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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 Public school? Boarding School? Homestay?
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Public school? Boarding School? Homestay? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-10-25 12:49 |顯示全部帖子
For non canadians/residents, you can go to public school but you need to pay.
Public schools are probably not quite like how they used to be decades ago. I used to live in Ontario and go to a public school. Most public schools were quite good in my times. However, for now, I heard that there are lots of issues with public education.
Private schools have their own issues too.
Either they are some of the top schools that take the best students, or schools that take mainly foreign students (mostly asians or africans) with poor grades. Top private schools have high entrance bar. While poor private schools take almost everyone.
Top private schools have lots of asians too. However most of them have been living in Canada for quite some time (many even born in canadian) and they have very high English standard. So if your do not want your kid to be in a school with more asians, you are also eliminating some of the top private schools.
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