 請各家長父母去看看),什麼學生園地. 非常好. 有些功課作完文章也要同時錄音, 而且需要拍照, 當然都是G7開始.
3) 一間面積都比較寬敞的學校.
4) 英語國語水平唔差,(說真的. 好與不好是看小朋友的表現. 有的小朋友不是讀書料子, 但其他地方很好. 不好只緊張語言. )
5) 我相信每所學校都有不同之處. 最好選擇一所是跟小朋友性格相似的學校比較好, 我們之前時代. 想找一所跟自己合的來的學校都沒有. 可說沒有機會,
6) 最緊要一點. 當選擇了學校. 就必須對其學校有信心...

作者: luckymother    時間: 10-1-28 11:48

[quote]原帖由 taiyingchun 於 10-1-28 10:06 發表
其實G1已經有錄音和錄影, 因為有些功課是以project形式, 同學在家做好了,回到班裡就做presentation,在同學面前介紹自己的作品, 老師會將過程錄好放上網,家長可以在自己子女的e-profolio中欣賞子女的作品.
作者: jychan    時間: 10-1-28 11:59

培僑的優點是著重各方面的發展(英文戲劇, 中文藝術, 專項訓練音體藝等都包含在課程內), 而且學術水平不差.

-->作為培僑家長, 十分同意;

一年級中文科每兩星期要背默詩篇及"創意默寫", 英文每星期也有spelling quiz,但孩子卻不用很辛苦溫習, 老師教法十分好!

創意默寫是要孩子在自由發揮默出每次定出不同部首的字, 默到的字愈多,分數愈高.而在溫習過程中, 孩子可認識很多生字及詞語.


常說培僑英文水平不及其他學校, 我作為家長覺得有欠公允. 大部份培僑的學生都說得一口流利英語, 最起碼亦能與他人以英語溝通. 如果你看過學校的教學內容, 亦會知道他們所接觸的英語的水平是如何的.

--> 培僑有不少以英文為母語的學生,本地孩子與他們溝通會自動”轉台”說英語,我所見的大多學生的英文水平也不俗.與一般傳統學校比較,我相信培僑為孩子提供絕對勝一籌.  

當然,選學校,最重要是您認同其理念,沒有一所學校是完美的, 合適你孩子的便是好學校了. 

個人認為,若孩子是較內向或不善表達/表現自己的,培僑是可以”解放”他們埋藏了的潛能; 若孩子本身性格好動,想也如魚得水. 當然,每位家長對孩子的期望也不同, 培僑跟每間學校也一樣,有他不足的地方,若您認為每天放學校要有一大堆功課拿回家才有安全感的及令孩子學到野,培僑便不是您杯茶了.    

原帖由 piggybank 於 10-1-25 16:48 發表
培僑的優點是著重各方面的發展(英文戲劇, 中文藝術, 專項訓練音體藝等都包含在課程內), 而且學術水平不差.

常說培僑英文水平不及其他學校, 我作為家長覺得有欠公允. 大部份培僑的學生都說得一口流利英語, 最起碼亦 ...

作者: DiamondHill    時間: 10-1-28 13:45     標題: 回覆 5# FoxJo 的文章

My colleague's son is in P3 now, your calculation is rigth but enhancement class just optional.  TT added school fee to HKD3600 because of small class size.   If any mothers know more, please share too.
作者: 靚太太    時間: 10-1-31 00:23

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: mel_le_fou    時間: 10-2-2 14:33

曾有人評論培僑為左派學校? 培僑家長點睇? 學校生活有涉及政治或左派價值觀嗎?
作者: luckymother    時間: 10-2-2 17:20

原帖由 mel_le_fou 於 10-2-2 14:33 發表
曾有人評論培僑為左派學校? 培僑家長點睇? 學校生活有涉及政治或左派價值觀嗎?

作者: ccycsy    時間: 10-2-3 09:47

其實現在還在說"左"或"右"已經過時了, 都已經回歸了, 除非你移民國外, 不然再說這個話題有意義嗎? 你的小孩在香港讀書, 而香港是屬於中國的, 不應該教育小孩愛自己的國家嗎? 難道去愛別人的國家?
每個國家都有好與不好的地方, 我個人覺得身在什麼國家都得接受自己國家.
作者: DiamondHill    時間: 10-2-3 11:27

我有小訐問題, 學校沒有社會科書本, 好似是學校自己編制, 想知道內容會否同香港時事有所脫節?  因為這學校也是我target 之一, 想清楚知多點.
作者: luckymother    時間: 10-2-3 11:41

原帖由 ccycsy 於 10-2-3 09:47 發表
其實現在還在說"左"或"右"已經過時了, 都已經回歸了, 除非你移民國外, 不然再說這個話題有意義嗎? 你的小孩在香港讀書, 而香港是屬於中國的, 不應該教育小孩愛自己的國家嗎? 難道去愛別人的國家?
每個國家都有好與 ...

