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教育王國 討論區 瑪利諾修院學校(小學部) 瑪利諾修院(小學部)2009/10小一家長請入黎報到!!! ...
樓主: LS+MCS

瑪利諾修院(小學部)2009/10小一家長請入黎報到!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-1 12:12 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, my daughter already returned home and she said she had really good time in school.   The Primary 4 students were there to help them get around the school.  But she said the teacher told her she forgot to hand in "一張綠色紙釘住張白色紙" 嘅通告.., I thought I handed in all slips, anyone understand what she's talking about??  Please help!!!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-1 18:14 |顯示全部帖子
Hi lola2008,

你囡囡應該唔會識唔到人, 因為我囡囡坐你個囡隔離, 已經講得出你囡囡嘅中英文名.  我個囡好多嘢講, 已經識晒坐隔離和後面嘅小朋友, 同一架校車已有3個係1E (包括她在內), 所以佢放學好開心, 話返學好好玩...., 又要鬥快舉手 (唔知佢地玩乜嘢遊戲...), 不過見佢咁開心, 我都放心啲...

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-1 15:25 發表
我囡囡話係老師帶佢哋行學校喎,係呢,我囡囡坐第三行第一個位,你呢?囡囡今日都好開心,不過佢媽咪,即係我就好論盡,攪lee 攪路攪到遲到,踏唔到校車,我又冇意識應該帶部cam幫佢影相,錯過咗咁重要嘅一日,返到學校,見到好多家長都幫自 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-2 10:01 |顯示全部帖子
Hi lola2008,

我囡囡真係話學校厠所放抹手紙嘅架壞咗,好彩你囡囡派紙巾其他同學才有紙巾用.  唔該晒.

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-1 15:25 發表
我囡囡話係老師帶佢哋行學校喎,係呢,我囡囡坐第三行第一個位,你呢?囡囡今日都好開心,不過佢媽咪,即係我就好論盡,攪lee 攪路攪到遲到,踏唔到校車,我又冇意識應該帶部cam幫佢影相,錯過咗咁重要嘅一日,返到學校,見到好多家長都幫自 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-2 22:49 |顯示全部帖子

我個女一時又話聽日要帶食物袋 (好似話要用來袋住water bottle), 但又話下星期才有小息, 有冇人可以講清楚少少?? 要唔要帶茶點??

仲有她說要用好細張嘅白色label 寫住 R3 貼在name tag 嘅背面.  有冇人可以再clarify???  R3 means 佢係排隊在Right row 嘅第三, 她說有 Left and Right row.  

佢講咗一大堆嘢, 我就聽到懵查查咁, 有冇人可以講清楚啲??  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 08:10 |顯示全部帖子
小朋友真係好鍾意孖公仔, 今日我都聽到我個女同佢嘅好朋友約定明天著同色校服...., 諗番自己幾十年前都喜歡同好朋友著同色衫去街, 幾好笑...

原帖由 do-re-me 於 09-9-3 00:36 發表

hi sky123456789,
我女就係 sugar chan, 佢放學好開心話識左第一個好朋友, 坐佢後面, 鍾意著橙色裙. 佢地放學時排隊 2 by 2 兩個排在最前面. 大家約好明天著橙色裙. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 15:51 |顯示全部帖子
Thank you.

But there were two 公文袋, so I guess we only need to bring one?  Even no school notices on that day still need to bring, right?

Thanks a lot!!

原帖由 chriskoo 於 09-9-3 14:35 發表
From 1C teacher told us on parents day 26 aug.
公文袋 for communication with teacher and parents, example, if the teacher give us the notices and need to sign, then they will put it in the 公文袋. If  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 15:54 |顯示全部帖子
I will go to the parent seminar only.  Just happened that I already have some other arrangments on Sept 26, otherwise I think I will want to attend, should be good fun.  (Especially the children would be very happy!!!)

原帖由 muimuiyan 於 09-9-3 15:00 發表
喂喂, 妳們會否參加PTA攪果個 East Asian Game Gala 呀?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 16:52 |顯示全部帖子
oh, really..., i don't remember the class teacher of 1E saying the handbook need to put inside the 公文袋, can anyone from 1E confirm?? thanks!!!!!

原帖由 chriskoo 於 09-9-3 16:09 發表
may be different class have different arrangement.
for 1C, only one 公文袋, and my daughter said that the handbook must keep it inside the 公文袋.
But her 公文袋 getting older and older. I think canno ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-3 18:44 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-3 18:16 發表
I have 2 公文袋s & my daughter said it used to hold the reply slip or notice given from/to school.  But for my daughter, I have already prepared a homework bag for her (I remember that Miss Wong was m ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 14:42 |顯示全部帖子
my daughter said the recess was too short today.  she only had time to go to toilet and finished 4 pieces of biscuit.  she said she was a little disappointed that she had no time to go to the playground.

however, she said she is luckier than some girls who didn't have time to go to toilet and some didn't have time to eat and were very hungry.  so I asked her need to eat faster tomorrow.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 15:59 |顯示全部帖子
maybe.  我個女話有啲小朋友好慘, 說好肚餓但冇時間食嘢.  睇嚟聽日要佢食多啲早餐先得....

