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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 根德園幼稚園,有何評價?
樓主: lovelypooh

根德園幼稚園,有何評價? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-19 00:19 |顯示全部帖子
My son is in P1 now & he was from KV.
My daughter is in K1 now.
Obvious enough, I'm pro-KV!

You may think that KV is not competitive enough if native accent is your major concern! But frankly, I think that Eng is not difficult to learn as a second language. Chi, on the contrary, is more difficult!

My experience with my son is that KV is really great in building a sound academic foundation. My son's primary school is filled with students with good Eng standard (esp. spoken Eng). However, I learnt that many of them are not that sufficient in Chi; some of them are even afraid of Chi! Contrarily, my son is very strong in Chi, Math & GS; and frankly, he's by no means inferior in terms of Eng! He just finished composing an >60 words piece on himself without much assistance from me. We didn't enroll him in any phonics or Eng classes when he was in kinder. We only tried to build his interest in reading and spent time reading Eng stories with him at night!

The most powerful habit / ability KV built is its students' initiative & self-discuipline in studying / finishing homeworks. This really eases parents' lives! My son can finish his exercises now without my presence. He also arranges his own revisions automatically!

By the way, my son is not born to be a hard-working & quiet student (坐唔定!!!). I can't manage his behaviour as good as his KV teachers.

When I weigh between a "balanced & strong academic" and native accent, my choice is the former!

Just a gesture of support from a KV parent :)

[ 本帖最後由 hccw 於 10-10-19 00:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-19 00:22 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 lovelypooh 於 09-3-27 23:53 發表
本人想囡囡學多啲野,又驚她會很辛苦,同埋根德園是否傳統教學?咁會否影響小朋友的思考力和創意?我又找不到根德園的網站,如何可知多啲關於這間學校的野?如:有多少活動空間?教學法等? ...
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