
標題: 小一入學面試有筆試是否違反教局規定? [打印本頁]

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-10-31 17:32     標題: 小一入學面試有筆試是否違反教局規定?

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-10-31 21:08

如果是津貼/官立來說 - 是的

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-10-31 17:32 發表

作者: fotk    時間: 10-10-31 21:19

How about DSS?

原帖由 ziyi 於 10-10-31 21:08 發表
如果是津貼/官立來說 - 是的

作者: ziyi    時間: 10-10-31 21:27


原帖由 fotk 於 10-10-31 21:19 發表
How about DSS?

作者: fotk    時間: 10-10-31 21:35


如果是津貼/官立來說 - 是的

作者: LS.seto    時間: 10-10-31 22:01

依亞仔的描述, 暫定未有遇上小學面試需要考筆試的學校.

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-10-31 17:32 發表

作者: traeh    時間: 10-10-31 23:08

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-10-31 23:49

作者: Unclejt    時間: 10-11-1 01:16

作者: sampapa    時間: 10-11-1 03:01     標題: 回覆 9# Unclejt 的文章

Yes, 叩門階段是需要考筆試
作者: nicolemummy    時間: 10-11-1 05:31

CKY係每人有張紙上面要小朋友"找不同", 算唔算筆試.

原帖由 fotk 於 10-10-31 21:35 發表

如果是津貼/官立來說 - 是的
作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 06:34


原帖由 sampapa 於 10-11-1 03:01 發表
Yes, 叩門階段是需要考筆試

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 07:03

1) 有BK家長話有D学校有做卷來考小一入學試, 是敲门, 例如 xxx & xxx.....

2) GT - 聽一DMumy 講小朋友被要求寫下intreview 老師的名字, 算唔算考unseen默書....

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 10-11-1 05:31 發表
CKY係每人有張紙上面要小朋友"找不同", 算唔算筆試.
作者: cutecutecute    時間: 10-11-1 07:55

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 09:20

Educational Unit need to address this?? How can they (Government) keep silence of this "malpractice"??

原帖由 cutecutecute 於 10-11-1 07:55 發表
根據教育局通告第 9/2004 號(小一入學統籌辦法)第24段:

"24. 教育統籌局希望所有直資小學及私立小學﹙特別是那些與資助中學有直屬或聯繫制度關 ...

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:19

Parents, what do you think??

教育局通告第 9/2004



23. 如上文第3段所述,直資小學及私立小學不在小一入學統籌辦法範圍內。

24. 教育統籌局希望所有直資小學及私立小學﹙特別是那些與資助中學有直屬或聯繫制度關係的直資小學及私立小學﹚在招收小一新生時,遵照附件丙的「約見申請人指南」辦理。直資小學或私立小學如決定約見申請人,必須預先通知教育統籌局預算約見的日期,以便教育統籌局安排代表列席,確保校方不舉行任何形式的測驗。

25. 倘某一間與資助中學有直屬或聯繫制度關係的直資小學或私立小學不依照「約見申請人指南」進行約見,一經查證屬實,該校將會喪失原有的直屬或聯繫制度關係。
26. 凡已接受直資小學小一學位的學生,將不可參加小一入學統籌辦法以獲派官立或資助小學小一學位。直資小學須要求接受其小一學位的家長簽署保證書,同意放棄其子女透過小一入學統籌辦法獲分派小一學位(包括自行分配學位)的權利。學校須於指定時間將有關的學生名單呈交教育統籌局。









約見時,以隨便及非正式的談話(與兒童閒聊)為主,而不應發問有組織的嚴肅問題。主持約見者,應顧及兒童的年齡,生活經驗及思考方式,聽取他們的答案,然後牽引出一些 合兒童思想方式及日常生活有關的問題。




原帖由 cutecutecute 於 10-11-1 07:55 發表
根據教育局通告第 9/2004 號(小一入學統籌辦法)第24段:

"24. 教育統籌局希望所有直資小學及私立小學﹙特別是那些與資助中學有直屬或聯繫制度關 ...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 11:21 編輯 ]
作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-1 11:35

又希望, 又指南, 即係私立就管唔著.
SFA 好似無直屬聯系, 真係可以唔理你喎. 早幾年BK 仲見到有人話佢地筆試架.

