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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 有海外 passport 會讀完中三定考埋HKDSE 先決定去唔去外 ...
樓主: chatroom台長

有海外 passport 會讀完中三定考埋HKDSE 先決定去唔去外國讀書 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-11-15 07:36 |顯示全部帖子

回復 3# chatroom台長 的帖子


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發表於 11-11-18 22:51 |顯示全部帖子

回復 6# siufans 的帖子

When you apply for university, they will ask you for the volunteer hours you have done.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-25 12:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Annie123 於 11-11-25 11:48 發表

如果我女兒大學才回加拿大,應該可以避過這些 "麻煩"? ...

As I know, and you can also find info thru your child's high school consellor office, that if you do not study at least 4 years in Canada/US, then your child has to take TOEFL test. Besides, if you are not sure, take it as well.

Anne123, your question of guardianship, if your child is less than 18/19, then he/she has to have guardianship. If he/she goes to a boarding shool, then the boarding school acts as a guardian. If not, then you (as a mother) will be the guardian.

Besides, if any of you apply for a private school for your child, some schools will need your child to do an assessment, but some don't. It also depends on the academic report of your child. I know that some schools will have admission officers coming over to HK and China for admisson purposes every year, and you can ask for an interview (face to face) at the same time. Then maybe they will ask you to do the assessment at the same time??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-25 12:11 |顯示全部帖子

回復 7# familyking 的帖子


I know that if your child is a citizen, and apply for a local high school, then the school board will ask 1. either birth certificate of your child / canadian citizenship / immigration status, 2. sin card number, 3. immunization record of your child, 4. residence proof

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-25 17:39 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 chatroom台長 於 11-11-25 14:48 發表
Hi leeamy,

係咪最好係香港完成中二就番去讀 grade 9, 咁先可以讀夠四年 high school 入大學 ? 同埋唔駛考TOEFL 試, 我就唸住最好係香港讀埋中三先過去, 係咪遲左D定係都 OK ?

Tks a lot !


The following is taken directly from my son's high school university counselling webpage about TOEFL:

If your first language is not English and you will have been studying at XX School (or any English-speaking school in an English-speaking country) for fewer than four academic years including your grade 12 year, you should take TOEFL. Some universities will accept just three years of study instead of four (e.g. UBC, Queen’s), but you should do careful research before deciding whether to take it, or not.
In some cases, universities have asked international students to produce a TOEFL score even if they have the four years of study in Canada, particularly if the student’s high school English marks are low. In these cases, the university is looking to gain more information about the applicant’s level of English with the help of a standardized test score.

Final word: If in doubt, take the test.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-11-25 18:04 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 johnnyrotten 於 11-11-25 18:00 發表


yes, most private schools have admission officers come to HK and China for admission. So if you apply early, then ask for a face-to-face interview when they come. BTW, you can apply private schools easily for Canadian high schools, no need to look for an agent.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-1 18:25 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 chatroom台長 於 11-11-26 11:41 發表
Hi leeamy,

多謝你既資料, 我仲想問下其實 Toronto 既私校和公校grade 10 - 12 所有課程係咪一樣, 究竟要讀幾多科 ? 香港要讀成1x科真係好誇張, 同埋入大學一般要求係咩成績 ? tks a lot !


The difference between public schools and private schools are 1). teachers, 2). courses you can select, 3). course schedules, 4). resources and 5). tuition fee.
As you are aware, since you have to pay tuition fee in private schools, so the resources are very different in the two kinds of schools. My newphew is studying in a public high school in Markham area, and my son is studying in a private high school, they have very different courses to select and also their schedules are very different. As an example, my newphew's public high school is a semester schools, and they have two semesters per year, each semester lasts for 3-4 months. His courses for the first semester are Visual Arts, Physical Education, Music, and computer. So this semester he does not have to do any studying, and everyday he goes home to play on the computer. But next semester, he will have Enhlish, Mathematics, History and Geography. So for the next semester he has to work hard, since for each course he will have homework and tests. His mom, my sister, went to a teacher/parent interview and asked why his schedule is like this, but not even the teacher could answer the question.

As for my son, he is studying in a private school. And for couse selection, he can study AP level courses if he is capable. Besides, his school is not a semester school, the courses continue for a whole year, so he won't have the same problem as his cousin. He can select min. 6 courses, and max. 8 courses. The teachers for his schools are all very good at teaching. My son told me the difference between the teachers in HK and those in Canada is that HK teachers always use up a lot of time by scolding and maintaining classroom silence. For each subject, the teachers in Canada try very hard and use a lot of examples to let him understand.
I think it is better to pay private schools.

Besides, whatever you choose to study in each grade, you have to meet the graduation requriement set by each school. And in grade 11 and 12, you should start thinking about what area and which university you are going to, and take relevant courses, just like you are in HK.

Besides, in my opinion, let the kid starts his/her high achool in Canada/overses in grade 9 or 10 is better than grade 11. Some schools do not accept grade 12 new students.

I hope I answer your questions.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-2 13:43 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 迪士尼 於 11-12-2 11:55 發表
如果我入籍前,就生左個女,咁我個女冇加拿大籍,現在要申請家庭團聚,請問有冇人知道,需時幾耐? 我可否帶亞女去到加拿大一邊申請,一邊入讀公校呢? ...

Hi Disney,

I think I have answered this question before for familyking.

For applying to a local high school, your child has to be either an immigrant or a citizen, since they ask for the following: 1. either birth certificate of your child / canadian citizenship / immigration status, 2. sin card number, 3. immunization record of your child, 4. residence proof

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-2 15:53 |顯示全部帖子
You are welocme! 唔駛客氣!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-2 16:04 |顯示全部帖子

回復 15# 肥肥師奶 的帖子

You can use the info from this link-

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-15 18:22 |顯示全部帖子

回復 1# fungsiufong 的帖子

Let me ask you one question- why these two colleges? Did you apply thru agent? and the agent recommended these two?

For me, I will look for the below criteria:
1. Exactly where do you want your boy to go
2. Tuition fee
3. st Andrew's is a boys school vs Appleby College is a co-ed
4. There is a Global Leadership Program mandate for all students for Appleby College vs There is a cadet Corps for St. Andrew's College
- ie, will need more money for the extra-curricula
5. AP courses offered in each college
6. ESL program in St Andrew's vs TOEFL score needed for Appleby College

There are of course more comparisons, and within each there are more to compare. But this will be a list for you and your family to start to think.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-21 17:05 |顯示全部帖子
回復 chatroom台長 的帖子

Yes, you have to go back to toronto, and apply there, and if you have all the pieces of info they need, it is fast.
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