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教育王國 討論區 蘇浙小學校 請問知不知蘇浙K3和小六有幾多學生?
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請問知不知蘇浙K3和小六有幾多學生? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-5 13:01 |顯示全部帖子
Haha, how come your question is so similar to the  question raised by Chens in another thread.  You 2 are doing the same study and have the same query woh.

Per EDB website, KCS K3 has 224 AM students and 187 PM students and 26 Full Day students this year.  So, totalling should be 437.  Woh, I don't aware KCS KG is such a mass production school until I do the calculation now : )  

For P6, they have 4 classes (2 half day class and 2 full day), totalling 104 students.  

原帖由 Totowang 於 10-1-5 11:55 發表
I found their website shows 2009級部份畢業生中學派位成績, total no. of students shown on the list is 68. I want to know the percentage of the students that on the list and how many students in kinderg ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-6 09:22 |顯示全部帖子
You gays are really good mum, so far, I have done no study for primary school yet.  I know I should do soon, haha.......just don't know how to start as I am blind to the HK schools.  I am used to be a Kowloon people before marriage.  

原帖由 GIPW 於 10-1-5 19:30 發表
so from calculation about 65% goes to band 1 school.  Some might have left for grade 7 (international session) before they graduated.  

I have asked someone who now studied in 中華基金會, and they sa ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-6 11:28 |顯示全部帖子
Though I have not started any study for primary schools yet, but I just happen to have the answer to your question woh : )  Link below:


Forgive my naive, but why we need to study secondary school so quick????  I though I need to have this headache 8-9 years later tim .....

原帖由 Totowang 於 10-1-6 10:36 發表
Btw, may I know where can I find the list of Band 1 secondary school?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-6 14:15 |顯示全部帖子
香港Primary school排名榜?  No lah, I don't have this.  If you have found this inf. somewhere, kindly let me know also.

原帖由 Totowang 於 10-1-6 12:16 發表
Thanks for your valuable information, Sorb!!!

Basically I was planning to studied the Primary school information when my son study K2, but started to think it after my colleague asked which schools w ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-6 17:53 |顯示全部帖子
Hey, I have found a book about 全港小學排位表. Link below:


If you buy and find it useful, remember to let me know ah.

原帖由 Sorb 於 10-1-6 14:15 發表
香港Primary school排名榜?  No lah, I don't have this.  If you have found this inf. somewhere, kindly let me know also.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-7 09:28 |顯示全部帖子
I also think those books are 呃人, I remember 2 years ago, I also bought a book named roughly like 幼稚園選校需知or概覽 for $180, end up in a rubbish at my home, no use at all......and now, not sure where it is placed loh.........the free information on web are more detailed and useful than this book.  

原帖由 GIPW 於 10-1-7 00:27 發表
Hi Totowong

I think the 全港小學http://das.baby-kingdom.com/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=37&bannerid=85&cb=11224468&n=a136fd08排位表 is not very useful.  I think I have bought this but not sure I have ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-7 09:34 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, schoolmates are important as they may affect one's characters.  

But my experience, friends in secondary school will be one's friends in the future as little kids do not know how to keep friendship established in primary school after going to different secondary schools (my case).  So, I emphasis on secondary school more than primary school if you ask me to weight.

原帖由 Sorb 於 10-1-7 09:28 發表
I also think those books are 呃人, I remember 2 years ago, I also bought a book named roughly like 幼稚園選校需知or概覽 for $180, end up in a rubbish at my home, no use at all......and now, not sure w ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-7 13:38 |顯示全部帖子
I think unless our child's characters are very strong, otherwise, it is very difficult to say which type of school will be more suitable for her/him at this young age.  I think each type of school is a factory with different "mode", you put your child into that "mode", she/he will easily grow in that direction.  

Assuming my child is smart enough to get good offers (which is still a big question mark to me at the moment, I wish KCS can help me to train her into a smart girl lah), instead of asking which type of school suits her present character, I will prefer to ask myself, which mode and in what direction I want my child to grow.  What type of school life I want for my child?  My instinct answer to my question for the time being is I prefer "active teaching" to "traditional teaching" more.  Don't know ah, I may change my thought after I have started the studying.   

Same as you, I only know those most famous schools also.  Thus, do not know how to begin the study too....so, still not yet begin.

原帖由 Totowang 於 10-1-7 11:47 發表
Yes, I do agree friends' in secondary school will be friends' in future and they are important in our child's life. Thus, I want to choose a good school for my son. The problem for me is.....I don't k ...
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