
標題: 香港新一代家長的奇怪現象 [打印本頁]

作者: dmma    時間: 11-7-5 17:30     標題: 香港新一代家長的奇怪現象

想小朋友英文好,做家長必須做點功課,例如跟小朋友多讀英文書,之前需預習吓(免得讀到「甩甩咳咳」)。相信「食rice未」或「mammy wants u 坐定定」,絕對對小朋友的英文無幫助!很慶幸幾個月前轉番channel講中文,囝囝好快已對答如流,英文方面,外籍老師亦常常讚他vocab豐富和發音很好。
作者: carriekwp    時間: 11-7-6 12:02

贊成, 中文都未學好, 英文都唔會好.
作者: peggyhklam    時間: 11-7-6 12:19

唉, 我跟你們相反, 我教中文有把握, 英文沒把握, 因為我自細覺得英文難過中文好多
作者: sheffield    時間: 11-7-6 12:38     標題: 回復 1# peggyhklam 的帖子

其實學語言好講天份同性格,有天份係事半功倍,但最緊要係有機會接觸,唔怕醜肯試,肯講。我個人認為能幫孩子先掌握一個語言,讓他/她能好好的表達自己最重要。我說的表現,不只是告知你鍾意定唔鍾意,而是能用不同又豐富的詞彙去表達和溝通。其實,良好的溝通能力能多方面幫助小朋友發展,包括自信心。在香港,絕大部份人都是說廣東話,小朋友接觸的都是廣東講(中文),所以我也是認為小朋友應先學好廣東話(中文)。當然,如小朋友的家庭背景較特別,家中的母語是英文,又是返學際學校,住的區份多是英文人,那他們就應先掌握好英文了。但無論如何,如經濟許可,我們也應從小讓小朋友開始接觸外語,特號是vocab,讓他們習慣這是平常的,不可怕的,大一點認真學時也不會怕怕,vocab好,之後再pick up grammer就更不太難(成句句子聽到2/3個主要的字都估到做乜,能作出反應,encouraging好多!)…
作者: tsangws    時間: 11-7-6 12:56

同意你既講法! 我自己都唔係english native speaker, 如果要同阿仔「全英語」 溝通, 雖然都可以, 但感覺都係怪怪的. 不過工人姐姐就可以"名正言順"用「全英語」同阿仔溝通.

同埋我覺得"語境"好重要, 要學好語言(特別係母語)作為日常溝通工具, 身邊既親友同社區就係好好既"學習語境"啦!

原帖由 dmma 於 11-7-5 17:30 發表
其實我也曾經對小朋友「全英語」,但到他慢慢長大,我發覺越來越古怪,為何我們這些土生土長的純正中國人,要用外語(即英文)來跟囝囡對話。是否會覺得高人一等?我真係完全唔覺囉,特別喺公眾場合聽到d新一代的 ...

作者: wchow10    時間: 11-7-6 13:20

本帖最後由 wchow10 於 16-10-7 16:34 編輯


作者: tsangnamnam    時間: 11-7-6 14:12

嗰日就喺街度, 有個阿媽係咁要個女學佢講:"阿女, 拿哩個係"ae-盧-平" "ae-盧-平".... 仲要個女學佢講...
作者: jellycheng    時間: 11-7-6 14:42

同意。如果自己都係abc或cbc等當然好ok, 不過自己英文都嘛嘛地, 仲要「土炮」全英對話肯定對小朋友嚟講唔係好事。我聽過最經典嘅「土炮」對話係"see tv"...
作者: Ina    時間: 11-7-6 22:21

基本上, 我好同意你既講法. 所以我都唔會再全英咁同小朋友溝通 (事實上亦難做到).

不過, 當小朋友用英文問我或同我講野時, 我唔會因為怕醜而用中文去答番佢. 只要我無教錯佢, 當比機會佢多聽多講都好.

其實, 中英普都要識, 我唔會規限佢一定要學好中文先. 平均就最好.  

