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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 小三閒日功課16樣
樓主: water13

小三閒日功課16樣 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 08:57 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-11-5 21:37
Teachers should reduce homeworks before exam / test in order to spare time for revision woo!

Are you sure?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 09:00 |顯示全部帖子
blueroselam 發表於 14-12-1 07:47
我囡同樣小三,都有時7,8樣 晚晚都攪到成11點先訓,佢辛苦我也辛苦
I do believe inadquate rest will affect the chidren learning on tomorrow!

And hence the children cannot absorb newly taught topics well, and handle the new homeworks!

This cycle continues and affect the learning effectiveness recursively!

Should you rectify this situation asap?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 09:39 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kenwong888 於 14-12-1 09:41 編輯
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 09:32
佢學校好得意,測驗前會出好多功課、工作紙,其實係同小朋友溫習,中文常識嗰份,係類似模擬考試卷,英文數 ...

If the school does not request the students to revise the old worksheet, that's fine!

But i do think the shcool expects them to revise the old worksheet right?

Then the time will be tight right?

I can only say it does not make sense!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 09:52 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 09:46
我唔識答。總之,我仔中文係唔駛溫舊ws,只係再溫返默書既字;咁英文,都係串默書既字,無ws,只有wb,咁如果 ...
Yup, i agree with your revision method provided the child is good enough -- he / she manage to recall what stuffs need special revision and reinforcement -- that means he / she has grasped the knowledge essentially!

But what i assume the primary student especially for those P1-P2 students should still relying on revising all the homeworks they did before!  It is also their teachers' expectation and they set the exam paper's question styles to be similar to those homeworks as well!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 10:25
唔好意思,我啲英文唔好,唔係太明你既意思。係咪即係你覺得小一小二,要放多啲時間嚟溫返之前既 ...
My assumption is that the primary 1 - 2 students still lacking comprehensive skill for interpretating the questions if they are not similar styles of their homeworks / worksheet!

Let's say if we use other exercise or mock paper for revision, and they do not manage to do them correctly!  This does not mean they cannot master the concept the teacher taught but they may not familar the question style / understand them so they answer wrongly!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 10:41 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 10:27
不過,我想講點解覺得佢學校好呢?係因為有啲家長,好似我咁,唔係話好識點同個仔溫習,咁佢出嗰啲測前溫習 ...
I do think the quality of student is good, but not the school!

Oppositely i do think the school revision method is not good for average quality students!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 10:55 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 10:27
不過,我想講點解覺得佢學校好呢?係因為有啲家長,好似我咁,唔係話好識點同個仔溫習,咁佢出嗰啲測前溫習 ...
It is always the wrong perception good parents must find a lot of exercise from outside to strengthen their children acedamic results in exam / test!

I am exceptional one, just focus on revising the school homeworks and exercise in preparing the exam / test!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 11:34 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kenwong888 於 14-12-1 11:43 編輯
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 10:54
咁即你覺得背誦既方法考試好啲?如果背誦就梗係易啲啦!但可能因為我自己好怕背野,所以,我反而鐘意佢考運 ...

I do not agree with your view that "revision of homeworks" is equivalent to "背誦"!

To me and my child, i require her to grasp the underlying principle and usage of the knowledge!

The teacher is not going to set the exam paper same as the worksheet right?

Please do not be too aggressive, when the children grow up and reach P3 and above, they will learn to apply the knowledge and master different styles of questions provided they grasp the concept!  Be patient!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 11:41 |顯示全部帖子
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 11:22
其實我仔學校係津校喳,quality of students都唔會夠私校good啦!反而,我朋友讀私校,佢地係考返啲功課噃!

Your concept is wrong, please do not look down "考返啲功課"!

If the paper is set as "考返啲功課", the teacher may at the same time assume the students doing them quick and request them to answer more questions!  The scope of exam can be more comprehensive!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-12-1 12:05 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kenwong888 於 14-12-1 12:13 編輯
IloveJJ 發表於 14-12-1 12:01
乜原來我咁樣係aggressive咩?其實我無諗得咁複雜,我只係諗,唔駛背,即係唔駛記一樣既野,咁溫書輕鬆好多 ...

Not mentioning English and Chinese, even studying Maths, there are lot of axioms!

You need to remember them, no other choice right?

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