
標題: HKPS (AScot) vs St Cat 轉定唔轉? [打印本頁]

作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-1 09:18     標題: HKPS (AScot) vs St Cat 轉定唔轉?

我個乖乖係Ascot讀緊PN, St Cat有 Can/Eng am offer,煩緊轉定唔轉?

作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-1 09:22

請問有冇之前都係讀Ascot,而家讀緊St cat.架?
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-1 09:47

作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-1 15:11

Anyone can share?
作者: MAMAMEEE    時間: 10-12-1 22:00

作者: luiflora    時間: 10-12-2 09:54

原帖由 Mcdondon123 於 10-12-1 09:18 發表
我個乖乖係Ascot讀緊PN, St Cat有 Can/Eng am offer,煩緊轉定唔轉?


我都面對你的煩惱~~~  不知應該選擇沙田hkps or kv or sc .......
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-2 12:50

我女有sc pth-eng pm offer...
但我老公唔主張轉, 原因如下:
1. 我女面試普通話時表現超水準, 唱左首歌加唸左幾篇短文, 個老師都有讚佢發音好, 佢唱同唸的都係hkps(ascot)學的, 老公話某程度上sc都認同hkps的教學啦, 咁仲使咩轉;
2. 猛虎不及地頭虫: 我女考小學只會有15分, 我地又冇人冇物冇connection, 考直資/私校的話讀hkps or sc應該唔會差好遠, 但萬一直資/私校+派位都衰晒, 到扣門時, 尤其係沙田區最top個幾間津小, hkps對我對既幫助應該會大得多;
3. 我女超超超鐘意返學, 次次in完問佢佢都係話讀返hkps, 老公話轉左佢變得唔鐘意返學後果我負...
4. 雖然而家我地hkps係中英文班而sc offer係英普, 但hkps到k2就全部轉英普, 而且而家阿女普通話讀得唔錯, 所以唔使轉校;
5. 老公話我而家都驚唔知學校知唔知我女係邊個, 有冇人會留意到佢, 轉左去d大間學校你咪仲驚?!;
6. 學費hkps平d, 留番d$俾阿女學野, 加上唔好浪費左d校服等等;
7. 而家阿女放學一兩個字就返到屋企可以休息讀書, 但sc遲d放學又車程遠, 唔好要個女辛苦;
8. hkps k1&k2有機會讀上午(答左通告), 但sc來緊兩年都係下午, 到k1&2時就要開始緊佢地d功課, 我地兩個都要返工, 如果讀上午佢放學做完功課, 我地放工返屋企就可以同佢check功課同溫書, 但下午班就麻煩d啦...

佢好有道理, 我又真係諗唔到有咁多points點解要轉, 雖然放棄係十萬個可惜, 但係都唔會讀sc啦...
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-2 13:03

Hi Step_C,
Can we talk? Are you studing Ascot-P2? My daughter is studing P2 too.
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-2 13:22

Hello, cyl114!!! Yes ah, my girl is in P2.  Nice to meet you.
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-2 14:09

Nice to meet you too! Really, but I haven't heard my baby speaking in Mandarian wall...she justs like to sing HKPS song at home....can we talked on phone.
I send you my mobile number.
原帖由 Step_C 於 10-12-2 13:22 發表
Hello, cyl114!!! Yes ah, my girl is in P2.  Nice to meet you.

作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-2 14:32

HKPS ascot 既普通話老師係好senior,真係有水準,我個乖乖之前冇接觸過PTH但家陣會講生字+唱歌!我試過用PTH問佢生字,佢明白仲識答添!
但St Cat既課程好似systematic d,至少有song既CD,我可以學左同乖乖一齊唱...而且英文老師好senior+名氣大...
我ascot係主流 am, St Cat offer EC am...我冇揀英普...又怕St Cat PTH每week2堂太少...
但英文應該St Cat較優勝...
可以PM緊我加入phone decision嘛?
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-2 14:38

只報了St Cat一間,St Cat你係咩offer?
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-2 15:24

"轉左佢變得唔鐘意返學後果我負"... This is my worry too!
係HKPS,你唔洗擔心老師唔識你囡囡,因為我都係working mom,見過老師幾次咋,佢哋都認得我.
作者: Connieleo    時間: 10-12-2 23:35

I know a friend that have a son studying in SC K3 E/C now, she said she needs to spend a lots of money for his son to learn PTH outside.
原帖由 Mcdondon123 於 10-12-2 14:32 發表
HKPS ascot 既普通話老師係好senior,真係有水準,我個乖乖之前冇接觸過PTH但家陣會講生字+唱歌!我試過用PTH問佢生字,佢明白仲識答添!
但個人覺得英文就 ...

