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教育王國 討論區 教材閱讀 用梗ENGLISH TIME 既媽咪一齊分享下
樓主: ivylai530

用梗ENGLISH TIME 既媽咪一齊分享下 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-10-15 12:51 |顯示全部帖子
im not sure which set to buy, DWE is good or English time lei???  .... i like the english level of english time, but i dont really like uncle simon cos im scare of his face, does your baby feel the same? cos i went to their show room to look at the material with friends few day ago, we both feel the same, uncle simon look very scarey ... but their english level seem better then DWE ... what shall i do which one shall i buy lei ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-16 22:41 |顯示全部帖子
i still think that simon n those two ladies look abit scarey, however my husband n me (mainly my husband) will choose the english time as we think the content seem better then DWE, of course i like the cartoon n the outlook of DWE, but we think that the content seem to be more important lei .... therefore i think i will join u mummy to go for english time lei .... hehe  .... may i know did u buy the whole set cost arround $5xxxx or only the baby pack n english time is enough for this moment cos my bb is now 6 months old??? and what did u get from the sales as a gift, cos DWE can give me alot of free gift, but i dont know what can i get from ET lei ... could u pls give me some idea ... thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-18 10:31 |顯示全部帖子
hello all mummy

im a new joiner, my bb is now 6 months n a week old, i spent almost two months to find english materail for my bb, i wanted to buy DWE for my bb at first, but one night b4 i go n buy DWE, one of my friend stop me for doing it n he explains the different between ET n DWE to me, finally i decided to buy the baby pack n ET yesterday and now waiting for the delivery ... very exciting... hope i did make a right choice for my bb la

as im a new joiner, i dont really know much about how to use the BB pack n ET, hope can share all your experience...THANK YOU VERY MUCH :

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發表於 07-10-19 00:28 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 sansan2008 於 07-10-18 11:26 硐表
Sin 928 点解你最後買ET 唔買DWE?  請分享!

because after i know more about DWE n ET, I fonud that DWE is mainly focus on fun(as lovely cartoon) to learn english, but the content of ET is much better that DWE (even tho' i dont really like uncle simon) but my husband n me think that the reason for us to spend this amount of money to buy such an english material is because we want our baby to learn more english(especially.useful knowledge) while she's having fun ... DWE is fun i still like DWE but i cant afford to buy both of them therefore ... anyway mainly because of the CONTENT ... i wish i made a right choice

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-19 23:14 |顯示全部帖子
haha ... holiday ... not many mummy have time to chat ar...  ... im still waiting for the delivery ... will come on next monday ... very exciting ... but the sales didnt contact me yet ... as ppl said that their after service is not really good ... let me call n double check with the sales sin ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-19 23:21 |顯示全部帖子
HAHA... i called the sales la, still very nice as i call him at this time ar ...11:00pm ... anyway i feel more comfortable now ...  hope can share with all of u soon la ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-22 10:33 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivylai530 於 07-10-20 10:11 硐表
你星期一就送貨咁快, 我果時要成兩星期先送貨咖, BABYPACK仲等左成差唔多兩個月先有貨呀!! 你有無叫佢送多D野呀!!!
其實我覺得佢售後服務並唔係咁差既,只係比較被動, 要我地主動咁搵佢地,而唔係佢地定時定候咁家訪 ...

ok la, because i ask them when can they delivery before i purchase ma .......... im now waiting for them lei, should be here by today la .... exciting

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-22 23:49 |顯示全部帖子
haha ... i got my set of ET n baby pack la, and the sales will come n show me how to use it tomolo lei ... so HAPPY!!! .... and i need to buy a bookshelf n a baby table for my sweet heart lei

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-23 18:19 |顯示全部帖子
haha ... my consultant just left and told me how to use the material la .... quite similar to what u mummy said, Baby pack is quite free to use, only the ET need to follow the unit/level, also DVD one time or 2 times at the most per day, but need to train her to do more reading first, then listen to cd n read book lor ... so similar,Right  ... i try to ask him to set me a time table, but he didnt as he said it's really depend how u feel n use yr feeling to use the material to teach ... therefore i think i really need some time to read the parent guide and do more study first before i try to set-up something for my bb la ... anyway i still think that  i did made a right choice for bb ... right...hehe!!!  ... we all add oil la

