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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 老師同學生講.....
樓主: 何bb

老師同學生講..... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-17 01:46 |顯示全部帖子
Hi 何bb,

I know which kindergarten you mentioned.    My daughter studied K1 there now.    I chose this kingergarten because I got a very good impression during the interview and the "site-seeing" (seeing how the teachers talking with the students etc).   Until now, I think it is a right choice.   It is not a very famous kindergarten but it's welcomed by lots of parents, why?   There should be some reasons.

Do you have bias on this kindergarten?

During the past half year, what I saw is, the teachers and the principal are whole-hearted to their student and are proud of their teaching method.    My daughter goes to school happily everyday and she becomes more polite, considerate and always talks with me about her school life.

I don't think you are telling lie, but I believe you haven't known/told the whole story.   There should be some misunderstanding!

To be honest, if you don't make up your mind, your daughter may need to change to the 4th, 5th and 6th kindergartens.  Then she will be very pitty.

Dear parents,
Believe your eyes, not ears!!
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