
標題: DBS vs SPCC [打印本頁]

作者: littlepang_lau    時間: 11-11-4 20:09     標題: DBS vs SPCC

如你有兩個仔,你會揀DBS 定係SPCC?
作者: fsforth    時間: 11-11-4 20:23

問題不是你有幾多個仔, 而係性格是否合適學校, 還有最重要的是...收左先算
作者: newmommy    時間: 11-11-4 21:47

Comparatively, SPCC focuses more on Chinese (my impression only) than DBS.
Not to say that DBS's Chinese level is lower, but it is DBS' selling point.

I also believe that since DBS is a boy school, if your boys are very very active, the teachers would be more tolerant in DBS than in SPCC, just because you do not have girls inside the school to compare!

原帖由 fsforth 於 11-11-4 20:23 發表
問題不是你有幾多個仔, 而係性格是否合適學校, 還有最重要的是...收左先算

作者: CMWmama    時間: 11-11-7 07:28

我會揀SPCC, 因為而家玩"疑似繼承"遊戲, 將來阿仔生了女 (即樓主孫女), 可能有用! (雖然時間流流長) 反正兩間參不多, 如果兩個仔兩間都入梗的, 就揀SPCC 啦!
作者: tumtum    時間: 11-11-7 10:58

Most of my freinds with their boys getting offers from both SPCC and DBS end up choosing DBS.
作者: ngming7    時間: 11-11-7 11:17

其實呢條問題都幾無聊, 就好似問你想個老竇係誠哥定四叔咁.
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 11-11-7 11:28


原帖由 ngming7 於 11-11-7 11:17 發表
其實呢條問題都幾無聊, 就好似問你想個老竇係誠哥定四叔咁.

作者: hkrosetw    時間: 11-11-7 15:03

人地心大心細先問下姐, 覺得無聊咪ignor人地問題lor, 唔須要吋人. 大家都係係度share下心得, 無咩所謂姐
作者: wh0709    時間: 11-11-7 16:00

Well planning, but I still agree that we should choose which fits kid's character
原帖由 CMWmama 於 11-11-7 07:28 發表
我會揀SPCC, 因為而家玩"疑似繼承"遊戲, 將來阿仔生了女 (即樓主孫女), 可能有用! (雖然時間流流長) 反正兩間參不多, 如果兩個仔兩間都入梗的, 就揀SPCC 啦! ...

作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-7 22:41

Do u mind sharing why your friends choose DBS finally?
Many thanks for your kind sharing.

原帖由 tumtum 於 11-11-7 10:58 發表
Most of my freinds with their boys getting offers from both SPCC and DBS end up choosing DBS.

作者: kkhon    時間: 11-11-8 01:01

原帖由 ngming7 於 11-11-7 11:17 發表
其實呢條問題都幾無聊, 就好似問你想個老竇係誠哥定四叔咁.

作者: littlepang_lau    時間: 11-11-8 08:17

其實我都偏向dbs, 但總覺得dbs較為高傲. 而spcc的親和感和校長的誠意有點打動我, 現在仍是十五十六. 希望有認識這兩間學校的家長能給予點意見吧!
1. 學業及功課壓力
2. 同儕之間的比較, 如有錢, 有才華等
3. 教師的質素, 對學生的照顧等
4. 家長財鴻勢大的程度

[ 本帖最後由 littlepang_lau 於 11-11-8 12:58 編輯 ]
作者: 犖犖    時間: 11-11-8 10:05

我認為,如果你諗住中學另有打算,咁揀間近自己屋企就好。如果一心想直升中學,男校 vs 男女校就係其中一個要小心考慮既問題;另一個我認為要小心處理的,就是中學時同學之間的比較,尤其係可能遇到的家庭背景比較。
作者: tumtum    時間: 11-11-8 14:31

原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-7 22:41 發表
Do u mind sharing why your friends choose DBS finally?
Many thanks for your kind sharing.

