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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 2008/9 SIS PY2
樓主: ddgirl

2008/9 SIS PY2 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-9 10:46 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 elmostoney 於 08-12-8 09:44 發表
想問下, py2先插班, 難唔難考?

My daughter join SIS at PY2 this year. The interview was very simple(according to my daughter). The teacher will ask the children to fill in the missing numbers on the paper(eg. 1, 2 _, 4..... till 10).
So far, she has not  yet encounter any problem with the English in school. But  for the Chinese, she has to put in more efforts(especially in reading) as she learnt Cantonese in her former Kindergarten.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-11 19:09 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter's class is doing the sound "igh" for this week's show and tell. The children has to bring 4 pictures related to this sound eg. high, light, tight.......
According to my daughter, the student has to make up a simple sentance from the picture. I guess the Eng teacher is preparing them for composition writing in primary school
So far, my daughter's class does not have any class gathering during the chrismas . However, we recieved an invitation to her classmate's birthday party on 2Jan. I am still thinking whether to go or not as my husband needs to work on that day

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-21 22:52 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 evatsoihk 於 08-12-16 17:23 發表
你女兒是哪一班?英語老師是哪一位呢?你們真好,我們班還沒開始show & tell,真不明白怎麽會這麽遲。



Congratulations to your daughter in her chinese recite, I am so happy for you
My daughter is in PY2K and the Eng teacher is Miss Chin. So far, she already did twice for the 'show and tell' in class. You may consider to call your daughter's Eng teacher to find out more about the 'show and tell'.(I guess the teaching schedules of each class may vary).
I understand from another BK topic that the rating for the kindergarten's student recite are in "A,B'C"(student who get "A" will get a prize). As for other levels student, there will be scores to 'differenciate' the top 3 winners.

I would like to wish all of you a Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year ahead
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