作者: luckymother    時間: 10-2-3 11:54

原帖由 DiamondHill 於 10-2-3 11:27 發表
我有小訐問題, 學校沒有社會科書本, 好似是學校自己編制, 想知道內容會否同香港時事有所脫節?  因為這學校也是我target 之一, 想清楚知多點.

不會的, 老師還會帶同學Outing, 囝囝已經去過文化博物館, 維園, 海洋公園等地方, 不知幾開心.
作者: jojolam_ma    時間: 10-2-3 16:44

學校好多大型活動配合社會時事的, 最近哥本哈根氣候會議同埋海地大地震都有, 又會有學生議員選舉, 不會跟社會脫節.

另外, 英文科學了宇宙, 動植物等課題, 又有教小朋友種植. 其他學校小一都係學呢D, 又或者小一都未學呢D. OK啦!

原帖由 luckymother 於 10-2-3 11:54 發表

不會的, 老師還會帶同學Outing, 囝囝已經去過文化博物館, 維園, 海洋公園等地方, 不知幾開心.

作者: DiamondHill    時間: 10-2-3 18:08

想再問細點, 培僑英文課會教grammer嗎?  會否用reader教英文 ?  

作者: jojolam_ma    時間: 10-2-6 14:22

有Grammar worksheet, 是用reader教學的
學校最近上載了課程資料在內聯網中, 有詳細講.

原帖由 DiamondHill 於 10-2-3 18:08 發表
想再問細點, 培僑英文課會教grammer嗎?  會否用reader教英文 ?  


作者: natalielin    時間: 10-2-7 02:00

作者: lihung    時間: 10-2-7 14:36

可否再比多一點崇真的資料, 在BK似乎少關於崇真的資料.
作者: DiamondHill    時間: 10-2-9 11:33     標題: 回覆 3# jojolam_ma 的文章

Hi Jojoma ma

Thanks for your reply.

If without password, can I still go in there ?
作者: jojolam_ma    時間: 10-2-11 08:21     標題: Reply to Diamond Hill and Natalielin

It seems that only present students and parents can login. I have copied the information here for your reference:

Our Curriculum
No set textbooks are used in primary English
We found that no textbook is perfect, so we use a variety of resources to allow usflexibility in developing a curriculum that is original, interactive andengaging

Grammar is taught in an implicit way – students are firstexposed to the particular grammar point by studying its form in different textsand passages. They may be asked to underline or highlight the targeted grammarpoint before attempting to write sentences and passages using the target grammar. Worksheets are then given out on a regular basis to review the learntgrammar. The objective is to allow students to internalise grammar so that theylearn to use it in context.

Spelling quizzes are done at all levels. Grade 1 and 2 students have spelling lists based on different phonetic sounds whereas Grade3-6 students have spelling lists based on words found in the modules and wordsthat are classified into groups like synonyms, antonyms, homophones etc. Grade5 and 6 students also have dictation tests which are a form of review forspelling words that have already been learnt.

The targeted words are put into sentences and studentswrite out the sentences. Sentences are not memorised.

For students to write a particular text type, they need to study many examples of that text type. Students are shown many examples through reading and listening. The teacher then works with the students inidentifying features of that text type and the language it uses. After brainstorming ideas and the target language, the class writes that text type on the board with the teacher. Students are then put into groups to work on group writing before working on their individual piece of writing. The writing process ofpre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading and publishing is also emphasised.

English Performing Arts
The English Performing Arts curriculum comprises ofdance, music, voice training and drama. Students have many opportunities toperform in front of an audience. The objective is to learn English and culturesof places which uses English through taking the performing arts out of the classroomand onto the stage.

Other activities and programmes:
My Day Book (Grade 1 and 2)
From Monday to Thursday students are encouraged to writeor draw in “My Day Book”, what she/he did during the English lesson. It is collectedon Fridays for teachers to review. The purpose of this piece of homework is toencourage students to use English at home every day.

Spelling Quiz and Dictation (Dictation is for Grade 5 and 6 students)
There are 4 spelling quizzes and 2 spelling reviews indictation form based on the spelling quizzes. The dictation review consists of6 sentences containing previously-learnt words. Students do not memorise thesentences.

Magic Bag (Grade 1 only)
The purpose of this activity is to increase the students’confidence in English and also to serve as a form of communication between eachstudent, her/his teacher and classmates. Students take home a special bag inwhich their English teacher puts several things. Students take turns to take thebag home and share about the things in the bag with his/her parents in Englishuntil everyone has had a turn.

