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教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 IBDP A1 中文卷的疑問
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IBDP A1 中文卷的疑問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-2 16:35 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Cornelius, You are really into the details - that even a current parent like me doesn't have a clue.
According to the presentation slides that evening, it's likely CKY students will go for Chinese A1 and English A2 (or else).  I'm worried as some of the students are not as capable in Chinese as in English (and vice versa for others). Wouldn't it be possible that the student can make a 'free' choice on it?

As it's still a few years away before the principals would make up their minds, they should have a better idea (esp after the ICGSE) of the way forward for the students by then.  In my opinion, it's unlikely that CKY students can take the easy way out by taking Language B for either English or Chinese.  They are still aiming for a bilingual diploma.

As for a typical international school taking IBDP, it's not likely their students would opt for Chinese A2 (A1 is out of the question) given their emphasis on English.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-26 23:39 |顯示全部帖子
On the contrary, I found those not coming from the mainland are even better.

原帖由 info321 於 10-9-26 19:34 發表
我倒是幾擔心老師的質素,聽講CKY教IB 中文的老師好似不夠勁,現在帶IGCSE都沒有什麼經驗。不過聽孩子講去年來那批大陸老師有的都幾強,可惜今年就不教他們了,不知道為何學校不要他們教?總感覺大陸老師中文方面更保障一些。 ...
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