原帖由 dmma 於 11-7-5 17:30 發表
其實我也曾經對小朋友「全英語」,但到他慢慢長大,我發覺越來越古怪,為何我們這些土生土長的純正中國人,要用外語(即英文)來跟囝囡對話。是否會覺得高人一等?我真係完全唔覺囉,特別喺公眾場合聽到d新一代的 ...

作者: luilui007    時間: 11-7-6 22:36     標題: 回復 6# wchow10 的帖子

認同, 英文真係唔多好就唔好亂教, 有次我同女女去完沙灘玩後, 小巴位後面有位媽咪同佢個仔(3年級度),叫佢明天同老師講今日去左沙灘玩,  是I go to beach Yesterday!, 嘩! 我有無聽錯, 我英文都是不好, 但有無離譜d~
作者: myfatgal    時間: 11-7-7 00:15

問題係由姐姐講英文開始,佢開始講話就用英文。開始都冇特別,後來發現佢用來用去都係果D字。就發覺我哋始終吾係native speaker。所以宜家多咗用中文溝通。所以之後個女就改變策略,中英文一齊,但佢快到兩歲都末係好識講嘢。
作者: babybear    時間: 11-7-7 08:59

你地唔發現香港有個怪現象, 同樣有兩個同齡既小朋友喺樹,一個知識明顯高過另一個小朋友,中英讀寫方面也比較優勝,但唯獨是不能操一口流利英語。但另一位知識方面比較弱,但一開口就滿口流利英語(但不懂看中、英文字.....更不懂寫!)......但外人只會對後者讚口不絕!奇怪嘛?!

[ 本帖最後由 babybear 於 11-7-7 09:01 編輯 ]
作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 11-7-7 09:39

真的有人這樣講嗎:「食rice未」或「mammy wants u 坐定定」,你當時係咪食緊飯?聽完有冇噴飯
作者: mio8390    時間: 11-7-7 10:17     標題: 回復 2# babybear 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 mio8390 於 11-7-7 10:23 編輯 ]
作者: HMmummy    時間: 11-7-7 13:34

Well, actually, I think you can see the different between native speakers and the local kids when they are speaking English. But I think it is a very encouraging phenomena that parents try their best to speak in full sentence to communicate with their kids. Learning is life long even for parents. If they hesitate to speak out, no imprevement could be made. In return, I support to educate parents to speak in full sentence and learn more in English. Our kids are competitive with the global kids (e.g. Signapore, China instead of HK kids.
These are only my sharing.

原帖由 dmma 於 11-7-5 17:30 發表
其實我也曾經對小朋友「全英語」,但到他慢慢長大,我發覺越來越古怪,為何我們這些土生土長的純正中國人,要用外語(即英文)來跟囝囡對話。是否會覺得高人一等?我真係完全唔覺囉,特別喺公眾場合聽到d新一代的 ...

作者: CatEgg    時間: 11-7-7 18:01

作者: HMmummy    時間: 11-7-7 23:11

I wonder it's not Chinese, it's PTH.

原帖由 CatEgg 於 11-7-7 18:01 發表

作者: vivicui    時間: 11-7-7 23:29

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作者: momo627    時間: 11-7-8 01:26     標題: 回復 1# dmma 的帖子

Hope you won't my view.

I do speak English (not that kind of "mix with cantonese & English, and I am not native Speaker, but I think my pronoucation should be acceptable), my husband use Eng and sometimes in Cantonese at home, my maid speak Mandarin. Some may said learning mother language is more important or and learning more languages at a time may make them confuse. Some professionals say it is good for 6M to 2Y to learn different languages earlier as it is golden time for learning languages. I don't know who is correct, but why I choose this.....