Well from what I gathered the general impression is that SPCC is too rigid with too much focus on academic (5 exams a year), whereas DBS has a more well-rounded and balanced curriculum which may be more suitable for boys.  

As a result, many people believe that boys from DBS are much more 醒目 and less nerdy than boys from SPCC, although boys from DBS are also much more naughty!

But of course this is just what I have heard, not sure how true.
作者: Peter2880    時間: 11-11-8 19:54

原帖由 kkhon 於 11-11-8 01:01 發表


作者: sweatheart    時間: 11-11-8 20:12

would u mind sharing us how u train up your son for getting offers from these two elite schools?

原帖由 littlepang_lau 於 11-11-8 08:17 發表
其實我都偏向dbs, 但總覺得dbs較為高傲. 而spcc的親和感和校長的誠意有點打動我, 現在仍是十五十六. 希望有認識這兩間學校的家長能給予點意見吧!
1. 學業及功課壓力
2. 同儕之間的比較, 如有錢 ...

作者: J_D74    時間: 11-11-8 21:53

原帖由 ngming7 於 11-11-7 11:17 發表
其實呢條問題都幾無聊, 就好似問你想個老竇係誠哥定四叔咁.

我覺得真係魚與熊掌, 放棄那一間都怕後悔, 怕揀錯, 所以檈主問定做Research都係好事.....加油.....

不過呢, 我希望大家盡可能不要hold太多學校在手, 頂多三兩間好啦, 免得其他家長心掛掛到下年6,7月...等待實在太慘了....
作者: Peter2880    時間: 11-11-8 22:01

原帖由 J_D74 於 11-11-8 21:53 發表

我覺得真係魚與熊掌, 放棄那一間都怕後悔, 怕揀錯, 所以檈主問定做Research都係好事.....加油.....

不過呢, 我希望大家盡可能不要hold太多學校在手, 頂多三兩間好啦, 免得其他家長心掛掛到下年6,7月...等待實在太 ...

E D 真係叫做無得揀又煩, 有得揀又煩. 我諗揀E兩間, 事但1間都應該唔會後悔和揀錯掛
作者: 4eyesDad    時間: 11-11-9 09:45

Unless you live on a boat in the middle of Victoria Harbour, the school which is closer to your home should be considered first!
作者: karen55407    時間: 11-11-9 10:25

Same as my friend.
原帖由 tumtum 於 11-11-7 10:58 發表
Most of my freinds with their boys getting offers from both SPCC and DBS end up choosing DBS.

作者: Joechengck    時間: 11-11-9 10:38

作者: interview    時間: 11-11-9 11:26

平時功課少, 教得輕鬆, 好得閒
考試深, 考好多冇教的
機制是: 入拔莘的全是自動自覺會求知的學生, 根本從來不須谷, 什至鼓勵他們多參與課外活動, 讀少d書!"




作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-9 12:16

作者: Homade    時間: 11-11-9 13:09

SPCC d老師同家長覺得自己會High d,學生就勾心鬥角,你爭我逐。
DBSPD d老師和家長會隨和d,學生就羣體d和自理能力高d。
作者: tinyuichan    時間: 11-11-9 13:15

原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 12:16 發表

至現在為止都似係spcc攻db/dg多d! 學界spcc偶然會勝出, 但db/dg始終是躉
作者: michelle2307    時間: 11-11-9 13:31

真係笑左出黎 x2

原帖由 kyliema2006 於 11-11-7 03:28 發表

作者: Loso    時間: 11-11-9 13:34




原帖由 Homade 於 11-11-9 13:09 發表
SPCC d老師同家長覺得自己會High d,學生就勾心鬥角,你爭我逐。
DBSPD d老師和家長會隨和d,學生就羣體d和自理能力高d。

作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-9 13:40     標題: 回覆 1# tinyuichan 的文章


作者: kyliema2006    時間: 11-11-9 13:52



原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 13:40 發表


作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-9 14:02     標題: 回覆 1# kyliema2006 的文章

作者: michelle2307    時間: 11-11-9 14:05

DB and DG 唔係屆屆出狀元 because  students got 30 marks in HKCEE (6A or above), they will stay in their own school for F.6 as they can join the early admission scheme (EAS) to go to university directly, they won't study F.7 and they don't need to take part in the HKAL.  Therefore 唔係屆屆出狀元 in HKAL because the top 10 or even 20 students go to university already.

