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教育王國 討論區 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 很想問點解王錦輝小學咁多人喜歡?
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很想問點解王錦輝小學咁多人喜歡? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 18-9-16 19:45 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 kcschan 的帖子

//事實勝於雄辯, 事實永遠是最難接受的,自己用雙眼看清楚!//


The 2017/18 G12 DSE class hit a home run in the 2018 HKDSE Examination. Three quarters of our students secured JUPAS entry requirements for degree programme. The passing rate of all the academic subjects taken is almost 100%. Among the 17 subjects, 16 achieved a passing rate of 100% or higher than 90%, making the total average at 97.6%. 96% of the qualified candidates received JUPAS offers, in which 80% offers were from top six universities in Hong Kong. Among them, 4% got the offer of degree programmes in Medicine in the University of Hong Kong or Chinese University of Hong Kong, and 9% in Engineering in the University of Hong Kong or Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Our first batch of international curriculum graduates achieved flying colours in the 2018 GCEAL exams. 62% of students obtained straight As. Of the total number of entries, the percentage of A and A* were 72% and 45% respectively. The remarkable performance allowed the students to fulfill the requirements of conditional offers of undergraduate programme granted by the top-ranking overseas universities early this year, including the University of Oxford (Mathematics), Imperial College London (Biotechnology), University of Glasgow (Veterinary Medicine), University of Bath (Aerospace Engineering), University of Manchester (Civil Engineering) and University of California, Davis (Chemistry), to name a few. In addition, quite a number of students were accepted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Medicine, Law, Pharmacy and Accounting Departments. The further study rate reached 100%.


Rank: 2

發表於 18-9-16 19:48 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 mariyar 的帖子

A-school 這方面做得頗好,不是只管考好 DSE 或 GCEAL。

Six of our Grade 7 students formed two teams to take part in the World Scholar's Cup - Global Round competition in Australia. Both teams successfully advanced to the finale - Tournament of Championships by their superior performance and received 11 gold and 15 silver medals in total at one of the three 2018 Global Round qualifying events. They are among the 30,000 highest-achieving scholars who participated in 120 regional events across six continents, where they explored from a wide range of subjects and competed in a series of rigorous academic challenges. The two teams will be invited to the Tournament of Championships to be held at Yale University in coming November.

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