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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 今天收到信, 祟真小學收了我兒子了, 很開心呀 ...
樓主: Anntang88

今天收到信, 祟真小學收了我兒子了, 很開心呀 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-10-19 22:38 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 雲妮彭 於 07-10-18 15:05 硐表



If you are living in Tin Shui Wai, I suggest you try Gigamind primary school. My daughter is studing in TT international kindergarten section but I still tried Gigamind mind and they accept my daughter. I am considering which school is better for my dughter. The most attractive pont of gigamind mind is the very small size class (16 students per class). TT is having problem on the class size. I asked the Principal this September how many students in international class and she told me 25. In fact, it's 30 in J1 this year. Why she's not telling me the truth? Might be she assume some students will leave the next year since it do happen every year.

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發表於 07-10-20 23:07 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 little-pig 於 07-10-19 23:43 硐表
But gigamind is a new school,
is it's standard ok?
also, it's school fee is expensive...

right, gigamind just like other DSS. It formed on 2001. I have some indirect friend's son studying in this school and she recommend this school. I didn't talk to her deeply of this school  but know that this school is also using english and putonghua as teaching language.The school fee is $4300 per month which is cheaper than TT international junior. If they only have 16 students per class, I will say the fee is reasonable (no matter I can afford or not). The secondary school allocation is not bad. 22 students out of 24 can get a seat in english secondary school. Another good point is the class starts at 9 o'clock. So we don't need to get up that early. If study in TT, my daughter needs to get on the school bus at 6:45am whcih mean she needs to wake up at 6:15am which seems too early. If she study in TT, we can talk or do anything after night. Just finish the dinner and homework than sleep. Gigamind already accept my daughter but I am still struggling if I should choose TT or gigamind since TT has secondary school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-10-23 16:23 |顯示全部帖子


原文章由 testlove 於 07-10-23 15:07 硐表

we had interview in 10/4(2nd batch) and there were about 400 interviewees.  The sch only have about 100  P1 seats.  We received the offer and submitted the fee.  :

so of course there are a lot ...


Let's try to give you some info. My daughter is studying in TT kindergarten (english section) and I do apply their international primary for her. basically I won't consider their main stream primary since the class size from p.2-6 is 39 students per class which I think it's not suitable for my daughter. If they charge $2400 with such class size, I won't accept. When I apply their kindergarten, I heard that their junior class is with 25 students which I think it's very good. But this year, their J1 have 30 students which disappoint me. I asked the prinicipal and she still tell me junior class has 25 students per class. It's more benefit to teacher and student in small class size. That's why every year will have student and teacher leave.
Despite above bad things, TT still have soem good points:
1. they are english school
2. many net teacher compare to other school (but don't
    know if more teacher will leave)
3. they have thru train english secondary school

so if no school offer a seat but they do, it' better than none.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-9 22:45 |顯示全部帖子

school visit

原文章由 helenjoe 於 07-11-9 10:54 硐表

好! 無問題, 我會幫你問class size問題.

Hi Helenjoe,

I really want to join as my daughter will study J1 next year but I am still have many questions in my mind and want to question the principle. If there is no vacancy for schoolvisit, pls help me to ask the following questions:

1. their website stated class size of J1 is 10-25 and I
    asked the principle this sept and she still told me 25
    max. But the fact is this year J1 has 30 students. It's
    not fair to parents, students and teacher as wel. I
    asked what happen if junior class is over 25 students.
    The principle told me they will add resource if over 25
    students. I don't believe her. What resource she can
    add by having 5 students more? The school fee is
    $4800 and I choose them because of the class size
    with 25 students. That's why it made me very
    disapponted and feel they are cheating.

2. why can't the school bus for primary separate with
    kindergarten? the primary students need to get on
    school bus very early because the school bus needs
     to go back to pick up kindergarten students. So those
     primary students have to get up very early just
      because they need to cope with school bus schedule.
     For example, I am living in Tsuen Wan and my daughter will needs to get on school bus on 6:45am and arrive school before 7:30am. School will arrange early reading for these students but don't think they can concentrate. They even don't want to eat breakfast if wake up so early! It's very unhealthy.

sorry for so such long questions but I really doubted on their adminstration.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-11 21:27 |顯示全部帖子

J1 = international junior 1 (primary)

原文章由 helenjoe 於 07-11-10 12:15 硐表



Hi helenjoe,

My question is for their international junior section which is equal to primary 1 but in international section.that's why the school fee is $4800 per month and school bus pick up students so early. Really need someone's help to get
an answer from the principle or top management. Hope you can help. Tks.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-16 18:59 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 haowon168 於 07-11-15 13:06 硐表
其實和早讀沒有直接關系,而是就校車可再去接幼生. 小學生太辛苦了, 尤其在冬天.

you are totally right and I feel unfair to the primary studeents (although my girl is in kindergarten and the school bus pick up at 8:15am which is very good). Their students are from everyway and some are very far. I am very concern on this point as my daughter needs to get on school bus at 6:45am if she study in their primary. What wll other mother do? take her to school by yourself. I am thinking different ways to let her sleep more.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-23 22:14 |顯示全部帖子

workload in junior

you are so lucky to have such a disiplined son. may I knwo how many homework normall in weekday and weekend. I am scared by main stream mother as they said workload is heavy. Also learnt by one J3 mother that Junior has many project to do which needs parents help.

原文章由 hong2002 於 07-11-23 21:21 硐表

Please don't mind if I could only give short reponse here:

1. My elder is in J4 (Int'l stream). He doesn't join any tutorial class and he does all his homework by himself.  I help him to do  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-25 22:40 |顯示全部帖子


原文章由 hong2002 於 07-11-25 10:49 硐表

In contrary, my son is a very carefree person.  He doesn't care his things including his homework.  That's the reason I insist him to take care of his homework by himself.  I want to develo ...

Hi hong2002,

My daughter is same as your son. I start training her to take care of her homework and try not to involve too much. It works base on other mother's feedback so I will keep doing this way.
Regarding the workload, seems like it's not much and it's different from main stream. I saw from BK that some mommy said their child have 6 homework per day which scare me. I want my daughter to have time for other activities. Can your son manage japanese and french well? I sometimes think are they learning to much - 40% IB, 60% local , japanese, french WOO.....


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