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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 上中一後..大退步..
樓主: vicky_1603

上中一後..大退步.. [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-7-11 12:39 |顯示全部帖子
Some sharing about my struggles:

1. Primary vs Secondary
Assume a normal primary school, 1/3 students are band 1. In a Band 1 secondary school, all students are Band 1, so bottom of the form still band 1.... If you look at Band 2.... Band 3, what do you think.
We need to adjust our expectation from top to middle, Chinese, English and Maths must pass etc.......

2. Declare Independence
My son gave us hard time in Grade 7-8, he seeked for independence and requested more free time and space. We had the feeling he disobeyed us and not repect us any more. Talked to school social worker and know more about his potential development, teenagers look for 3 "I"s - Identity, Independence and Intimacy......... he is normal and a natural development. One key issue is to maintain the relationship, don't push him away. After 2 years, he "comes back", we felt much better now.

3. Dating
My son's exam results and homework are dropped significantly in Grade 8, because of dating. He can SMS with girl till 2-3am in the morning. We talked to him about dating, he didn't want to talk much and shy away from the issue. What we can do is respect his 3Is? Share some boundaries with him and hope for the best with lots of prayers.

4. On-line games
Most of his time spent on on-line games, it's always our hot argument point. Our MOU is cut the games before and during exam or test period.

5. Discussion and sharing
Spare some time to do so, it takes time and the result also very slow, but it works and I can see the end of the tunnel.........

6. Never give up
Teachers can give up your son ot daughter, but we can't, so keep it going, never give up.

Learnt from a secondary school:

Grade A student = Grade A school + Grade A teacher + Grade A parents

[ 本帖最後由 ANChan59 於 10-7-11 18:07 編輯 ]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-7-11 12:59 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ZZdaphne 於 10-7-11 12:51 發表

Great to know we have similar idea.

Actually, I learnt from my son. He told us that even in Grade 8, his English can have Grade A in HKCEE. Top 75 percentile student from his school can score more than 20+ in 6 subjects (HKCEE, unfortunately he is in HKDSE).
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