不過我個人覺得, 你筆試攪唔掂, 就唔好揀呢類重學術既學校, 否則收左你都係辛苦 (雖然我相信即使無筆試佢地一樣有辦法收到佢地想要果類學生).
作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:36

I just realized that!! I have never checked this..

Thank you. Is this update information since this is 2004?

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 11:19 發表
Parents, what do you think??

教育局通告第 9/2004 號


23. 如上文第3段所述,直資小學及私立小學不在小一入學統籌辦法範圍內。

24. 教育統籌局希望 ...

作者: w_y    時間: 10-11-1 11:37

哈哈....有學校 IN 10 分鐘我見有家長話: 好急好快, IN 唔得出D 乜, 學校收生必然有黑幕/內定.


作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:42

have they cancelled this or still practising? if cancel, why cancelled?

原帖由 w_y 於 10-11-1 11:35 發表
又希望, 又指南, 即係私立就管唔著.
SFA 好似無直屬聯系, 真係可以唔理你喎. 早幾年BK 仲見到有人話佢地筆試架.

不過我個人覺得, 你筆試攪唔掂, 就唔好揀呢類重學術既學校, 否則收左你都係辛苦 (雖然我相信即使無 ...

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:46

5 min is not realistic...

原帖由 w_y 於 10-11-1 11:37 發表
哈哈....有學校 IN 10 分鐘我見有家長話: 好急好快, IN 唔得出D 乜, 學校收生必然有黑幕/內定.

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:48

are they targeting "gifted" kids?

原帖由 w_y 於 10-11-1 11:35 發表
又希望, 又指南, 即係私立就管唔著.
SFA 好似無直屬聯系, 真係可以唔理你喎. 早幾年BK 仲見到有人話佢地筆試架.

不過我個人覺得, 你筆試攪唔掂, 就唔好揀呢類重學術既學校, 否則收左你都係辛苦 (雖然我相信即使無 ...

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-1 11:49

this also cover DSS (part of government subvention??) or private or not??

Not clear??

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 11:19 發表
Parents, what do you think??

教育局通告第 9/2004 號


23. 如上文第3段所述,直資小學及私立小學不在小一入學統籌辦法範圍內。

24. 教育統籌局希望 ...

作者: ssdiana    時間: 10-11-1 16:28

the guideline also affect 直資小學及私立小學招收新生??
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 17:14

which school will use written tests, please share here..

Whatever in 1st phrase or second phrase or even knocking door, as according to the EB officer that are violating the guideline of Educaton B..

I have called today to the educational development section of EB at 28327661. A Mrs Fung called me back to confirm that the following guideline is the most updated version and relevant to all DSS, private and subvented schools.

If you parents have any disagreements on the school arrangements, you can call to each district section to find a special education development officer that connect to the school you want to discuss. For example, the MK phone no. is 36984163 and the Kowloon City is 36984141.

Being tax payers, we need to aware our rights and our kid's rights. Education is basic human rights and should not be deprived of our kid's basic rights. Kids should not be treated like "this" , especially for those who claimed to be great "educators" and loving schools.....









約見時,以隨便及非正式的談話(與兒童閒聊)為主,而不應發問有組織的嚴肅問題。主持約見者,應顧及兒童的年齡,生活經驗及思考方式,聽取他們的答案,然後牽引出一些 合兒童思想方式及日常生活有關的問題。



原帖由 ssdiana 於 10-11-1 16:28 發表
the guideline also affect 直資小學http://adex.baby-kingdom.com/www/delivery/avw.php?bannerid=565&cb=2104及私立小學http://adex.baby-kingdom.com/www/delivery/avw.php?bannerid=565&cb=2104招收新生?? ...

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 20:45 編輯 ]
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 20:47

which school will use written tests, please share here..