作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-3 13:25

原帖由 Mcdondon123 於 10-12-2 14:32 發表
HKPS ascot 既普通話老師係好senior,真係有水準,我個乖乖之前冇接觸過PTH但家陣會講生字+唱歌!我試過用PTH問佢生字,佢明白仲識答添!
但個人覺得英文就 ...

旅行個日我聽到英文老師同阿女講野, 阿女都識回應啊, 可能唔似得pth, 之前阿女未學過, 而英文就一直有講有用, 所以見佢pth講得好好個surprise來得大d.  而且始終而家三種語言並用, 希望到k2只得英普兩者會有更大進步.

cd個d我就冇咩所謂, 有就梗係好啦. 而家我同女女會跟住resource books d簡譜彈琴一齊唱歌, 希望英文d歌仔有埋簡譜仲好, 有機會同學校反映下先得.
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-3 13:28

原帖由 Connieleo 於 10-12-2 23:35 發表
I know a friend that have a son studying in SC K3 E/C now, she said she needs to spend a lots of money for his son to learn PTH outside.

佢出面補習係學咩嫁? 會唔會st. cat都已經好好但你朋友要求更高?
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-3 13:35

What is resource book?
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-3 13:50

原帖由 cyl114 於 10-12-3 13:35 發表
What is resource book?

3 little booklets that distributed to parents on the school commencement day.  2 with orange covers and 1 with purple.  One for Cantonese, one for English & one for PTH.  They contain the subjects that the kids will learn in different periods, with the songs and rhymes that are relevant to the subjects inside.
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-3 14:05

Oh that one...will bring it out and play with baby....thanks
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-3 14:28


咁兩位mama會留Ascot or 轉St Cat?
作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-4 02:55

都有去in SC同KV,兩間都係waiting...有少少失望,但依家唔洗煩要唔要轉都唔係壞事呀

作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-6 10:27

我果個鐘意返呀,其實當初報St Cat都係啱啱開學,喊得好勁,好擔心先多報一間。

你個仔係由頭到尾都唔中意定only recent?
作者: luiflora    時間: 10-12-6 17:32

請問有無人知道沙田HKPS  IN小學的成績如何???有人入男拔及英華.....等嗎???比例係點???十分感謝!!!
作者: 小曳人    時間: 10-12-6 17:35

原帖由 luiflora 於 10-12-6 17:32 發表
請問有無人知道沙田HKPS  IN小學的成績如何???有人入男拔及英華.....等嗎???比例係點???十分感謝!!!

你pm monkey問啦~
佢舊年應該share過學校貼响notice board嘅成績..  

作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-6 17:54

I have 08-09's results:


[ 本帖最後由 Step_C 於 10-12-6 17:59 編輯 ]
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-6 18:01

原帖由 micemom 於 10-12-4 02:55 發表
都有去in SC同KV,兩間都係waiting...有少少失望,但依家唔洗煩要唔要轉都唔係壞事呀

想問下你地既小朋友返學開唔開心呀?我個仔最近好唔鍾意返呀...同佢換校服開始就發脾氣,到學校門口就C都 ...

Hello!!! My girl is in P2. She enjoys schooling very much. Only cried for the first few days...
作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-8 03:34

原帖由 Mcdondon123 於 10-12-6 10:27 發表
我果個鐘意返呀,其實當初報St Cat都係啱啱開學,喊得好勁,好擔心先多報一間。

你個仔係由頭到尾都唔中意定only recent?

作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-8 03:52

原帖由 Step_C 於 10-12-6 18:01 發表

Hello!!! My girl is in P2. She enjoys schooling very much. Only cried for the first few days...

Hi Step_C,

Nice to meet P2 parents here @BK.

My boy is a bit younger than the others in the class and he is not able to talk very well now, so I basically have no idea what he is doing everyday in school. He can only sing some songs (in parts) that he learnt at school.

