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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 方方樂趣幼稚兒園
樓主: atmw

方方樂趣幼稚兒園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-22 15:39 |顯示全部帖子


我的仔仔今星期也到方方面試,老師很nice.起初我的小B只和自己玩,後來warm up 便很開心。他是細仔所以老師給他看書,問了些問題便完了。當老師帶我們參觀學校,小B十分高興。又見到一位外藉老師,小B出奇地自己走過去,這位老師便和他玩Give me five。如果方方收我小B,我的考慮也是車程因我不是往得很近。但我知方方有校車到我的屋苑。我也有朋友讀過方方也說不錯。希望有多些家長可給意見。小B這麼細自己坐校車會否不好?

原帖由 BBG1 於 08-11-22 07:27 發表

而面試當日,我覺得 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-9 23:29 |顯示全部帖子


Woo you son is very smart, how old is he now?  Do you have any methods to teach your bb to speak and memorize words?  My son is now 16 months and he can only say baba mama. :-|   I am a working mum so I can only teach him at nightime.  During the daytime, only my maid can play and talk to him.  That's why I want my son to study N1 so he can have more chance to communicate with other bb.


原帖由 Silverhawk 於 08-12-9 23:13 發表
我會讀樂基instead of 方方, 原因係樂基名氣大d, 我個人認為, 九龍塘d 學校都算有d 名, 佢地d 教育質數相差應該不太大, 我唔介意果少少差別, 我亦唔會只靠學校去教我個仔, 佢地無教d野, 我會在家中教, 我仔仔宜家未 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-18 22:12 |顯示全部帖子
My son is ice-cream - am class.  Ms So called me every day last week but this week she did not call me again.  Maybe he is quite ok at the school.  Up to now, he enjoyed very much going to school.  The only problem is that the school bus time is  long - 45 minutes


原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-8-15 11:24 發表
hi all,

留意咗幾日,終於見到有新post出。我囡囡讀緊international Star A.M., 想知有冇媽媽的子女同我囡囡同班呢?就算冇都唔緊要,好想交流下!

我囡囡返咗6日,so far幾好,老師打電話俾我都話佢ok。不過正式返三個鐘後老 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-19 22:22 |顯示全部帖子
I think my son is in the same class-(Ms So-ice-cream am class), right?  He enjoyed going to school very much.  But today I found there is some red marks on his pat pat, I am a bit worry he felt down and got hurt.  I know they are doing the toilet training with him.  So far so good, he is willing to go to the toilet this week.  I will leave you my email by pm as I hope we can keep in touch.  


原帖由 ylchu 於 09-8-19 14:21 發表
佢自己返學之後, 第一, 二日都無事但反而第三日開始就唔肯換校服, 上到校車又喊....
我同 Ms So每日都有通電話, 知道個女初時係唔喊之後見其他小朋友大喊之後就開始喊, 最慘係 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-19 22:27 |顯示全部帖子
I appreciated very much that you will ask your daughter to stay at home.  Many friends told me that the kids will easy get sick once they start to school.  Some parents will still send the kids to school even they are sick.  This will only spread the disease to others.   Thank you.  


原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-8-19 16:46 發表

我囡囡呢幾日都冇返學, 因為有d咳同流鼻水。我希望佢可以快d好返,快d返學。

so far佢幾鍾意返學,每朝都話要著校服同返學鞋。你囡囡幾大?你同佢講多d返學嘅嘢,等佢知道返學好開心。

另外都想問一問大家,你地K1會唔 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-25 11:14 |顯示全部帖子
I think the recycle bag is from Funful.  I found one small bag in red color when the teacher gave us the school bag on the first day.  Ms So told me they will put some small present for bb born in August.  My son is small bb , born in early August

原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-8-25 11:00 發表
As I know other school will have birthday bag for pupils, I think the bag is for the birthday gift, toys and candys....etc.

I just want to know how big is the bag suit for my daughter??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-25 22:52 |顯示全部帖子
Humm....  Actually I am not sure about if it is a recycle bag or for putting diaper. I can see there is a name card on the bag.  That's why I think this is the bag for present, heeee......  


原帖由 geeyore 於 09-8-25 16:15 發表
OH!!! I see!!! That's the recycle bag?! I thought that was a nappy bag tim? I always put a spare undi and dress in that bag!!!What a silly mummy I am :p

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-26 22:35 |顯示全部帖子
Do you mean that no need to bring the school bag and just the recycle bag is ok??


原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-8-26 10:24 發表
I called Miss Ma last night, she confirmed that little red bag is recycle bag. On Friday we can put a diaper and the temperature record sheet in the bag is OK.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-27 21:33 |顯示全部帖子
Ha ha, my son is a very routine bb.  He will insist to take the school bag with him tomorrow.  The max ratio of teacher to students is 15, right?? My son is in ice-cream class, there are only 4 bb now.  Ms So told me more bb will join afterward when they reach the suitable age.  


原帖由 joyce1024 於 09-8-27 14:51 發表

Yes. No need to bring the school bag.
Just bring the recycle bag only.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-10 22:30 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Hi,

My son is also ice-cream am class. He got sick after 3 weeks time.  Luckily he start to sick on Friday and he can rest on Sat and Sun.  I still took 2 more days sick leave for him. He is ok now but hope he will not sick so easily.  It is very hard to take care him when he was sick.  He will wake up several times at mid-night :-(


原帖由 angus0818 於 09-9-10 18:57 發表
Hi! My son is in ice-cream class as well. How's your child? My son got sick after he went to school for 2 weeks. He took sick leave for more than a week.
Really regret to let him go to school that ea ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-11 21:21 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Hi,

My son is now 2 years old + 1-1/2 month.  He likes going to school very much. He never cried even he need to take the school bus alone.  For me, I am thinking he will cry in the school bus because I joined him for the first 2 days.

I think my son got sick because he joined the tom lee music course.  The classroom is not big and I saw one bb cough during the lesson .  After then my son start to cough the next day.  I bring him to see the doctor immediately.  It is very hard to ask my son to eat medicine.  


原帖由 angus0818 於 09-9-11 11:44 發表


Yeah... it is so hard to take care of him when he was sick. He stopped to go to school from 2 sept.
I still want him to take rest at home ...not willing to let him go to school next week.

How  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-14 21:25 |顯示全部帖子
Don't worry too much, the kids can get use to the school life easily.  My son likes to play very much so he will play with the person who is nice and make fun with him.  I trust they will be good friends   


原帖由 angus0818 於 09-9-11 22:09 發表

My son is 25 month old next week. So close to your son. Haha.  Hope they can be a good friend. My son likes to go to school as well. But after taking rest at home for about 2 weeks...not sure ...
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