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-7 15:18 發表
your daughter is talking about mine.  my daughter told me that she couldn't eat anything as there was no more time after she used the toilet.  so once she dropped off from school bus, she said she fel ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-7 16:25 |顯示全部帖子
我個女好似話有少少功課, 不過她在上堂時已做晒, 所以返屋企冇功課做. 唔知佢講得啱唔啱....

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-7 16:15 發表
我頭先問阿囡今日上堂教D乜,佢話冇教書,咁我問冇教書咁做咗咩,佢話冇嘢做,我話今日開始上堂喎!你唔會由返學坐到放學呀!跟住佢話 maths miss 冇返,音樂堂老師教小朋友坐邊,英文堂老師派嘢& 收嘢,跟住寫手冊,有D同學寫得快,老師叫 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-8 13:58 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter had time go to toilet yesterday but only had time to finish half of her snacks.  So last night I asked her to eat faster and try to finish her snacks.

Today she was very happy and told me that she had enough time to finish all her snacks.  Then I asked her if she went to toilet, she said "NO"....

原帖由 chriskoo 於 09-9-8 12:29 發表
becasue my daughter will pp in her pants dunring her kidergarten, she cannot "Yan" pp. So I wrote the note to her class teacher that must allow her to go to toliet, becasue she told me that in her K s ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-8 15:39 |顯示全部帖子
Hi lola2008,

Your daughter moved the seat because some pupils' class number has changed (they're currently sitting according to class number i.e. by last name).  My daughter also told me that your daughter is no longer sitting next to her.  Last week my daughter already told me the person who supposed to be sitting behind her never showed up last week and the seat behind her was left empty all last week.  Today the class number has changed for some students (because my daughter's last name is almost toward the end).  I guess there maybe a new student today but my daughter didn't give me enough details (I guess she doesn't know all the classmates yet and therefore she can't tell who is new).

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-8 15:29 發表
my daughter was happy today, she told me many things about the school.  she can also finish her snacks and has time to go to toilet.  i asked her why there was so many times today, she said because he ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-10 15:08 |顯示全部帖子
yes, i think it's the 啡色雞皮紙 too, I saw it from the book store today.

Btw, my daughter was sick this morning and didn't go to school, can any 1E parent tell me what's on handbook today and are there any home work?  Many thanks!

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-10 14:19 發表
oic, :idea: :idea: :idea: thank you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-10 16:22 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks a lot!  What are the 2 subscription forms??

Yes, my daughter said your daughter sits next to her on the school bus, is your daughter on Bus no. 4 also?

My daughter is ok, she only started to 嘔 when she was waiting for the school bus.  But she was feeling fine after she went home so I didnt' bring her to see doctor.  Her class teacher called me and asked me to bring her to see a doctor and get a doctor's note for the sick leave.  But I told her that she's now feeling ok and I don't think she needs to see a doctor.  So she asked me to giver her a letter tomorrow for the sick leave.

Anyone know how formal should the letter be?  Just a simple sentence should be fine???

原帖由 lola2008 於 09-9-10 16:07 發表
Ah! I forget to tell you that they need to bring Elephant Tricks & Mango Tree to school tomorrow.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-14 11:39 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Kn_Mama,

Yes, we met at Festival Walk last time.  My daughter likes playing with your daughter and always keep holdings hands when waiting for the school bus.

I have registered for both online English courses, although I don't know if she will have enough time to do it and how effective are the courses.  But I was thinking I'll never know whether they are good or not unless we try it out by ourselves.  

原帖由 KN_MaMa 於 09-9-13 23:58 發表
I think my daughter knows your daughter and they should be taking the same school bus no.4 and in the same class.  Is your girl's name starts with "J"? If so, I think we met before at Festival Walk.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-14 11:47 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, I'm still very confused with the 親子做句. I guess we only need to write the 詞語 but no need to write the whole sentence, right?  The student only needs to 用那些詞語讀出不同的句子 but no need to write down the whole sentence?  There are 10  lines, so we need to choose the 10 different 詞語 from Unit 1?  What are our basis to give them a rating?  We always think they are doing great and we can rate them Ex?

How many sentences they need to make wit each 詞語?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-14 22:08 |顯示全部帖子
But do we have the school intranet login ID and password yet?  when will we receive?

原帖由 TinyRedSun 於 09-9-14 21:48 發表

This is the notice about Student Home Use Licence Agreement.
You may find this notice at the school intranet. (E-notice).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-15 09:55 |顯示全部帖子
Many thanks!!! I can login now.

I saw there was also a email setting.  Do we need to change the email address too?

原帖由 KN_MaMa 於 09-9-15 00:00 發表
By referring to the "User Guidelines of School Intranet", you should use "s"+the student registration no. as the login ID and password to the school's Intranet.  And pls be reminded to change the pass ...
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