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心水學校 收了小朋友...但... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-13 17:15 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, children can adapt to new life easily.  However, I treasure a proper afternoon sleep very important to the health of my child, so, I rejected the PM offer from 2 famous KG (no AM offer when school begun) and choose a reasonably good one with AM offer.  

The other mums are correct that you should pay the deposit first and submit a letter to wait for the AM class.  

原帖由 gilfamily 於 09-11-13 16:08 發表
don't worry, children can adapt new life easily

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-7 11:52 |顯示全部帖子
Woh, sleep at 7:30pm every day???  This is the earliest case that I have heard.   Sleep early is a good habit.....but try not to avoid afternoon sleep, I think a small child requires a nap during the day to make her/his body to recover.

原帖由 naanmom 於 09-12-6 00:22 發表
For my girl, she studies PM class, she sleeps at 7.30pm, wake up at about 7am, then take a nap at about 12pm (school starts at 1.30pm).  The drawback is that I have to wake up earlier to play with her ...
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