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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 大約到幾多歲進入“反叛期“呢?
樓主: sau2005

大約到幾多歲進入“反叛期“呢?   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 13-3-6 11:28 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 13-3-6 15:50 編輯

Teens try to challenge parents' authourity( they start to doubt about your requests), think they are old enough to handle things(your advices are not welcome), try to gain freedom(ask to go out with friends more), suddenly see the importance of privacy(hate it so much that you check on their phone/ FB/ mails/ bags....etc), pay lots of attention on their appearance (spend lots of time in front of the mirror and their hair style), try your limits, treasure their friendship with schoolmates more than family......etc.  As they are affected by hormone, they're likely to be emotional and lethargic( moody and lazing around).

Let them be or communicate more depends on their mood.  If they are in a good mood, talk more.  When they are not interested, keep quiet and use action to show that you care.  If they are over, tell them certain behaviour is not acceptable.  Remember to tell not to scold.  Anything which does not affect their study/ health/ life, don't bother them.  E.g. tidying up their rooms. If you want to remind them for anything, once is more than enough.  Leave them to face their own consequences.  If you can survive for these few years, you'll be fine.

Oh...one more thing. Communicate before the "Teens Syndromes" are shown.  Tell them you foresee those conflicts and try to work on a way to deal with them together before it happens.  The results are better.


澄澄BB  多謝分享受但有時好難同佢地平心靜氣地溝通,在學習中!!  發表於 13-4-9 12:53
Jackieson  謝. 很好的分享!  發表於 13-3-18 15:39
jk67jk  Remember to tell not to scold.     發表於 13-3-6 14:48
formula0106    發表於 13-3-6 14:11
黃巴士    發表於 13-3-6 12:12

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

發表於 13-4-9 13:00 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 Yanamami 於 13-5-26 21:08 編輯
澄澄BB 發表於 13-4-9 12:50
回復 Yanamami 的帖子

澄澄BB 多謝分享受但有時好難同佢地平心靜氣地溝通,在學習中!!

It depends on my mood too.  If I'm in a good mood, everything is fine.  If not? Hahahah.... But I try not to take things personally and it helps a bit.
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