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教育王國 討論區 國際英文幼稚園 K3 this year, almost all private school accept!
樓主: sutent

K3 this year, almost all private school accept!   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-8-2 16:24 |顯示全部帖子
Last time I share my girl's P1 life in April 2013, I'd like to share a bit more as she is now already finish her whole P1.

For those who go thro all the post till here, u may quite aware what type of primary school my girl is going - it is  private one in Kowloon Tong, not the most top ones but acceptable for most parents. I find the school more acceptable than I think before my girl goes in as it is a quite open minded school. Teachers like to communicate to parents, like SCKG.

Well, back to my girl.
She is doing good in all respects, I mean acceptable to me.
As the previous sharing, English and PTH are the best subjects out of all, and the rest are ok. Need pick up in Chinese but no problem after putting in effords. Afterall she is only in P1.

I think most of the SCKG students are doing good in this school, esp. academically. So I have to say SCKG students can well adopt to P1 life in all respects.

Thank you for reading.


maomaofifi    發表於 13-8-29 12:53

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發表於 13-11-25 14:54 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Panbb 的帖子

I cannot said there is none, but seems rare.

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發表於 14-1-8 18:10 |顯示全部帖子
昕昕媽咪 發表於 13-11-29 12:59

"我剛收到英粵班的offer. 我target一d直資私小, 但不是神校如DGS . 想請教:
1. 讀SC可以唔出去補習嗎?
2. 可以只參加一兩樣ECA嗎?
3. 可以不考校外英文數學試嗎?"
I think to reply your questions in reverse order:

3. External exam: well after the P1 interview around 2 yrs ago, I believe the cert from such external exam do not make much credit from P1 application. But it does tell u how your child perform academically.

2.Depends on how u consider as ECA, for me it is interest group such as music or sports, those not for academic, also speech training is seasonal so I do not count it as ECA also. On this basis, 1 or 2 is sufficent, I think.
I think the point is (a) teh child like it, at least not hate it, (b) last longer (c) u can tell why you chose that ECA for your child. If u chose to quote it in the profile, better to explain why it is chosen and the child benefit from what in joining such course.

1. Yes. Extra course can add your (I mean parent's) confidence. But I think it is an extra.
But I suggest the parents better to do exercise with the child so that he/she is familiar with the formate/question of interviews.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-1-8 18:13 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry that I do not come back to this thread offenly and thus for those who leave message here, pls PM me for what info you like me to share, I'll more than happy to share (but pls prepare for very late reply ).

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發表於 14-1-22 18:07 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks for reading this post :)
For those that need my pm, pls pm me.  It is becasue I cannot remember who I have already reply to.
Please forgive my laziness.

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發表於 14-9-17 17:11 |顯示全部帖子
Pls PM me in case u like me to have further sharing, thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-9-18 17:52 |顯示全部帖子
點算一下, 原來上次來談小朋友的情況已是去年8月. 似乎今年比較懶惰了 ;)
更新一下情況: 跟小一不同, 小二這一年我讓她參加了很多運動 (><, P3一定要CUT一些, 否則體力上不勝負苛!).
學習方面, Term 1/2 之後我看見她有點後退, 所以Term 3 更加努力. 可幸的時英文數學仍是不用花太多氣力, 不過中文要繼續努力. 一年完畢後, 成績也是屬於令人滿意吧.
總括而言,  小二已明顯地沒有小一輕鬆, 應該是KG時的努力成果漸漸被人追上了, 總之要繼續努力吧!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-11-25 16:44 |顯示全部帖子
van_t 發表於 14-11-4 16:51
回覆 joeyxlma 的帖子

Thx for the sharing. Its very helpful.
Do you mind share the interview questions that you practise with your girl at home?

It is a big topice.
To be honest, on one hand you can say the questions are repeating as they will be around several ideas or topics, but on the other hand, it is very hard to predick the exact question. Sorry that I don't have the questions with me now but actually you can find a lots in previous threads in BK (considerable time is needed of cox).

My further suggestions are:
1. as previously mentioned, getting the child familiar with the mode of question (ie how they are asked such as by drawing, by story telling, by story continuation, etc) is better than knowing the exact question.

2. if you gather actual question, you can do it by target schools. Previously I do the same by reviewing the pervious two years' BK threads. You may find that quite a number of schools are asking the same questions over years or using same type of questioning.

(tips: you don't have to look at all, by reference to current yr interview date, u can guess the last year interview date and go to those days and then you may find a lot of useful threads)
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