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[英國] UCL [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-7-28 17:11 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kaplanmeier 於 23-7-28 17:11 編輯
大食媽咪 發表於 23-7-25 09:12
見到另一間大學既貼有好多有用資訊,所以都想開個貼黎大家交流吓。首先想問吓有無同學仔已經收到CAS? IB放 ...

CAS: email or, even better, call the admissions office.  UCL's slowness is widely known...
Airport arrival: the first stop should be your dorm.  

Some UCL HK student societies will organise orientation activities here in HK.  There are more than one society, I think.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-7-29 15:05 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kaplanmeier 於 23-7-29 15:08 編輯
大食媽咪 發表於 23-7-29 07:42
其實學校好快就已經俾晒CAS既資料我地申請student visa,但我地需要正式既CAS letter去銀 ...

CAS letter: We didn't  pay attention to this at all.

Arrival: sorry for the confusion.  I meant: what you have to check/book before leaving for London is for going  from the airport to your dorm, instead of going to the UCL campus.  (That's what I meant by saying "the first stop", i.e. your first destination.) The locations of the halls are rather scattered and some of them may be a few tube stations away from the campus.  My elder one took (pre-booked) taxi, while the younger one simply took tube; they lived in different halls anyway.  I remember that you can check in on the last Sunday before the start of the term.  

Orientation: sorry, not quite sure.  My children simply knew from their own social networks.  I know UCL Chinese Society is one of these societies.  Well, once they start their lives in London, they will build their own friend circles, which probably are unrelated to these societies.  So, these orientation activities are only for warming up, not really important.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-8-1 12:30 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kaplanmeier 於 23-8-1 12:30 編輯
Treestory 發表於 23-8-1 10:20
回覆 kaplanmeier 的帖子

請問放榜後幾多日後收到CAS 資料搞student visa.? A Level 8月中先放榜 ...

This probably depends on the course, in general I think a week or so.  No worry, all A level students will face the same situation.  Should be able to get the student visa in time (but I won't say in "good" time).  Book and do the TB test now, so that once you receive the CAS number, you can submit your application immediately.

It is not a requirement but you may wish to get Meningitis ACWY and B vaccine before departure.  UK kids received Men ACWY but not Men B from NHS, and so because of herd immuity, the latter is perhaps more important than the former.  Men B requires two jabs with a gap of a month, and so if you want to do so, you should get the first jab asap.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-8-30 13:08 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kaplanmeier 於 23-8-30 13:09 編輯

回覆 SumSumBB 的帖子

See my second paragraph in #13 above:


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