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 21:21 編輯 ]
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-1 21:21

Not sure PLK LxC will have written test at the second phrase of their P1 application??

which school will use written tests, please share here.. [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 02:43 編輯 ]
作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-11-1 21:36

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 17:14 發表
which school will use written tests, please share here..

Whatever in 1st phrase or second phrase or even knocking door, as according to the EB officer that are violating the guideline of Educaton B.. ...

你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! 問你7-5=?, 係咪算問課本學問? 如果樓主你覺得你一人之力可以改變呢樣野, 實在係冇咩可能。再者, 有D家長仲好BUY學校可以考呢D, 佢地對小朋友學術上會比較仲有把握。

何必一定要問到邊間學校係咁做呢? 你唔接受/唔鐘意
作者: ziyi    時間: 10-11-1 23:36




作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 01:35

I used to heard that, yet I am not sure about the guideline. I just confirmed and realized this updated guideline this week (yesterday) with someone send me the link on this guideline at this BK discussion forum and I then out of my curiousity called to the EB and some educational development officer  confirm me from the Educational Bureau.

何必一定要 ...??
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 01:57

你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! - so is this right way to do??

Does not mean it is "right" or not violating the educational policy.

Even though I cannot change it by myself, I need to point it out...I do not know if this is going to change or not, this is a "culture" in HK, against culture is not easy and of couse will cause lots of arguments, espeially those who are benefiting from this "culture"....

e.g. .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! 問你7-5=?, 係咪算問課本學問? 如果樓主你覺得你一人之力可以改變呢樣野, 實在係冇咩可能。再者, 有D家長仲好BUY學校可以考呢D, 佢地對小朋友學術上會比較仲有把握。

何必一定要 ... [/quote]
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-11-2 02:00

Maybe you should consider writing your comments to EDB so that the non-compliance can be identified and rectified.
原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 01:57 發表
你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! - so is this right way to do??

Does not mean it is "right" or not violating the educational policy.

Even though I cannot change it by myself, I need to point it out.. ...

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:25

Yes, I will, as a mother who experiencing this system and with 1st hand experience...

I believe that other mums and Dads may have similar feelings or "disagreements". But, it's ok, I can still voice out my "voices"..these voices are real and needed to be addressed!!!

原帖由 thomasha 於 10-11-2 02:00 發表
Maybe you should consider writing your comments to EDB so that the non-compliance can be identified and rectified.

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:44

they do not have the written test as updated from their website...

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-1 21:21 發表
Not sure PLK LxC will have written test at the second phrase of their P1 application??

which school will use written tests, please share here..
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:53

Not sure PLK TXL will have written test at the second phrase of their P1 application??

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 02:44 發表
they do not have the written test as updated from their website...
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:56

Not sure on SFX's most updated practice??

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 02:53 發表
Not sure PLK TXL will have written test at the second phrase of their P1 application??
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:57

Not sure about GT??

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 02:56 發表
Not sure on SFX's most updated practice??
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 02:57

Not sure about Kowloon X Primary school??

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 02:57 發表
Not sure about GT??
作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-2 08:41

My girl is quite shy, and not too chatty . She actually would be better if you access her in written format.   in oral, she will be disadvantaged.   acadamically, she is very good.  

So, I agree, if some private school will use written format to access their knowledge .   

原帖由 silvia_ng 於 10-11-1 21:36 發表

你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! 問你7-5=?, 係咪算問課本學問? 如果樓主你覺得你一人之力可以改變呢樣野, 實在係冇咩可能。再者, 有D家長仲好BUY學校可以考呢D, 佢地對小朋友學術上會比較仲有把握。

何必一定要 ...

作者: jackie_lau2000    時間: 10-11-2 08:59

如果你覺得學校有些規定或安排是你不認同, 那麼不要去面試好了.

希望大家搵到一間心儀和理念一致的學校而學校又可滿足你消費者的要求. 那麼學校校長老師都會十萬個多謝你的決定的
作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-2 09:55

I agree with you that some kids are good at written test..

原帖由 Ewongmum 於 10-11-2 08:41 發表
My girl is quite shy, and not too chatty . She actually would be better if you access her in written format.   in oral, she will be disadvantaged.   acadamically, she is very good.  

