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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 再論曾榮光的追蹤研究
樓主: eviepa

再論曾榮光的追蹤研究 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-8-7 10:59 |顯示全部帖子
My son will be in P.2 after the summer holiday.  He is studying in a private school which stresses on 愉快學習.  He is happy all the time.  But the problem is, as my husband always complains, he is too happy.  My husband thinks that we might have made a wrong choice.  My son is a boy who needs someone to remind him what he needs to be done.  For school homework, he can manage and finish it almost by himself (but the quality varies).  For test and dictation, he can prepare them by himself and always gets very good mark.

Given that he doesn't have too much homework and tests, etc, he gets a lot of free time.  I ask him to read one hour each night and he does what I told.  

The problem is, during this summer holiday, he has too many free time.  Therefore, I give him 2-3 tasks everyday.  However, he knows that he does not need to submit them to the school so he always finds excuses not to do it.

We do not know what will happen after 2 or 3 years when we could not control him.  Should he change to another school which is not too loose as his present school?  Any opinion is welcomed.  Thanks.      

原帖由 囝囝爸 於 09-8-6 15:40 發表
愉快學習, 我想是多和學習成效掛勾, 不一定等量於功課, 深度, 學習量和方法, 各人能力資質不同, 方法有異.  當然科目興趣也有關係, 不過興趣可以培養, 也可由學習效能引發.

愉快不一定輕鬆, 不努力或辛苦.  比如嗜 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-8-7 13:18 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks samuel89 and uncleedward for your opinion.

I ask my son to do some Maths problems and writing exercise during the summer holiday  because (1) for Maths - he already forgot what learnt.  He belongs to those kind of students who will forget everything when the test/ exam is over.  (2) for writing exercise - his teachers said his writing skill is poor.  Therefore I ask him to read books at home, and write a few lines about the books.  When I come back at night, he said he had read the books but he only wrote one line or a few words saying that he did not know how to do it.

My minimum requirment is that he should obtain a degree from U (Hong Kong or other places) in the future.  

I always do not know where he is in terms of academic level.  His school, which is an IB school, does not have exam for P.1 and P.2 students.  No books (except for Chinese Language) for us to follow.  I spoke to his teachers several times and they said that my son's level is up to P.1 (in the middle).

My husband and I received education in Hong Kong.  To us, we find it difficult to understand where my son is in the IB programme.  Our worries are eventually someone tells me my son is not up to (say) P.1 when he had already finished P.3.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-8-7 21:59 |顯示全部帖子
You are right.  I should trust the school and not forcing him too much.

P.S. My son's school is not an international school.  In fact, my criteria of choosing the primary school are (1) not too far away from home; (2) less homework; (3) not too much pressure; (4) good at Chinese language (even more important than English language).

原帖由 samuel89 於 09-8-7 19:17 發表

你都決定俾阿仔讀國際學校,...相信你都明白小朋友的分數不是一切......個人意見,你認同間學校既教學理念先俾阿仔入讀...但又擔心程度問題,自己又要親自幫阿仔"填鴨" ...其實2套理念系相背馳....各有各好處....好 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-8-7 22:37 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for your sharing.

I am not pushing my son to the 1st position in the class, I just want him to be in the middle range.  Let me ask him to do revision for 20 minutes (if he has nothing to do on a day).  Normally we will read his Chinese textbooks together.

原帖由 囝囝爸 於 09-8-7 14:08 發表

如果成績好, 應該可以了.  不過自己學校成績未能作準, 要參照學校比對其他學校成績, 可以以升中派位參考.  小兒升中成績在校算中下, 上到中學, 成績中上, 讀下來比某些地區小學名列前茅的同學還好.  不同 ...
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