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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 多才多藝勝過科科A,教小朋友讀書都可以很享受 ...
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多才多藝勝過科科A,教小朋友讀書都可以很享受 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-11-2 22:12 |顯示全部帖子
I suppose this is the matter of "long term" and
"short run".

Reading a lot of books will definitely improve the language skill (except speaking and listening) in the long run.  However, the terrible fact is that most of the kids in H.K. have to face their tests/exams and marks/grade does matter a lot.
So, in the short run, supplementary exercises do help a bit.

This means our kids have to do both.

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 08-11-10 09:36 |顯示全部帖子
You've just stated the sad reality.

My daughter likes reading English books and she
never has to do supplementary/grammar exercises for test/exam.  It seems that she learns her grammar and usage from reading.  Everything is just in her head naturally....well, I'm not saying her English is very good but the effort spent on the subject is far less than that spent on the other subject -- Chinese.  She has no interest in reading Chinese books, thus I have to struggle with her all the time -- doing supplementary exercises and explaining the meaning of vocabs to her. Still, it's not effective at all.  It seems that she has no sense to the language.  I would say if she reads more Chinese books, she'll have a easier life in studying Chinese.  Doing supplementary exercise is just the last resort.

原帖由 囝囝爸 於 08-11-10 02:23 發表
大家討論練習與閱讀誰重, 不同家長學生環境當有不同偏重.  以我看來, 現今學生多重練習而少重閱讀, 至中學如是.  操卷和天皇補習社盛行可見.

以我來說, 兩者應兼重, 學生以練習為先, 學到進度基本即可, 有時間可閱 ...

[ 本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 08-11-10 09:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 08-11-10 21:49 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks for your suggestions.  They seems time
consuming though.   Poor kids has not much time to do those except during long holidays.  At this stage, I'm trying very hard to re-introduce the "fun" of reading Chinese to my daughter.  Tell you a joke, once a borrow a Chinese book from the library.  My daughter push it aside straight away.  I asked her why doesn't she take a look first.  She said the words are printed from right to left and from top to bottom (unlike the English books) and they make her dizzy!!!!!  What an excuse.

原帖由 csy_ma 於 08-11-10 17:36 發表




另外,假如佢鍾意畫畫,試試每星期搵首詩佢讀/背,讓 ...

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 08-11-10 22:21 |顯示全部帖子

My daughter always gives me the same answer -- it just "sounds" right to me.

BTW, I think all the parents who joined this discussion are concerned about their kids' language ability.  We just focus on different methods and I think there is no single method that suits all the kids.  Every one of you have your points.

ChiChiPaPa doesn't concern about grades/marks either.

原帖由 eviepa 於 08-11-10 21:52 發表

其實我都很緊張囡囡的成績,好可能我和你的分別是你緊張每次的成績,但我只著緊呈分試及三三四新會考,其他的我一律不理。而且由於小弟對中學的要求不高,囡囡能夠入一間Band 2頭或以上的中中就滿意了,所以豪得 ...
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