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-24 12:01 |顯示全部帖子
well! someone answer for me ....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-24 12:04 |顯示全部帖子
i did not buy the whole set ... my husband said let's start with the small pack first, if it's ok ... then buy later :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-10-25 13:56 |顯示全部帖子
im starting to decorate my bb room n our living room for my bb la, by thw way i know i need to stick out all the posters, but what is the better way to stick on the wall lei?? i mean if i want to take out the posters some time later, the wall will have an ugly hole wor ... so i have just stick out 2 poster on the door only ... need to discuss with my husband b4 i stick the poster on "HIS" wall

anyway as my consultant didnt give my any timetable, therefore i just feel free to play the music(including ET songs,music box,classical music and the senses song, ie the colour song etc) for my bb,and my maid will always do some reading with her (using the colour book n the number book, my maid enjoy doing that: ), not yet start the talk alone card as i have not yet set up a porper place for my bb yet (especailly a baby table)  ... i show her the 'my first video' yesterday, at the beginning she found it very interesting n concenrate, but as this is not really her first video (because i have already show her the 'my baby can read video' 2 months ago) .... therefore i think after 3 chapters then she starts moving n looking anywhere else ..   ... but i like the first video, i think its qutie interesting, if it's really a first time for baby to watch video :

my question is ... as i mention b4 my bb has alreading start watching my baby can read for 2 months ... i dont want to stop by now as i still have 3 more volume to go (i bought the whole set) how can i join the baby can read into my ET system ... my consultant diidnt teach me ... he always said 'up to me'  ... if i keep showing her the bb can read plus the baby pack dvd ... is it too much for her to watch tv ...:cry: ... dont know what to do lei ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-2 00:48 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivylai530 於 07-11-1 11:52 硐表
TIME TABLE 無特定咖, 但我地可以互相參考下囉 !! 你PM E-MAIL ADD 比我吖, 我SEND我果個比你睇下!!!!!其實因為我住屯門, 但灣仔返工咖 , 所以每日陪佢既時間好有限, 但好彩亞女早起身, 通常6:30左右啦, 所以就早上 ...

hihi long time no c, becoz im very busy lei ... btw when i bought baby pack i dont have any extra cd as a gift wor (我地BABY PACK送果4隻SINGALONG既歌) ... why lei??? what is these singalong song about???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-8 14:39 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivylai530 於 07-11-5 15:57 硐表
嘩 , 呢排呢度好靜呀, 無曬人咖?
大家亞B用成點呀?其實大家除左ET之外, 仲有無用其他教材呀?
例如學普通話咁呢? 呢排收到好多之前BB展填FORM既公司打嚟SELL教材, 都諗梗買唔買普通話教材, 但又怕無時間兼顧到, 你地 ...

busy ma...hehe ... apart from ET, i bought your baby can read too, but i think is too much for my baby la, want to sell the baby can read lei .. alot of stuff i dont even open it up yet

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-15 14:33 |顯示全部帖子
really, let me check check first, if still have problem, we go and change it together ar

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-15 14:44 |顯示全部帖子
oh ... i have the same problem too, and the sound is not in the right orfer too

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-22 11:53 |顯示全部帖子
i want to know too...  did all u mummy find out any other problem? really do not have that much time to watch it all wor ...:-|

原文章由 VIOLET媽 於 07-11-20 17:44 硐表

唔明呀,"MY FRIST VIDEO"點樣 編錯左顏色分類呢

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-22 12:02 |顯示全部帖子
by the way, how r u all? how u using the ET? dont give up ar ... need to carry on ... i still find it interesting and i still like it ... we all add OIL ar ... ok ... add oil

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-6 15:07 |顯示全部帖子
hello everyone,

long long time no see, cos im being lazy
i book the class on the 15 July, hope can get some idea n get back on track la, dont want to waste the material !!!
is anyone going too? hope can see you guys here, c u

原文章由 CAP 於 08-5-3 11:12 發表
hi winnie335506,

你有無上果個教材應用工作坊呀 ? 我無上呀, 唔知有無用呢 ?

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發表於 08-6-10 19:44 |顯示全部帖子
great .............hope to see you there!!!

原文章由 ivylai530 於 08-6-7 10:28 發表
hihi !!! 我都打算報今次呢個呀, 到時睇下有無機會相認先!!!
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