I've read from your previous message that your girl got accepted by SC's P/E class, what a smart girl! I supported your hubby's point of view...especially the point about the PTH NET. As I'm a native speaker of PTH, I know the PTH teacher @HKPS is with very good accent.  However, the PTH interviewer @SC who interviewed my son is not that 'native', but I don't know about other PTH teachers @SC.
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-8 09:49

Nice to meet you.
Oh, only few days after travel. No need to worry, I think he's just having too much fun during travel.Give him another week and should be fine.
I agree with you, HKPS Ascot PTH is very well.
You try to download the snacks menu from school web and ask your son at home. Like what do you have in school today...see if it's right.
They usually have something diff. on Fri., so i usually ask my son on Fri and he feels very happy to have biscuit and special drinks. For my son, that helps me to dig what is going on in school.
Now he can even tell me about classmate is school...like who's crying, wet their clothes...etc.
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-8 13:36

Don't worry, my girl's sick for a week and also crying when back to school. After three days, she will back to normal.
作者: busy_penny    時間: 10-12-8 13:39

作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-8 20:55     標題: 回復 29# Mcdondon123 的帖子


Thks for your suggestions...I've already printed out the snack menu today and start the 'little conversation' with my son...

Btw, may be the classmate your son mentioned who cried or wet the cloth was my son...coz he had did both in school
作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-8 21:04     標題: 回復 30# cyl114 的帖子

Hi cyl114,

Thks for comforting me...I had to admit that may be I worry a bit too much...but as a mom, I just can't help it:;pppp:

It has been more than a week since we are back, and today he is still crying when entering the school entrance, fortunately a bit better than before...i'll cross my fingers
作者: janice620    時間: 10-12-9 00:48

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作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-9 13:44

Don't be sad! My girls always web her cloths..teaches said that they saw lots of baby is like that when weather is cooler.
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-9 15:28

Don't worry,actually my son also wet his clothe/pant too. At least once a week!
I hope the little convsersation helps. And also, you can ask him about exercise in school. My son love the exercise session, and we do the exercise together at night, I ask him to teach me and then he starts telling me about 芝士哥哥? leading them exercise...who seat next to him for snacks...etc.
You can get little information here and there from them, but it takes time!
Add oil together!^^
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-9 15:35

Thanks so much for your sharing.
你真係講晒兩間既唔同出黎,但我未諗得掂讀咩小學,所以好難make decision.
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-9 16:32

Mcdondon 123,
Your boy so smart can tell you 芝士哥哥, I have no idea they have exercise session tim..  Will try to  ask my girl...thanks for your sharing.
作者: MAMAMEEE    時間: 10-12-10 00:22

原帖由 janice620 於 10-12-9 00:48 發表
2.HKPS是學校提供茶點, SC要自己準備(包括生日會建議準備 ...

多謝您, 第7點真係好重要, 好的英文教學都必須有呢種配套先會事半功倍.
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-10 10:45

They have exercise session every Tue & Thur, I know they hire 2 gym teachers (Boy) coming from outside to do exercise with the kid. But I don't know how often they come. I don't know if it's really 芝士哥哥 or James 哥哥, as I found the name is quite interesting. But my son insist his name is 芝士哥哥!haha
Ask your girl see if she knows 芝士哥哥 or James 哥哥 and share with me!^^
作者: Pertra    時間: 10-12-10 11:05     標題: 回復 7# janice620 的帖子

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作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-10 13:02

Hi Mcdondon 123,
Will ask my girl? I afraid she can not tell me. She is not smart as your son and Step C's girl.
作者: janice620    時間: 10-12-10 13:19     標題: 回復 41# Pertra 的帖子

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作者: russia_2018_wc    時間: 10-12-11 01:02

Better stay at PS! Much smaller class... SC takes in far tooooo many students
作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-11 01:05

Hi Mcdondon 123 & cyl114,
I believe it's 芝士哥哥 as I remember that the Principal mentioned this name during the first parent meeting.

I've tried to asked my son about what did 芝士哥哥 played with him but he didn't respond at all

One good news is that he has stopped crying today when going into the school...it took him 2 weeks to get back to normal just after a short 3-days holiday...I'm now worrying about the coming 2-weeks school holiday, don't want to go through this again (I felt the teacher were not happy to see him like this:;pppp:)
作者: monkey05    時間: 10-12-11 09:22

原帖由 janice620 於 10-12-9 00:48 發表
2.HKPS是學校提供茶點, SC要自己準備(包括生日會建議準備 ...