Literature Unit
Students have Literature once a week. The books theycover are based on their grade level and are all chapter books. Higher-gradelevel students read more than one chapter book in an academic year. Activitiesbased on each book are done in class and at home.

WOW! Book (Grades 3-5)
WOW! is an acronym for Write Only Write! This is acreative writing exercise in which students will start each English class withone minute of writing. Each day, a topic will be announced and students willwrite unceasingly for a minute, on that topic. The purpose of this exercise isto give students a free rein to express
himself/herself creatively and to write forfluency.

Text-Study (Grades 3-5)
During text-study sessions, students are put into abilitygroups and each group is given a text and an assignment to complete, based ontheir level. The assignment is based on the text given.

Grammar Worksheet
For each module, grammar worksheets are given to studentsto complete in class or at home. The worksheets are designed to introduce grammarpoints.

Reading programmes:
BookMAX - levelled readers A box of around 40 BookMAXlevelled readers is prepared for each class. Each student keeps 1 BookMAXreader for extensive reading according to their reading level. They must changetheir books at least once a week.

BookMAX - compulsory readers
Compulsory BookMAX readers are assigned to broadenstudents’ reading experience in relation to each module. Students keep the compulsoryreaders for a period of time for reference according to the teacher’sinstructions.

Reading scheme (Grades 1 and 2)
Students are provided with levelled readers in thereading scheme. Students who complete one level will move on to the next level.A running record and a record book are kept for recording their progress.

At the end of every module, students are asked to work ona project based on the module. Projects allow students to integrate all theskills and knowledge learnt during that module.

In order to broaden and deepen students’ understanding inthe topics studied, excursions are arranged based on the modules.

原帖由 DiamondHill 於 10-2-9 11:33 發表
Hi Jojoma ma

Thanks for your reply.

If without password, can I still go in there ?

The full year tuition fee for Grade 1 is HKD 21,000 to be paid in 10 installments. Miscellaneous fees will be $1000/year.

原帖由 natalielin 於 10-2-7 02:00 發表
因為我之前已聽好多同學仔家長講,好多同學會考哩間,因為同而家讀既幼稚園教學理念好相近,聽左佢地講好多學校既優點,都好有興趣,不過因為我有2個小朋友,得老公一個搵錢,驚會負擔唔到 ...

[ 本帖最後由 jojolam_ma 於 10-2-11 08:33 編輯 ]
作者: 靚太太    時間: 10-2-16 01:59

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作者: siuchunchun    時間: 10-3-9 02:10

I will select Tsung Tsing.

作者: 琛爸    時間: 10-3-11 10:12

作者: elizatyy    時間: 12-1-26 22:29

PKC 的英文唔淺,以學费計又真的平TTPSKG 好多。
作者: JadeW    時間: 12-1-27 00:01

Pkc 學術成績應該都吾太差,起碼係文匯見到話舊年第一屆會考有人取得5a4b成績,仲要傷心喊,因為佢預計考得更好既!
作者: kinchani    時間: 12-2-1 18:05

回復 靚太太 的帖子

我都放棄左tt(國際班), 交左陪僑留位費.

作者: kelvinwan88    時間: 12-2-1 22:22

JYChan, Your comment is very neutral.  Thanks.  

培僑的優點是著重各方面的發展(英文戲劇, 中文藝術, 專項訓練音體藝等都包含在課程內), 而且學術水平不差.

-->作為培僑家長, 十分同意;

一年級中文科每兩星期要背默詩篇及"創意默寫", 英文每星期也有spelling quiz,但孩子卻不用很辛苦溫習, 老師教法十分好!

創意默寫是要孩子在自由發揮默出每次定出不同部首的字, 默到的字愈多,分數愈高.而在溫習過程中, 孩子可認識很多生字及詞語.


常說培僑英文水平不及其他學校, 我作為家長覺得有欠公允. 大部份培僑的學生都說得一口流利英語, 最起碼亦能與他人以英語溝通. 如果你看過學校的教學內容, 亦會知道他們所接觸的英語的水平是如何的.

--> 培僑有不少以英文為母語的學生,本地孩子與他們溝通會自動”轉台”說英語,我所見的大多學生的英文水平也不俗.與一般傳統學校比較,我相信培僑為孩子提供絕對勝一籌.  

當然,選學校,最重要是您認同其理念,沒有一所學校是完美的, 合適你孩子的便是好學校了. 

個人認為,若孩子是較內向或不善表達/表現自己的,培僑是可以”解放”他們埋藏了的潛能; 若孩子本身性格好動,想也如魚得水. 當然,每位家長對孩子的期望也不同, 培僑跟每間學校也一樣,有他不足的地方,若您認為每天放學校要有一大堆功課拿回家才有安全感的及令孩子學到野,培僑便不是您杯茶了. 
作者: careysum    時間: 12-2-2 10:58


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