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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀 ...
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跟唔上kv k1課程, 想搵九龍塘活動教學既幼稚園,邊間好呀? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-4-6 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
Actually, my daughter got silimar problem when she was K1 in Kentville as the curriculum of K1 is not difficult, she feels no challenge in the school and feels no interest to learn (she graduated in KV last year and now studying in P.1).  The curriculum of K2 is a bit "rush" and my girl feels interest to learn and enjoy to study.

My son is now studying K2 in KV, different with his sister that, he needs more "paratice" & "help" after school but he enjoy to go to school everyday.  Actually, KV is a very good school and you may consider to talk with the teacher and see how you can help your kid at home.
Thanks god giving me a happy family.
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