恆生商學院 recruits students for F.6 and those students are having CE result in between 25-30 marks, as they cannot join the EAS, they work very hard, also, not so many students take the commerce subjects, so they win in HKAL.

[ 本帖最後由 michelle2307 於 11-11-9 06:07 編輯 ]
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 11-11-9 14:08


原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 14:02 發表

作者: michelle2307    時間: 11-11-9 14:11

Because DBS is already good at academic, it's even more good at music, so if you want your children have achievement in music or sports, you should choose DBS.

原帖由 kyliema2006 於 11-11-9 06:08 發表

作者: ha!    時間: 11-11-9 14:21

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作者: interview    時間: 11-11-9 15:00

我先生都是DBS old boy。我問過他這問題,他說他選SPCC。

主要是他不喜歡那種文化,成日覺得自己"best of the best" etc etc!(eg. 我們看音樂人生,他間直唔想睇,他說以前學校就是充滿那種人)。



作者: sytw    時間: 11-11-9 15:28


作者: tumtum    時間: 11-11-9 16:10

Yeah, both are top notch schools, you are lucky to have such a "tough" decision to make, wish I can be in your shoe
作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-9 16:58     標題: 回覆 3# interview 的文章

請問轉咗新校長後有何改變?改善?因在2nd interview時佢好強調唔(再)谷學生!
作者: interview    時間: 11-11-9 17:17

原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 16:58 發表
請問轉咗新校長後有何改變?改善?因在2nd interview時佢好強調唔(再)谷學生!

作者: interview    時間: 11-11-9 17:27

原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 14:02 發表

音樂我原本覺得DBS好D,因為出過王家正,Aristo Sham 等。

作者: kids33    時間: 11-11-9 18:48

不知 spcc 有否大力鼓勵學生參加音樂節, 而獲獎又會否加音樂分或有其他獎勵呢?
作者: tinyuichan    時間: 11-11-9 19:35     標題: 回覆 28# bqmum 的文章

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-9 20:32


[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-11-9 20:49 編輯 ]
作者: tinyuichan    時間: 11-11-9 20:49

原帖由 interview 於 11-11-9 17:27 發表

音樂我原本覺得DBS好D,因為出過王家正,Aristo Sham 等。


例如Aristo Sham 6歲已考完8級琴, 男拔根本不可能有學生報1級比賽!
一般兵家必爭之地是學校管絃樂團, 管樂團, 絃樂小組, 中英文abc組合唱團, etc
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 11-11-9 20:50



原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-11-9 20:32 發表

Do you know what is EAS?

Do you know many students from SPCC, DBS, DGS through EAS to get into Big 3?

Only students not eligible for EAS will take HKALE..... in SPCC, DBS and DGS..... or go overs ...

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-9 20:53     標題: DBS vs SPCC in IBDP programs

Here is the comparson I posted on 2010-8-11

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... 14323&extra=&page=5

It's unfair to comment on both schools as they are new in IBDP, and SPCC just start the pre-IB program this Sept. I just share what I know so far, may be other parents can share their experience or thoughts.

1. Both schools offer IBDP bridging program or pre-IB program as transition between the new 334 system and IBDP, it's a good move for students to fit in IBDP and get better grades in Grad 11 & 12 (not the same as LPCUWC).

2. Both schools are picky to recruit suitable students to take the course. I talked to different IB admission officers of both schools. They have some criteria in mind and not just academic and interview performance. (I know in DBS, some top 10 students also turned down by IB as teachers thought that they will do much better in the NSS system.)

