
標題: 香港市場的英文故事書為何是 present tense [打印本頁]

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-6 16:05     標題: 香港市場的英文故事書為何是 present tense

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-6 21:12

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-6 16:05 發表

默書容易 d
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-6 21:59

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作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 10-2-6 23:28

咁怪? 我見好多幼童書(包括oxford reading tree等)都一早用晒past tense, 我都要用小朋友解釋............過去喇所以要加ed
如果小學反而轉返做present tense(仲係學校用既書)就真係........
原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-6 04:05 PM 發表

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-7 13:57

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作者: foster_ma    時間: 10-2-8 02:32

咦, 我個仔都有問個點解故事書D字係過去式 (因他知道一樣的解釋, 但不是平時見開的串法。), 我教佢係因為件事已經發生咗。
其實係咪教tense, 先用present tense來表達的呢?
唔好意思, 個仔九月上小一, 都想瞭解多D。請賜教, 謝謝!

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 10-2-6 23:28 發表
咁怪? 我見好多幼童書(包括oxford reading tree等)都一早用晒past tense, 我都要用小朋友解釋............過去喇所以要加ed
如果小學反而轉返做present tense(仲係學校用既書)就真係........

作者: btatb38    時間: 10-2-8 09:21

就我呀仔間學校課程o黎睇,小一係教present continuous tense, 小二係simple present tense, 小三past tense...., 所以小一、小二o既教材都係用present tense為主.
作者: edexp    時間: 10-2-8 09:48

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作者: aryee    時間: 10-2-8 10:16

原帖由 edexp 於 10-2-8 09:48 發表
這正好反映本地小學教英文以教文法為主荒謬之處,其實只需鼓勵小朋友多看書,小朋友自然會不知不覺地學會了很多生字及怎樣運用不同的文法,再加上鼓勵小朋友多練習寫作,而無需死記、死背文法或生字,及無需做無謂嘅文法練習。 ...

以多閱讀吸收文法係好好既方法,但我覺得除非個語境好足夠,或者有時間博覽群書,否則以現時既讀書壓力,得閒睇下書既方法學習grammar,應該追唔上試卷既要求。始終學2nd language,唔同外國人學英文,因為少左一份sense(除非語境足夠建立呢份sense),正如我地自小未學句式都識用句子講野一樣,因為語境個訓練好足夠。
作者: edexp    時間: 10-2-8 11:43

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作者: vinyasa    時間: 10-2-8 11:56

原帖由 edexp 於 10-2-8 11:43 發表

可是,只要小朋友由四、五 ...

作者: KLLP    時間: 10-2-8 12:44

看完大家的討論後, 上網做了少少research
在外國, 一樣有作者以present tense 寫故事, 但不算很多,以past tense 主流
讚成用present tense 的人覺得這更能讓讀者覺得是參與其中
不讚成的表示, 用present tense, 除了主角外, 其他配角的感情表達不是太好

至於香港, 我估大部分小朋友都不是以英語為母語, 這種因tense 而令他們代入的感覺不強烈

而他們覺得故事的事件已經發生了, 當然是要用past tense, 為可要用present tense? 因而容易引起混亂

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-6 16:05 發表

作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-8 16:46

原帖由 edexp 於 10-2-8 11:43 發表

可是,只要小朋友由四、五 ...

絕對同意 edexp,因為我囡囡跟足一樣,她現在八歲,可閱英文書及明白 past & present 的意思,無乜問題,小三的她可以做到 80% 對的小六 TSA sample paper。

我有個老師朋友教小六,佢話佢班學生唔明乜野叫 past tense,真慘。香港的學好英語=學文法,及 100 分就是學好英語是大錯特錯的唸法,英語要配合情景(例如故事書),初初圖文解釋,令小朋友容易明白,通過短句運用容易記憶及清晰的文法運用,不是好似利用重複及無意義的文法答題,跟本小朋友適答,不過唔適運用,所謂的『高分低能』。

昨晚我想講中文故事書,我囡話要聽英文故事書,我用 95% 英語講故事,我唸佢聽得明 6成 到 la…
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-8 17:32

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-8 17:43

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-8 17:32 發表
小女也是以閱讀為本的學習,十分有效。平時默書測驗考試十分輕鬆,分數很好。但間中有些功作紙會食蛋,全錯,因為題目以故事作背景,但又期望小朋友用 present tense。小女全用past tense. 佢問我點解故事會用present tense,於 ...