Many students, even those graduated in the University, cannot write an email or letter grammatical correct; and don't say about their spoken English. I am old so I started learning English in KG which native English teacher, and from P1 to secondary school, I don't think my English is good, esp. spoken English.

we must admit that, English is a common language used worldwide, so if I spent more than 20 yrs, I have no confidence in my English, I prefer letting my son to try to learn earlier. And as those professionals said, even they mix up languages when they are small, they can differentiate and use the right language, like speak to PHT teacher in Mandarin, Spanish teacher in Spanish....it is only my view, may not be true.

And surely, there are lots of chances in our daily life he can learn cantonese, so why need to learn it before English?

I have no such concept that using other langauge 即英文)來跟囝囡對話會覺得高人一等or祟洋心理/Only, I think, they need more time to learn English earlier, as it is useful for his future career. For example, for my job, all my bosses are from Europe, Spain, England, US, they speaks English though but it is not easy to understand what they say because of escense (sorry forget the spelling), if we can't communicate to him, how can I get a job, this reduces my chance of getting more job opportunities.

And yes, some kids can speak fluent English but can't read and write the words, as when they are small, they receive sounds at first message (like you play songs to baby to listen when you are pregnant, he will remember and love that song), just like listening to song, they can follow and sing when the songs are playing, but they can't write, just like you can't ask a 2 yr old kid to use pen as his muscle is not yet well developed. Next stage is learning by reading to reconigse words, then the other steps is to write.

But I agree with you, for those new generation (see, the problem of HK Education system, use mother language in priminary school, now youngsters cannot express themself in English, don't talk about grammer, but use those icq wordis), 父母用一些很「土炮」的全英語對話,說實話,有點替他們覺得醜怪。

And also agree with you, parents shall prepre themsleves, read story books, if don't know how to pronouce a word, buy a translation machine, and yes, never do 「食rice未」或「mammy wants u 坐定定」,絕對對小朋友的英文無幫助!

很慶幸幾個月前轉番channel講中文,囝囝好快已對答如流,英文方面,外籍老師亦常常讚他vocab豐富和發音很好。<--that's great, every one have their own views, maybe I am wrong, so wish u don't mind I express my view.

請各土生土長或純正中國人(除非英文極之出眾)三思:學英文難,學中文更難!<---let them listens to those Chinese poem really help, I see lots of examples.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 11-7-8 01:30 編輯 ]
作者: reei    時間: 11-7-8 09:04     標題: foreign languages

I am one of those people who thinks that speaking foreign languages early in life is beneficial. I speak Putonghua to my daughter. I am not fluent in Putonghua , learning at the same time, those words that I can't make out, I'll check the electronic dictionary. I am not Chinese educated. My husband who is a local Hong Kong, hmm... hopeless in Putonghua, so he speaks English to my daughter. I really do appreciate him speaking English as you know, locals don't speak English so often. As a results, my daughter can speak good English , Putonghua and Cantonese. My hubby's English is also more fluent these days, help with his presentation and communication skills at work too. I dont think that speaking English to a child makes you a cut above the rest, I speak putonghua to my daughter and occasionally find that locals 'bounce away' when you speak putonghua. Maybe they thought we are from mainland China, and what is so scary about people from mainland China anyway..
But I do think that, if we want to teach a child anything, we should learn together and improve. My sister's mother-in-law.. speaks English to my niece and say things like " Do you want to eat ruler (noodle)?",, helicopter, she pronounced as arigatou...
I've also seen an old gentleman, I think he is the grandfather, speaks in very local Hong Kong accent, but perfect English, good pronounciation, grammar and vocab. Very impressive.
作者: mio8390    時間: 11-7-8 09:36


原帖由 vivicui 於 11-7-7 23:29 發表

作者: rai_fc    時間: 11-7-8 10:02

This is my personal experience.

We talked to my son in both English and Cantonese when my son was a baby, then he got language confusion so speech therapist asked us to stick at one language first.
Therefore, I picked English as the maid can only speak English to him anyway.
(Well, my husband is a British born + I have lived in US for many yrs, so hopefully, our English standard is above average).

