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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 做完小一面試班既模擬面試之後....
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做完小一面試班既模擬面試之後.... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-13 13:31 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 SandyWu 於 07-8-13 10:36 發表
尋日阿囡做完小一面試班既模擬面試之後,佢既成績比起平時差左好多,連老師都話佢表現失準左 我好唔開心,阿囡都係,所以我即時同佢報左兩堂改進班

其實我都知阿囡唔係好top既小朋友,不過佢係幼稚園既成績 ...

Dear SandyWu

Please don't upset if your daughter's performance is not
good during the mock interview.  It is because the school will look at the kid's actual performance in that day.
Should your girl is shy, I think the intereview class does
help a little.  However, if your daughter is an outgoing
type, then I don't think you need to put her in any
interview class. It is much better if she can perform
naturally.  I know some parents did put their kids in those classes, but ended up none of those kids get into top
school.  Perhaps, it is better that if you can train your
daughter on your own in general knowledges, manners
and analsis skills, instead of wasting $ on those classes.
In fact, I just did those this year when my daughter had
her primary interviews.  She has done very good and will
attend DGJS this Sept.
Good luck to you!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-8-14 08:26 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 vic6 於 07-8-13 13:39 發表
Means you hv enrolled the interview classes, which one? & where is it located? Did you try 小博�小狀?Pls give me comment for this. many thanks!!

Hi SandyWu

I did not put my daughter in any interview class since my
daughter is an outgoing type.  However  I trained her by
myself in manners such as say "Thank you" and good bye
after each interview,  analysis skills such as problem
solving... (teach your kids don't say " I don't know" in any
questions if she doesn't know)  It is the biggest drawback
the interviewer to choose your kids.  Acutually, I think the
interviewer just want to test the kid to see how well
they can handle in a strange situation. Please encourage
her to provide any answer since the intereview never
expect a  5 year old child can answer like an adult.
At last.... general knowledge such as seasons, times
simple maths etce...   
As a experience parents, please don't reliance on any
interview school since they won't guarateen your
child can get into any your dream school.   
In fact my daughter has done quite good for her
primary one interview last year.  She is accepted by
APT, KTS, DGJS, Sacred Heart, Kau Yan and Good Hope
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