可以幫你補充一下 :
4.HKPS没有課程進度表, SC有4 weeks plan,學校每個月會有通告通知家長下個月會教的課程,而每星期派回手册也清楚列明本星期教過的生字,兒歌,數學...更建議家長跟小朋友回家溫習
hkps 的進度手冊在開學的上學期同下學期已派發比各家長, 果3本小冊子便是, 內頭寫左大概果個月教d 咩內容/歌仔/字...etc...

5.以我所知HKPS在K1開始寫字, SC在K2才開始,我曾經問過班主任話希望先鞏固每位小朋友執筆的基礎,不用太著急寫字
hkps k1 下學期開始寫字, 上學期寫線
hkps k1 的家課上學期, 一星期兩本 (線+填色), 小朋友自己做, 無親子功課, 無咩野要搞到家長出手.

hkps 也是, 訓練小朋友出playground 唱歌, 也鼓勵同學在課室企出來答問題/唱歌etc.
細校, 感覺上幾親切, 無論係呀姐, 隔離班的老師, 都叫得出我小朋友的名字, 一個電話打去學校, 只講個名, 接電話的小姐也知小朋友係邊個讀咩班.  

[ 本帖最後由 monkey05 於 10-12-11 09:30 編輯 ]
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-11 19:57

Sorry for not responding this thread for a long time cos I got sick in the past few days ah...

Yes, it should be 芝士哥哥ah but I seldom heard my girl mentioned about him... let me ask her about him... I just know the PTH teacher for P2 should be 李老師 since my girl always said 李老師再見,同學們再見 something like that...

We've given up the offer of SC... cos my girl really likes HKPS so much... and one more additional reason... I'm a lazy mum... I feel headache to arrange our daily 3 meals... so my headache will become more serious if I need to arrange my girl's snack food at SC...
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-11 20:01

原帖由 monkey05 於 10-12-11 09:22 發表

可以幫你補充一下 :
4.HKPS没有課程進度表, SC有4 weeks plan,學校每個月會有通告通知家長下個月會教的課程,而每星期派回手册也清楚列明本星期教過的生字,兒歌,數學...更建議家長跟小朋友回家溫習
hkps 的進度手冊 ...

Agree very much your point 4.

And for the last point, I have decided to let my girl to join some PTH speech competitions when she gets older so as to train her confidence and courage of speaking in front of people. My colleague's girl, who is a K3 student of SOKA, did join many PTH speech competitions in the past years and got prizes. The girl has been accepted by both GH and SFA.
作者: russia_2018_wc    時間: 10-12-11 20:03

Well done! HKPS is so much better!
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-13 11:32

yes, I asked my girl, she said is 芝士哥哥. And, she told me little bit excise tim... so funny!!
作者: Mcdondon123    時間: 10-12-13 12:44

Hi all,
After visiting the campus and briefing of SC yesterday, I think I will let my son stay in Ascot HKPS.
I think it's more suitable for my son. I like the new curriculum: all K2 & K3 class become 英普班.
Also, I think my son is more suitable for small class teaching.
Like monkey05 said,
細校, 感覺上幾親切, 無論係呀姐, 隔離班的老師, 都叫得出我小朋友的名字, 一個電話打去學校, 只講個名, 接電話的小姐也知小朋友係邊個讀咩班.  
Totally agree with this!
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-13 13:03

Hi Monkey 05,
Thanks for your sharing regarding HKPS.
Do your baby studing at HKPS now? Which grade?
作者: micemom    時間: 10-12-13 16:38     標題: 回復 51# Mcdondon123 的帖子

Hi Mcdondon 123,

Glad you've made a decision, and happy to see your son is staying...hope he enjoys everyday at HKPS!
作者: cyl114    時間: 10-12-13 19:02

For all HKPS baby!
作者: Step_C    時間: 10-12-14 09:02

原帖由 cyl114 於 10-12-13 11:32 發表
yes, I asked my girl, she said is 芝士哥哥. And, she told me little bit excise tim... so funny!!

Good!!! Feel very happy for you!!!

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