After a few months, he can speak well and interview K1 with English.
When he started PN in last Sept, he was able to understand Cantonese but unable to speak it and now he can talk in Cantonese without any problem.

Now, my maid and I speak to my son in English and my husband and grandparents speak to him in Cantonese.
I really want him to be bi/trilingual.
No doubt that need to start learning a language early but how early and how to inspire the kids to like it is an art and need a lot of effort.
Now, I am also introducing Mandarin to my son.

Btw, I couldn't speak Cantonese before 2 yrs old (spoke chiu chow hua at home ) but I
picked up Cantonese quickly in school after attending PN/K1.
I believe learning Cantonese is not hard, but learning proper written Chinese is hard.

作者: A-Mum    時間: 11-7-8 22:38

We chose to speak only Cantonese at home but we picked schools that emphasized English and PTH teaching.

This is what we get:

狐假虎威 Audios in PTH & Eng

[My boy (almost 8) watched a cartoon on 狐假虎威 and we asked him to retell it in PTH and English. No rehearsals or writing up before.]

Kids who only speak Cantonese at home can also have good tri-lingual development.
作者: ffaye    時間: 11-7-9 22:32

My husband and I speak Cantonese to each other, but speak English to our son.

In the beginning, my husband wanted to try to speak Cantonese to our son and I speak English to him then hopefully he can be fluent in both languages, However, we ended up switched to English only. The reason is mainly because that our maids speak English and PH at home. We are afraid that he would be confused with the 3 languages thus we decided to talk to him in English.

I am not too worry about the Cantonese part as he will be able to pick up soon frmo the school (He is 2.5 years old now).

原帖由 rai_fc 於 11-7-8 10:02 發表
This is my personal experience.

We talked to my son in both English and Cantonese when my son was a baby, then he got language confusion so speech therapist asked us to stick at one language first.

作者: anteater    時間: 11-7-10 09:56

如果唔係在英語環境長大,就唔好主要用英文同小朋友溝通,我發覺好多又中又英(父中母英or VS)的小朋友都唔多說話(一個小朋友應該什麼都說一餐)用來用去這些詞語,大人聽小朋友說英文,好似好勁,其實同D真係鬼仔鬼妹比,中國小朋友的英文真係好水皮,相反,在屋村的只說廣東話大的小朋友就碟碟不休,口水多過茶!!精靈活潑!!!
另外,我見到有些用英文回答呢個topic的朋友的英文好好笑,你們自己看一看...是中文英語來的!!!  你下一代的英語會是這樣吧?還堅持用英語和小朋友溝通嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 anteater 於 11-7-10 10:03 編輯 ]
作者: atmtran    時間: 11-7-10 15:14

原帖由 anteater 於 11-7-10 09:56 發表
如果唔係在英語環境長大,就唔好主要用英文同小朋友溝通,我發覺好多又中又英(父中母英or VS)的小朋友都唔多說話(一個小朋友應該什麼都說一餐)用來用去這些詞語,大人聽小朋友說英文,好似好勁,其實同D真係鬼仔鬼妹比,中 ...

Totally agree.  Sorry, I would like to use Chinese to reply but my Chinese typing is extremely slow.  I use only Chinese (of course, some English vocab from time to time) to my 20 mths old.  I struggled with use of Chi/Eng before my gal was born.  Finally I decided to use only Chi but place her in English playgroup with native speaker.  I consider I can communicate well in English as I work with a lot of Native English bosses/colleagues and studied in overseas for 5 years.

Main reason I choose Chi is no matter how good my English is, my Eng level is only FUNCTIONAL and when it comes to express feeling, Chi would be the best medium for me.  Express my in depth feeling and let her understand me is far more important than if she is a good speaker in English or not.

Also I want my gal to be competitive too but I think she first needs to manage her mother tongue.  I have some foreigner friends can manage multi-languages not because they have parents talking to them at young age with multi-languages but learnt those at school with chance to practice (e.g. some traveled to China/Europe for a summer/semester to learn).

Just my 2 cents.

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