So, I agree, if  ...

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-2 10:52

Actually, it worries me that most of the school are examined the kids by story telling . Mine girl is shy and she cannot be too relaxed infront of strangers.  Even, she can do it , I know she cannot be as good as at home. But she is so good at acadamic.   She is more comfortable if you ask her to write it down and choose the correct answer.  I guess some school will use written cos, they need the correct candidtates be ready and prepared for their primary life.  In order to choose the right ones , they will use this format.

原帖由 fotk 於 10-11-2 09:55 發表
I agree with you that some kids are good at written test..

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 11:20

Yes, of course, your point is very valid.

I heard that some school have video viewing and ask the kids to comprehend the stories in the video. So, it's not about story telling only, it's about comprehension, listening, language expressions + they ask the kids to work on worksheets.

It involves many developmental issues there: 1) cognitive development; 2) organizing skills; 3) listening ability; 3) language development of long sentences; 4) fine motor skills on writing

That's too much for a general 5 year old, not for those gifted and outstanding of course!!

Some teachers from these school said to me that these interview designs were really "cruel" to the kids as from their perspectives. They said these are "crazy" exercises for the children - as from what they have said...

原帖由 Ewongmum 於 10-11-2 10:52 發表
Actually, it worries me that most of the school are examined the kids by story telling . Mine girl is shy and she cannot be too relaxed infront of strangers.  Even, she can do it , I know she cannot b ...

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-2 11:32

So the point I raise here:

When DSS is subvented by the government, using the tax payer money... then why they are going to go to a trend to "elite" education while at the same time, they are saying that they are providing a "loving" and "happy learning" school environment for all kids, yet at the same time, excluding other kids that worth of receiving the educational opportunities where the "traditional elite schools" are doing the same thing for over years?

So why you have this DSS school setting up???  

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 11:20 發表
Yes, of course, your point is very valid.

I heard that some school have video viewing and ask the kids to comprehend the stories in the video. So, it's not about story telling only, it's about comp ...

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-2 12:43

Good question.....

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 11:32 發表
So the point I raise here:

When DSS is subvented by the government, using the tax payer money... then why they are going to go to a trend to "elite" education while at the same time, they are saying  ...

作者: ssdiana    時間: 10-11-2 18:36


原帖由 thomasha 於 10-11-2 02:00 發表
Maybe you should consider writing your comments to EDB so that the non-compliance can be identified and rectified.

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-2 22:23

I talked to the principal of my kid's kinder, which so call a famous one: The principal explain why the curriculum change these two years- to be more difficult-p1 level for k3 students- she said she is having pressure from other parents..

I found the curriculum "really" headache to me... That's not education, there's no principles....their teachers are good, they are forced or given pressure from their principal...

That's part of the reality!!

原帖由 ziyi 於 10-11-1 23:36 發表

原因是小朋友的手部肌肉未發肉建全,過早 ...

作者: silvia_ng    時間: 10-11-3 00:04

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-2 01:57 發表
你個POINT 1已經大把學校做緊啦! - so is this right way to do??

Does not mean it is "right" or not violating the educational policy.

Even though I cannot change it by myself, I need to point it out.. ...

係唔係RIGHT WAY, D家長自己已經選擇了。唔鐘意/唔BUY佢咁做, 咪唔好考囉! 再者, 教署指引都唔係今年先出, 以往一直都有咁講, 但亦有學校咁做, 咁教署點解唔做野?
有時我地唔一定要去改變某D野, 而係自己去做出選擇。你要去讀DSS/PRIVATE, 咪要自己選鐘唔鐘意佢咁考你小朋友囉。如果唔鐘意, 咪等政府大抽獎囉, 又唔會冇書讀既。
作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-3 05:39

P1 application process, I would like to point out those DSS or subvented schools who had  "embracing" the value of "loving" and "valuing children's development" have not really practising what they had "embraced" in their mission statements....

[ 本帖最後由 motherotk 於 10-11-3 06:42 編輯 ]
作者: ssdiana    時間: 10-11-3 17:14

good points!!

