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傳統名校vs地區名校 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-2-15 10:54 |顯示全部帖子
日日見住你 發表於 12-2-15 10:13
自己係地區名校讀小學,然後又左地區名中學.會考唔叻,十幾分夠升中六個d,中七又係緊緊升u個d分. ...

My situationis quite similar to yours.  I am not from a elite school not even at the local district.  Yet, I managed to be the top student when I was in primary school and kept myself as one of the top tiers when I was in secondary school.  I just made the requirements to be enrolled in HKU.  After all these years, I still proud of myself.  However, I agree with one of the posts above that when I was in the University, I knew that I was so small and lack of connection.  The situation is even more obvious when I started my work in the society.

One thing that an elite school can provide while other ordinary schools cannot is "connection".  My husband was studying University in US and he has the same comment.  Helping your kids to be enrolled in an elite school is not just to provide him with a good school environment but a very good future connection.  Depending on what he/she is going to do, it could be one of the treasure that you helped him/her to possess.
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