3. The board in DBS is right to turn IBDP as co-edu program, but turned down by students and old boys. SPCC will be better in this, as IB need more interactions and exposures, co-edu can be a better environment.

4. Both school invest alot to tailor-made a new building for IBDP, they are whole-hearted to run a good program comparable to LPCUWC in few years time.

5. Teaching staff - DBS have more overseas, experienced teachers, some of them are examiners for IBO, others are local and trained to be IB teachers. I heard some rumors about SPCC only used trained local teachers to run the IBDP, I think it's not true and they are similar to DBS, may be the split not the same.

6. Both schools had the same phenomenon - students and parents are wait & see the results. The 1st intake of DBS IBDP not as good as they expected, after one year, the progress of the students are better than NSS students. So the second intake has relative better average quality.

7. DBS has some overseas students - Germany, UK, China, Taiwan etc, the ratio not like LPCUWC. I am not sure about SPCC. Overseas student need to come to Hk for written exam and interview in DBS.

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-11-9 21:05 編輯 ]
作者: tinyuichan    時間: 11-11-9 20:59

原帖由 kyliema2006 於 11-11-9 14:08 發表

同意"綜觀一間學校的表現, 怎會以這個項目來評"
但每年的音樂節團體比賽項目, 確是全校大事, 其中的學校管絃樂團, 管樂團, 絃樂小組, 三級分齡合唱團, 更是競爭最激烈的!
電影<音樂人生>中有關中學組囊括所有大獎的"瘋狂氣氛", 便是例子!

(不過電影中的王家正對此表示不屑! haha!)

[ 本帖最後由 tinyuichan 於 11-11-9 21:00 編輯 ]
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-9 21:00     標題: DBSPD vs SPCCPS

Another post for primary division:

Back to your question, I first declared my boy's situation. We didn't apply both SPCC and DBS when he was 6; as we preferred him to study in a local Christian and caring school due to he might be a slow learner. But when he was 7.5, we discovered he was gifted and applied SPCC when he was P3 and DBSPD when he was P4, but he was rejected in both cases. He applied both SPCC and DBS in P6, both were in waiting list, finally he got in DBS through written examination. Our cases and experience may not match your expectation, but I can share some of my observations and my son's view with you.

My wife and I are highly regard both schools are excellent in most dimensions, if we set aside the DSS Audit Commission Report. As we live in HK Island, personally we prefer SPCC which is nearer and our Christian friends' kids are very polite and presentable. it's our dream school. But my son doesn't like SPCC kids, his grounds were they are not so street smart as DBS boys and too upper middle-class compared with DBS.

My son was in Stanford University, in 2006 summer to take a summer gifted program under EPGY before P6. In the program, total 80 students from all over the world and 4 from HK included my son and he was the only primary students and other from S2-S3, 2 of them are DBS boys. My son's comment was they are "play hard, work hard", smart but a bit arrogant and fit his style. So DBS became his dream school over QC.

Non-systematic comparison:

Religious DBS = SPCC
Academic results DBS < SPCC
Extracurricular Activities DBS > SPCC
Network DBS = SPCC
We prefer co-edu over single gender school
Teaching DBS < SPCC
Languages DBS < SPCC
Facilities DBS = SPCC
Transportation DBS < SPCC
Exposure DBS = SPCC
School fee DBS =/> SPCC
(the fee included overseas exchange and trips in SPCC)
Boarding facilities DBS > SPCC

The comparison included both primary and secondary sections.

Over all, I will opt for .........


I hope my views can provide some useful view and or double confirm your views so that you make a wise choice for your boy.


Just for reference only.....

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 11-11-13 01:49 編輯 ]
作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-9 22:46     標題: 回覆 1# ANChan59 的文章


作者: interview    時間: 11-11-9 23:09

原帖由 tinyuichan 於 11-11-9 20:49 發表

男拔根本不可能有學生報1級比賽! ...