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-3 05:39 發表
P1 application process, I would like to point out those DSS or subvented schools who had  "embracing" the value of "loving" and "valuing children's development" have not really practising what they ha ...

作者: wanmum    時間: 10-11-3 17:20

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-3 05:39 發表
P1 application process, I would like to point out those DSS or subvented schools who had  "embracing" the value of "loving" and "valuing children's development" have not really practising what they ha ...

Agreed!  Ying Wa is an example.
作者: ssdiana    時間: 10-11-3 17:47

Oh really?? So surprise to heard that!!

Can you elaborate more as I heard that a lots of parents love this school, since mine is a girl, had not applied it, but in the future my little one may consider it, can you share more.....

原帖由 wanmum 於 10-11-3 17:20 發表

Agreed!  Ying Wa is an example.

作者: thomasha    時間: 10-11-3 18:44

Can you elaborate:

1. whether all DSS/subvented schools are not practising it (if not all, can you give some examples?);

2. in what way are they not practising it?
原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-3 05:39 發表
P1 application process, I would like to point out those DSS or subvented schools who had  "embracing" the value of "loving" and "valuing children's development" have not really practising what they ha ...

作者: sylam28    時間: 10-11-3 19:35

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-4 00:13

My opinions:

Both are good Yes Or No

From this year's interview as told by my kid on the process of interviews,

TSL is going to be the same as 九龍塘學校 in terms of :

1) asking academically "sound" questions in interviews

2) targeting at "excellently smart" kids that are academic and achievement oriented

Good for some kids (the 150 selected ones), Definitely Disaster for Other kids (Unfortunately, yet may be lucky of not being selected, thanks God!!)

原帖由 thomasha 於 10-11-3 18:44 發表
Can you elaborate:

1. whether all DSS/subvented schools are not practising it (if not all, can you give some examples?);

2. in what way are they not practising it?

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-4 08:30

That's terrible, sorry to hear that...

原帖由 sylam28 於 10-11-3 19:35 發表

作者: Ewongmum    時間: 10-11-4 08:36

really ? that is no good.  SFA used to be a school that I may consider.

原帖由 sylam28 於 10-11-3 19:35 發表

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-4 16:50

I heard about that, but my kid does not apply this school, can you elaborate what have you experienced??

原帖由 wanmum 於 10-11-3 17:20 發表

Agreed!  Ying Wa is an example.

作者: yuengooluk    時間: 10-11-4 20:40

can you pls elaborate? i want to know more.  thx.

原帖由 wanmum 於 10-11-3 17:20 發表

Agreed!  Ying Wa is an example.

[ 本帖最後由 yuengooluk 於 10-11-4 20:46 編輯 ]
作者: yuengooluk    時間: 10-11-4 20:45

my gut feeling is if TSL doesn't use such criteria, how can they screen 150 children out of >3800 applicants?

原帖由 fotk 於 10-11-4 00:13 發表
My opinions:

Both are good Yes Or No

From this year's interview as told by my kid on the process of interviews,

TSL is going to be the same as 九龍塘學校 in terms of :

1) asking academically "sou ...

作者: huba    時間: 10-11-5 00:59

I am not a parent of YW student. Yet, I am curious about why you made the below comment.

Can you share more?

原帖由 wanmum 於 3/11/2010 17:20 發表

Agreed!  Ying Wa is an example.

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 08:31

what are their criteria?? can you share more?? Same as DBS? Same as DGS??? Same as SPaul Coed??

原帖由 yuengooluk 於 10-11-4 20:45 發表
my gut feeling is if TSL doesn't use such criteria, how can they screen 150 children out of >3800 applicants?

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 08:34

Even DBS don't have the written test??How does DBS screen, when my first child go through DBS, St Paul Co-ed  interview, I am very clear on what are the criteria they were having without any written test...

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 08:31 發表
what are their criteria?? can you share more?? Same as DBS? Same as DGS??? Same as SPaul Coed??

作者: motherotk    時間: 10-11-5 08:44

BTW, have you informed that:

Kowloon Tong Primary School is a private one and SFS is a private school

TSL & GT is a DSS school with subvention from the government and using our tax payer's money...

