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教育王國 討論區 右思維幼稚園 Rightmind Nursery
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Rightmind Nursery [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-27 14:39 |顯示全部帖子
my kid is studying N1 in RM and also goes to school very very happily everday.

I must say what she learnt from RM is good such as PTH.  Sometimes I come across cases that my  kid told me my PTH is wrong (well, my PTH is not very good).

To tell the truth, I planned to change to a Kowloon Tong KG next year as (1) RM is really expansive, (2) it is too far away, (3) as it is new, i heard that the recognition from primary school is not that good.

As it seems that ur kid is going to join N1, i think it is worthy to try RM, I've no regret to let my baby to spend one yr here to gain a wild exposure to not only language (Eng & PTH) and also music  adn others.  One day, my kid told me that the names of musical instruments in Eng that I don't even know the Chinese (well, again, I called myself musical handi sometiemes)
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