[ 本帖最後由 interview 於 11-11-9 23:16 編輯 ]
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-9 23:32

原帖由 bqmum 於 11-11-9 22:46 發表


That's not my intention, pls use the criteria or themes as your checklist and you weigh vs your situation.
作者: Homade    時間: 11-11-10 10:48

原帖由 Loso 於 11-11-9 13:34 發表

2間都係好學校:有囡囡跟尾就梗係SPCC着數D,表面睇DBS啱好動男仔多D,至於功課就兩間都要自動波;再諗唔掂嘅話,住 ...


作者: littlepang_lau    時間: 11-11-10 11:15     標題: 回覆 5# ANChan59 的文章


果然係高人高見, 多謝你的分享. 囝囝雖升中, 但仍關注升小問題, 真是一個有心的家長!

但我想問一句: 躺若囝囝揀小學前已知道他是資優, 你仍會就近返學嗎? 雖是與本版無關, 純粹交流教子心得! 謝謝!
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-10 21:12

原帖由 littlepang_lau 於 11-11-10 11:15 發表
但我想問一句: 躺若囝囝揀小學前已知道他是資優, 你仍會就近返學嗎? 雖是與本版無關, 純粹交流教子心得! 謝謝! ...

It's a tough speculative question.......

Yes, still stick to Island East.

Even he is smart, but may not ready for the two elite schools. After 6 years of preparation, I felt that he is more well prepared in terms of EQ, ECA, language proficency, team work etc....
作者: yes_anson    時間: 11-11-11 12:54

unluckily i don't get to choose, my son only has dbs 2nd interview......
作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-12 23:35     標題: 回覆 4# Homade 的文章

作者: yes_anson    時間: 11-11-14 11:50

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-14 12:40

原帖由 yes_anson 於 11-11-11 12:54 發表
unluckily i don't get to choose, my son only has dbs 2nd interview......

No choice can be a good choice.

Good luck....
作者: truthmr99    時間: 11-11-14 22:22

ANChan59, how about SPCC VS DGS?
What's your view?
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-14 23:09

原帖由 truthmr99 於 11-11-14 22:22 發表
ANChan59, how about SPCC VS DGS?
What's your view?

Sorry, I don't have experience on DGS admission and limited knowledge of DGS, I can't talk much about your topic. May be other parents have experience can share their view with you.
作者: kym    時間: 11-11-15 00:17

從硬件方面睇DBS環境比較好, 地方大設施一流(新添的大型音樂廳將近完成), 位置旺中帶靜. 其它學校難以比美.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-15 00:41

原帖由 kym 於 11-11-15 00:17 發表
從硬件方面睇DBS環境比較好, 地方大設施一流(新添的大型音樂廳將近完成), 位置旺中帶靜. 其它學校難以比美.

Did you visit IB Building yesterday?

The library is bravo.....
作者: kym    時間: 11-11-15 01:16

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-11-15 00:41 發表

Did you visit IB Building yesterday?

The library is bravo.....

I only dropped my wife and daughter off to visit my son's stall. I visited the building before but it was not 100% ready. I’m happy to know that the library is finally ready.
作者: bebebe12345    時間: 11-11-15 11:51

Music最喜歡欣賞的還是Senior Orchestra, 近年能夠挑戰DBS的,相信就是SPCC!
作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-15 12:43     標題: 回復 1# bebebe12345 的帖子

作者: paulmaryschool    時間: 11-11-19 00:41

If you want your son to become a model student in the eyes of parents and uncles/aunties with good manners and good grades, go for SPCC. If you want your son to have more independent thinking and you allow him to take risk and be a bit unorthodox, go for dbs. SPCC you know what you get, dbs the kids are quite diverse.
作者: bqmum    時間: 11-11-19 00:52     標題: 回復 1# paulmaryschool 的帖子

作者: Jen2008    時間: 11-11-19 04:53

Luckily in SPCCPS, the students are getting along quite well with each other.

