
標題: 請問有第一輪20分入到LS的學生嗎? [打印本頁]

作者: pingu_k    時間: 13-5-12 09:41     標題: 請問有第一輪20分入到LS的學生嗎?


作者: joemyt    時間: 13-5-12 22:46

在過去多年,25分實入得晒,而20分亦有人入到,但可能每年得十零二十個 (估計,唔好問我點計)。 當年我個仔就係其中一個20分入唔到的。
作者: InitialD    時間: 13-5-13 14:33

The ratio is different from each year. ~ 40 seats for those has brother & ~ 10 seats for 25 points. There are still 90-40-10=~40 seats for 20 points each year in the first round. The applicants is ~ 1800 to 2000 each year (but not sure how many are 20 points, 15 points ?). Therefore, there are always has chance for 20 points.
作者: munce    時間: 13-5-14 08:56

May I know why there are only 10 seats for 25 points?

If there are more than 10 applicants having 25 points, can they use up part of those 40 seats you mentioned above?

There are 180 students in P1, am I right? How many classes and how many students per class?
作者: InitialD    時間: 13-5-16 18:57

There are less than 10 kids with 25 points in the last few years.
If there are more than 10 applicants with 25 points, they will take up more seat (25 points has priority over 20 points).
There are 6 classes with 30 kids in each class. 30x6=180.

There are more than 70% (140=50+90) of kids get to LSPS purely by luck.
作者: munce    時間: 13-5-17 19:51

Are you sure there are less than 10 kids with 25 points in the last few years? There are so many LS graduates and my hubby knows so many old boys who are also Catholic.

作者: pingu_k    時間: 13-5-17 23:29

InitialD 發表於 13-5-13 14:33
The ratio is different from each year. ~ 40 seats for those has brother & ~ 10 seats for 25 points.  ...

tks for your reply!但得咁少人25分嗎??想不到喎!!
作者: InitialD    時間: 13-5-19 14:07

本帖最後由 InitialD 於 13-5-19 14:44 編輯

回復 munce 的帖子

又要問又多疑,咁你hobby d friends 有幾多個有"仔" 又係catholic? 又想讀LS?

作者: munce    時間: 13-5-19 22:50

I know at least one is Catholic, 又想讀 LS, but both children are girls, haha.

I really hope my son can get an offer in coming Nov. He is very shy and not willing to talk to strangers. Don't think he can succeed in DSS interviews.

作者: munce    時間: 13-5-19 22:57


I have got a few past papers from friend, but not complete set.

May I ask you some questions?

(1) Just to confirm there are 2 terms, and for each term, there is 1 test and 1 exam, right? The school will keep all the exam papers, parents can only get the test papers?

(2) Apart from Eng, Chi, Maths, GS, there is Science in English, right? Also, there is Eng Reading and Chi Reading? So is it 7 papers per test/exam? For Eng Reading and Chi Reading, are the questions based on general reading or based on 1 particular reader/book ?

(3) Are there any tests/exams on other subjects such as Religious Studies, Putonghua, Computer, Music, Arts, PE ?

作者: InitialD    時間: 13-5-20 10:35

回復 munce 的帖子

1. Two tests and two exams each year but the result of the first test does not put in official record.

2. The subjects counts to the position in class are GE (General English), Reading, Dict, Chi Reading, Chinese Writing, Ch Dictation and Maths, there are written exam or practical/project for other subjects.

3. There are practical exam in Computer, Music, Arts, PE, Putonghua, Science/Social Studies. Grades will be given but no exam for reglious study only.

Interested to know your kid is from which KG?


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