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 08:34 發表
Even DBS don't have the written test??How does DBS screen, when my first child go through DBS, St Paul Co-ed  interview, I am very clear on what are the criteria they were having without any written t ...

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-5 19:53

SO...? what's the differences?

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 08:44 發表
BTW, have you informed that:

Kowloon Tong Primary School is a private one and SFS is a private school

TSL & GT is a DSS school with subvention from the government and using our tax payer's money...

作者: yuengooluk    時間: 10-11-5 20:05

我完全不知道其他三校的情況. 我的意思是那麼多人報陳守仁,學校怎可能不用盡方法來找出文武全才的孩子來呢.

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 08:31 發表
what are their criteria?? can you share more?? Same as DBS? Same as DGS??? Same as SPaul Coed??

作者: fotk    時間: 10-11-8 10:28

Not every "smartest kid" will choose TSL when final results are released...most will go to SPCC, DGS, DBS or even Kowloon Tong Primary school and other comparable private school with better secondary school allocations...

Check the P6 allocation, most private schools in Kowloon Tong are having much better allocation results than TSL..

原帖由 yuengooluk 於 10-11-5 20:05 發表
我完全不知道其他三校的情況. 我的意思是那麼多人報陳守仁,學校怎可能不用盡方法來找出文武全才的孩子來呢.

作者: flostangraphy    時間: 10-11-8 11:15

were these schools scanning the parents instead?
mind to share more about that?

原帖由 motherotk 於 5/11/2010 08:34 發表
Even DBS don't have the written test??How does DBS screen, when my first child go through DBS, St Paul Co-ed  interview, I am very clear on what are the criteria they were having without any written t ...

作者: huba    時間: 10-11-8 14:03

Are you really sure about the selection criteria for DBSPD & SPCCPS? Or you just meant you know there is no written test.

原帖由 motherotk 於 5/11/2010 08:34 發表
Even DBS don't have the written test??How does DBS screen, when my first child go through DBS, St Paul Co-ed  interview, I am very clear on what are the criteria they were having without any written t ...

作者: Geni    時間: 10-11-8 15:15

學校選擇做直資, 主要原因係有收生權, 有得揀學生. 而家長放棄免費教育去考直資, 係因為唔想靠運, 想靠自己小朋友o既"實力"考入一d學生同家長都經過揀選o既學校. 各取所需而已.

至於用乜o野方法去揀學生, 間間都有自己o既準則, 總之有辦法揀到佢想要o既學校就係o勒! 其實好多學校都冇用筆試來考學生, 一來教育局suggest, 二來邊得o黎咁得閒改幾千份卷, 但就算唔係用筆試, 佢地一樣有大把唔係個個小朋友都適合o既揀選方法o既嗻~~

總之, 考學校, 靠o既係"實力"+"關係"+"運氣", 缺一不可.
作者: ysnmama    時間: 10-11-8 15:55

I have interested to know how DBSPD and SPCC to pick their "right" kids too. thanks.

原帖由 motherotk 於 10-11-5 08:34 發表
Even DBS don't have the written test??How does DBS screen, when my first child go through DBS, St Paul Co-ed  interview, I am very clear on what are the criteria they were having without any written t ...

作者: ysnmama    時間: 10-11-8 15:58


原帖由 Geni 於 10-11-8 15:15 發表
學校選擇做直資, 主要原因係有收生權, 有得揀學生. 而家長放棄免費教育去考直資, 係因為唔想靠運, 想靠自己小朋友o既"實力"考入一d學生同家長都經過揀選o既學校. 各取所需而已.

至於用乜o野方法去揀學生, 間間都有 ...

作者: Geni    時間: 10-11-8 16:29

原帖由 ysnmama 於 10-11-8 15:58 發表

好問題!! 我諗唔同學校同唔同家長都有自己o既標準, 亦都係因為大家o既準則唔同, 所以時不時都會出現o個d乜乜學校收生唔公平, 乜乜學校黑箱作業o既topic..... 呢一兩個月會係呢類topic o既高峰期.

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