作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-8 17:56

原帖由 KLLP 於 10-2-8 12:44 發表
看完大家的討論後, 上網做了少少research
在外國, 一樣有作者以present tense 寫故事, 但不算很多,以past tense 主流
讚成用present tense 的人覺得這更能讓讀者覺得是參與其中
不讚成的表示, 用present tense, 除了 ...

我就覺得要 past & present tense 要一齊講解,會明確分別到不同之處,不可以分得咁清楚,past tense 就只有 past tense,不會有 present tense,咁樣會搞到小朋友一頭煙,明白但唔知到關聯意義。


[ 本帖最後由 happyvalley 於 10-2-8 17:58 編輯 ]
作者: edexp    時間: 10-2-8 20:37

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作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-8 21:50

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-8 22:37

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-8 21:50 發表
Example, Cinderella :

my girl wrote:

why did you turn the pumkin into a carriage.

The prince picked up Cinderella's glass shoe.

The answers were:

Why do you turn the pumkin into a carriage?

T ...

首句是說話,所以現在式 'Why do ...?' said Cinderella.
次句是描述,千幾年前,當然過去式 The prince picked up...

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-8 23:48

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作者: edexp    時間: 10-2-9 09:38

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-9 11:38

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-8 23:48 發表
I think it was not in quotation marks.  Even if it is in quotation marks, it is not right to use "Why do you ...":

"Why did you turn the ......?" is right because when you say this, the "turning" hap ...


咁即是 why do you turn OR why did you turn 都得,只不過 why did 就已經變完, why do 就未 sure 完全搞掂晒,可能會繼續變。

睇睇下幾得意,睇書都會睇真 d,嘻嬉。
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-9 12:01

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作者: papa_pop    時間: 10-2-9 15:09

stccmc rightly pointed out the differences in past and present tenses.  

I'm no English expert but an ordinary reader.  I don't tend to jump to the sweeping conclusion that story books written in present tense are odd or bad.  It really depends on the context, and in some cases, style.  Andre Agassi recently penned an autobiography "Open" and he intentionally used present tense extensively to describe his boyhood.  There are also some good story books where present tense is used - some for the sake of level, and some simply the author's very intention.

Sidetrack a bit: Open is quite a good book especially for those parents who are tempted to train up their kids - hell-like - for 'achievement' - be it in sports or else. An enlightening read.
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-9 15:48

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作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-9 15:50

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作者: ViviSporty    時間: 10-2-9 16:32     標題: 回覆 14# stccmc 的文章

雖然一般用 past tense 寫故事,但以下情況可改用 present tense:

1) 初小未教 past tense

2) 描述一連串動作時會臨時改用現在式 e.g. The bell finally rang at three sharp.  The boys snatch their backpacks; squeeze out of the classroom; rush along the corridor; tumble down the stairs and trip over one another right in front of the headmaster.

3) The past tense 表示過去了的事情,跟現在沒有大關係,所以有作者改用 the present tense,意欲加強現場感,減少陳年往事的感覺


作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-9 16:36

原帖由 papa_pop 於 10-2-9 15:09 發表
stccmc rightly pointed out the differences in past and present tenses.  

I'm no English expert but an ordinary reader.  I don't tend to jump to the sweeping conclusion that story books written in pre ...