As a parent, I will be equally proud if my child can get into SPCC or DBSPD.  In reality, when other people asked about my child's school, I just tell them it's a DSS school, unless it's a close friend.  Is that proud?

原帖由 Homade 於 11-11-9 13:09 發表
SPCC d老師同家長覺得自己會High d,學生就勾心鬥角,你爭我逐。
DBSPD d老師和家長會隨和d,學生就羣體d和自理能力高d。

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-19 09:40     標題: 回復 66# paulmaryschool 的帖子

作者: kenfu    時間: 11-11-19 10:46

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作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-19 10:58

原帖由 kenfu 於 11-11-19 10:46 發表
我覺得由小至中學去睇 : SPCC在全人發展和教育上會好d; DBS /DGS 在小學就全人發展和教育都做, 但中學就專門在各範疇上. 所以在學界比 賽上DBS/DGS 會優勝過SPCC. ...


I am not sure about DGS, but I know DBS more laissez faire in secondary. What you say about, only 15-20% students with special talents only?

作者: kenfu    時間: 11-11-19 11:29

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作者: lugano    時間: 11-11-25 16:03

原帖由 kenfu 於 11-11-19 11:29 發表

DBS/DGS 在中學收生已歸類, 中學生在其強項再鍛鍊, 學校只是在配套上做功夫, 使各方面的表現更好. (Just my little observation)

十分同意 Ken 兄分析, DBS 一早不段入定不同貨類, 各式貨源早已歸邊
作者: VincentL    時間: 11-11-26 00:18     標題: 回復 14# ANChan59 的帖子

I must say, thorough and brilliant analysis by you, mind telling us what profession are you in?

Going back to the topic, as if my son can get both offers by his own hands, I will no doubt let himself choose which one to go for, as both schools have their own merits.
作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-26 01:07

原帖由 VincentL 於 11-11-26 00:18 發表
I must say, thorough and brilliant analysis by you, mind telling us what profession are you in?

Have a guess?
[Tips, I am not an educator or academic ...]
作者: VincentL    時間: 11-11-26 12:39

Either Ibanker or Lawyer?

原帖由 ANChan59 於 11-11-26 01:07 發表

Have a guess?
[Tips, I am not an educator or academic ...]

作者: ANChan59    時間: 11-11-30 12:55

原帖由 VincentL 於 11-11-26 12:39 發表
Either Ibanker or Lawyer?

Not my type......
作者: VincentL    時間: 11-11-30 14:28     標題: 回復 1# ANChan59 的帖子

Businessman with engineering background?
作者: paulmaryschool    時間: 11-11-30 23:00

will be a good problem to have if you get both offers. apart from the school culture, dbs' english is better and spcc chinese is probably the hardest. not to say spcc english is not good as general standard is high. heard dbs students stand a better chance to get into good international schools (if you are thinking about doing so at some point) because the english standard and culture match better.
作者: bqmum    時間: 12-1-4 14:52

It's about time to make final decision......
作者: Gerard    時間: 12-1-4 16:58

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作者: bblovebb2    時間: 12-1-4 17:45

作者: sytw    時間: 12-1-4 22:19

我覺得係 乖巧精英 VS 活潑精英
作者: bqmum    時間: 12-1-5 00:36

回復 sytw 的帖子

作者: sytw    時間: 12-1-5 07:56

回復 bqmum 的帖子

Oh 手快快寫錯... 應該係活潑精英 vs 乖巧精英

作者: paulmaryschool    時間: 12-1-6 01:18

one more consideration - if you plan to move your kid to international schools or overseas at some stage, the transition is smoother thru DBS as the English standard is higher and the environment is more international among the local schools incl SPCC. of course if your kid is very smart and manages to convince int schools to take him on, he will get the best of the two worlds by learning good chinese at spcc then picking up good english at international/overseas
作者: bqmum    時間: 12-1-6 10:04

Thx, this would be a good point too.

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