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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有什麼好的PLAY GROUP?
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有什麼好的PLAY GROUP? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-10-12 12:42 |顯示全部帖子
My twins start the playgroup when they were 11 months ago. If you take a 6-month baby go to playgroup, she don't have any reaction and you will find that she just sit down and look at the teacher. My personal opinion is if your child learn how to listen the instruction and she/he can do some reaction to you. Then you can start to think about playgroup.

Now, my twins almost 16 months and I continue to bring her to KxxxderU - IM program. The lesson play the musical instruments, toys, listen English songs and French story especially with English words flashcard to teach their babies right mind. The teacher is Chinese-Canadian with Chinese look (not Native English Foreigner). That will have difference. When my twins meet some Native English women with gold hair, they have some hesitation and afraid to talk at the beginning. That is the point I don't like they don't offer Native English. But so far, many motion my twins learnt from them. When they listen music, their hands and foots will move and turn around the body. They are being very active when go to parties. They don't afraid stranger!

See which one you want your babies learn before you select the playgroup. If you want to know the details of playgroup, please PM me.
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