唔係好明你寫緊乜,不過我睇返 d 小朋友故事書,談話裹面有時用 present,有時用 past,呢 d 當然唔係一朝一夕用得好,如果睇得書多,自然都會寫得意思好點。
作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-9 16:40

原帖由 ViviSporty 於 10-2-9 16:32 發表
雖然一般用 past tense 寫故事,但以下情況可改用 present tense:

1) 初小未教 past tense

2) 描述一連串動作時會臨時改用現在式 e.g. The bell finally rang at three sharp.  The boys snatch their backpacks; squ ...


作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-9 18:34

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作者: ViviSporty    時間: 10-2-10 01:56     標題: 回覆 30# stccmc 的文章

Why?  There r ways to describe the same thing.  You don't stick to the past tense and got stuck with it.

The publisher chose the present tense for a reason, commercial or educational.  The school chose that particular book for a reason, level of difficulty maybe.  You choose your own, schools and books.  The world is as diverse as can be.

Why don't u just sit back n relax.  Ask ur kid for her opinion in using the past and the present in writing stories.  Tell her, later on, the difference.  And don't forget to let her know she is now among the better readers/writers in her class.  She now knows more about storywriting while the other kids don't.  Encourage her to read n write more.

Things don't always operate the way ur kid wants it; but u help change the way she looks at them.
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-10 09:01

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-10 16:26

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-10 09:01 發表
I don't want to discuss writing style and how many ways to describe a thing.  It is too big a topic for me. I seek to understand, not to change, the rationale behind choosing present tense over past t ...

我覺得要寫,就乜野 tense 都可以運用,我係唔會理學校學左乜野 tense,我囡囡雖要表達甚麼,就用甚麼 tense,因為 Grammar 係為左表達文意,唔係雖要學好 Grammar,係雖要學好寫作,Grammar 之係其中之一。
作者: ViviSporty    時間: 10-2-11 04:17

That's not quite a conclusion.  Those points in the so-called conclusion are simply ur very own pt of view.  People are apt to conclude in a way to rule out some other opinion.  

What I am saying is that u can always find a solution the other way round.  U said u didn't know how to explain to ur kid the use of the present tense and the past in storywriting.  Come on!  It's nothing advanced.  Just tell her more n more writers are using the present to give past actions liveliness.

Last but not least; it seems like u don't accept the use of the present tense.  That's why u r puzzled; probably not ur kid.  Gotta b open-minded.  That's why I'm saying - relax.  It's nothing major.

PS - U said u asked ur kid to use the present tense because u need to score marks.  I wouldn't agree to it as a parent.  U've got to talk to the teacher.  It doesn't matter whether u will arrive at a satisfactory conclusion.  U'll hv shown ur kid the right way people communicate.

原帖由 stccmc 於 10-2-10 09:01 發表
I don't want to discuss writing style and how many ways to describe a thing.  It is too big a topic for me. I seek to understand, not to change, the rationale behind choosing present tense over past t ...

作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-11 08:41

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作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-11 08:44

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作者: ViviSporty    時間: 10-2-11 16:12

All right....easy....easy.  

People have kids.  U r not alone.  

Do go ahead with ur 'rt mind'.  It would do nobody no harm; and probably no change.  

Just take it easy.  Stay cool; and everything will be in place.  Put it aside for a couple of days n hv a vy happy Lunar NY holiday.

U hv my apologies if I ever hv offended u.
作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-11 17:02

作者: edexp    時間: 10-2-11 21:13

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作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-11 21:29

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作者: happyvalley    時間: 10-2-11 22:48

Grammar 流流長有排教,有排學,不過都係 d 機械式公式化,功多藝屬,壹兩分小左多左,開心…哈哈哈,只要多睇書,從書中多看多睇就自然有印象,變成將來的經驗,不要爭一日之長短。
作者: eviepa    時間: 10-2-11 22:56

原帖由 edexp 於 10-2-11 21:13 發表
作文當然要『Creative』,但唔係 creative 到亂咁用錯 tenses就當係用緊 "advanced" English


作者: ViviSporty    時間: 10-2-12 01:17

Yeah.  I can see that.
作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-12 08:58

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作者: stccmc    時間: 10-2-12 10:20

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