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教育王國 討論區 教材閱讀 迪士尼美語世界-使用時間表
樓主: melobaby

迪士尼美語世界-使用時間表 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-21 00:43 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Gracebebe 於 07-10-18 09:51 硐表
Hi Jayden mami,

can you send the schedule to me for reference, my email: [email protected].

thanks a lot.

I also bought DWE when my baby one month (July 07), my consultant suggest, change one ...

Actually there are many ways to implement DWE, some mommies were advised to change every month, some every 2 months, and myself every 3 months.  i think all are OK as long as your baby can cope with it.  sometimes you need to make judgement according to your instincts being a mommy. 努力 !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-21 01:05 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 bbrbk 於 07-10-20 21:52 硐表
hi, this is my first time to read this forum, my due date is jan 08. i just browse this forum that i found it quite interesting topic about baby einstein and tiny love learning kit. May i know more ab ...

Hi bbrbk, this forum actually focuses on Disney World English , however, im also using baby einstein and tiny love on my son. there are loads of teaching materials on the market for babies and kids, and their main objectives are to stimulate their brain development and let them have a good start on language learning, logical thinking etc.

which material/s have u heard or got to know of? and which ones are u choosing from now?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-21 22:43 |顯示全部帖子
各位mami: send 了 schedule, 請check email!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-23 21:48 |顯示全部帖子
Dear mommies, pls check emails!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-30 21:41 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 heidi0653 於 07-10-26 01:49 硐表

Jayden BB

可否send 多一 個俾我呀 with thousands of thanks!!!!
[email protected]

我都想買DWE,但真係好貴,本來想買套2手版take along,再同consultant買電子書系列,點知consultant話買2手版係入唔到會,要 ...

Heidi, Its worth to buy the Super Mickey sent of DWE, u may wish to look at our discussion earlier on this   if u only buy the playalong cards, its not that holistic (唔全面)and also, its worth to have the membership, becos ur baby girl will chew and crumble the books and cards hehe! 其實39xxx真係幾貴, 但我分期付款, 無咁肉痛...
Jayden was born on 28 Dec, 2006

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-30 21:48 |顯示全部帖子
dear mommies, i have sent u the schedule, pls check emails!
Jayden was born on 28 Dec, 2006

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-3 23:53 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 jackiejason 於 07-11-2 11:23 硐表

Can you please send the schedule to me, also?  Thanks a lot.  My email address [email protected]

My baby is 14 months and I've only play video - play along, sing along and programme  ...

Hi jackiejason, how old is ur baby? i have limited the time on playing video to Jayden cos hes only 10mths old.  i think u can opt to expose videos to ur baby as late as possible.  if hes still under 18 mths, its better for him to listen more than watch.  when he gets older he wont have this patience to listen as much as u want him .  what do u think?
Jayden was born on 28 Dec, 2006

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-13 21:50 |顯示全部帖子
Dear mommies, pls check emails for the schedule!
Jayden was born on 28 Dec, 2006

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-5 23:06 |顯示全部帖子
hello, 各位媽咪, 由於太多媽咪request 要個schedule, 現在我將個excel schedule 簡化post 在此 for 大家reference.  注意, 使用方法有很多, 亦需要按bb年齡改動, 這schedule 只是我參考了consultant 及其他dwe 媽咪 及上完堂後訂給 jayden (now已 1 yr) 用的

7-10:30 am
wake up: Listen to Wake Up songs
Listen to Play along CD
play with cards (6 - 8 cards)

Listen to Sing Along CD
Play with cards (6 - 8 cards)

1:30 -5pm
Watch Play Along DVD
Listen to Spoken Version 2
Listen to Mandarin songs (not DWE material)

5 - 7:30pm
Listen to Story and Songs, read Book
Play with cards (6 - 8 cards)

sleep, listen to Bed-Time songs
Listen to Bed-time Reviews

之前我是每3個月change 1個 colour series (play along 及 play along cards 就每個月轉), 但依家jayden已1歲, 我就每2個月會轉colour series la.

希望比到d insights 大家, 但記住每個b 都不同的.  雖然套dwe多數係工人同阿b 用 (佢好肯用, 如果唔係同阿b都唔知做咩好), 但我每日都會同阿b 玩小小, e.g watch dvd, play cards 等 observe佢的反應去update個schedule.

[ 本文章最後由 JaydenBB 於 08-1-5 23:09 編輯 ]
Jayden was born on 28 Dec, 2006
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