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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 多倫多讀中學或大學的生活費(不計學費)要多少? ...
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多倫多讀中學或大學的生活費(不計學費)要多少? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-9 12:02 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 apple333 於 10-10-4 00:08 發表
我計劃送我小朋友去Toronto讀中學, 請各位指教!

1. 有冇人的子女(或自己)去左多倫多讀中學或大學?
2. 多倫多讀中學或大學的生活費(不計學費)要多少錢?
3. 暑假往來多倫多的機票要多少錢? ...

That will depend on whether your kid will be living in dormitory or renting a basement/apartment. Different area rental is a bit different, but overall the expenses you need will be as follows:
1. transportation - TTC pass -monthly around CAD $120
2. basic food expenses - varies
3. rental - varies - around CAD$1000
4. flight to-and-from Hong Kong - Toronto - in summer it costs from HK$12,000 - $15,000

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-12 05:02 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ntefamily 於 10-10-11 21:20 發表

我想問下, 如果等到升F.5才送小朋友去加拿大讀書, 咁去到讀高中還是讀社區學院呢?

我見到有D升學中心話F.5去可以讀社區學院, 而且學費都唔會太貴, 之後一樣可以銜接大學, 是否真的? 會冒險嗎?

Thank you! ...

If your child wants to study high school, then after F5 is a bit late, that's why the agency told you the choice is to go for the community college. If you want your child to study high school in Canada, can your child go right after F4?
How is your child academic results?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-30 11:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 arron媽 於 10-10-12 23:44 發表
我都想知呢, 仔仔中四, 想明年暑期去, 現在要開始申請了嗎?? 是否可以上11班, 要不要在第10班留級一年呢??

My son is in F4 now, and we are applying for him to go to some boarding schools both in Canada and the US. We are applying for grade 11. This is the right time, since all most of the boarding schools rep. come to HK for international  admissions and interviews. You will need about 1 year time to apply and get accepted to most boarding schools.
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