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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 DBSPD interview schedule
樓主: WD40

DBSPD interview schedule [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-11-15 15:45 |顯示全部帖子
Congratulations.   If so, do u know dbspd has already informed ALL parents abt 2nd in schedule, or still in progress??

原文章由 Ultraman媽媽 於 07-11-15 14:20 硐表

我仔仔好幸運地入到 2nd interview. 我不是說WD40's comment is negative. 我只係覺得,我眼見有好幾間小學一出result就會有負面架事講出來,真是令人百思不得其解?

我也好明白大家等侯架心情. 但理志 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-15 16:49 |顯示全部帖子
Thx for yr encouragement.  I also wish yr boy could get in db.

But I still wonder if ALL parents have been informed abt 2nd interview, then why the staff of db said that she could not disclose??!!!   I don't think it's a top secret or confidential, but just information to let some parents, like me, have a FIRM answer and then NO need to wait.

Hey, u said u've got experience on lossing a chance to get in another good school.  Would u mind to tell me which school?  


原文章由 Ultraman媽媽 於 07-11-15 16:10 硐表
現只收到電話,信就仲未收到. 但以我估計應該都通知晒了.
如你仲未有消息都不要失望. 因這間不收仲有好的會來臨.
因我就係一個好好的例子,之前有一間幾好的小學,我仔仔都入不到2nd in.
我祝福你仔仔可以入到 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-15 16:50 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, would you mind to share w/ me if there's any other factors to let db accept??

I think yr boy has 2nd in chance, right?  Congratulations too.

原文章由 老虎狗媽媽 於 07-11-15 16:33 硐表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-15 18:08 |顯示全部帖子
You're right.

Hey, you've got both phone and letter notification?  

I just want to know if ALL parents have already notified or not.   If so, then I can 死心 and wholly-hearted to wait for another one ma~

But the most uncertainty or make me feel uncomfortable is no one even the staff could told me if ALL selected parents have already notified ma.  So l still have NO a FIRM ANSWER lor   

原文章由 老虎狗媽媽 於 07-11-15 16:55 硐表


唔同學校有唔同的選生方式,如db有人就話2 in因為係老師選的,所以標準不一,不大公平。我覺得點樣選都冇人話公平,因為呢個世界的確係冇!

始終有時都講下天意同緣份 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-16 08:46 |顯示全部帖子

Thanks so much for your info and encouragement.  

As I know, today (16/11) is db's school picnic, so I don't think they work in office today.  

If your estimation is correct then I understand why I phoned to ask the staff abt the 2nd in arrangement, the staff just said she could not disclose la....haaa.....really wish TOMORROW will be much better.

"M" means personal mail in BK.  You could PM some personal info to me or other parents, if you wish to share w/ some of us.

Hey, how's yr 2nd interview in SPCC?  Wish your kid ever success la~

Ah...I have to tidy up and go for another business trip la~

Best wishes to all

原文章由 JLMCH 於 07-11-15 21:43 硐表
請問什麼是PM?(經常看到, 但總是不明白)

我暫時仍未收到通知, 但我相信要打300個電話並非幾天可完成.
好似我收到SPCC的電話通知時, 已經是第二個星期的事, 而我在該天才收到信的!何況SPCC只是打200個電話!

所以在 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-16 08:48 |顯示全部帖子
Ai...forget to ask parents who got 2nd in chance that what's the group # (i.e. Group A / Group B / Group C.....) when yr kids attended 1st in?

Wish u don't mind to share such info. with me la.

I have to set off and will surely check info. at BK even in other countries.

Have good days to all :)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-17 11:41 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

My husband phoned me and told me that he received the letter yesterday.   But so strange that we received NO phone call fr dbspd for past few days... Even I was on business trip, but my husband still in HK, so....
For safe, my husband called dbspd to re-confirm.

Anyway, we felt crazy happy on that...haaaaaaaaa....     Our 2nd in will be on 29 Nov and I have to apply AL on that day.

See, "tomorrow" surely is much better

So, for those parents who still not received notification don't feel sad at that moment.  There is another golden chance waiting for your ga~


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-17 12:09 |顯示全部帖子
Hi WD40,

I just want to check if dbspd would call parents by sequence regarding the application # or the Group #.  

During the 1st interview, my son was assigned to Group E and the application # is 6XX.   We just received the letter yesterday as told by my husband (coz I'm on business trip these days).


Best wishes.

原文章由 WD40 於 07-11-16 21:22 硐表
點解咁問   你覺得有咩關連?  麻煩加以說明.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-19 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
Dear WD40,


I also wish your boy could get in your favourable school.

All the best and good luck to you.


原文章由 WD40 於 07-11-17 20:26 硐表
Dear CheCheMan,

哦, 原來係咁.  照咁睇, 你ge推估都有可能.  係度順便做個小調查, 想問下入到2nd in 家長, 你地仔仔1st in 時係第幾group? 煩請告知

另外, 恭喜你呀CheCheMan. :hands ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-19 13:14 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Ultraman mama,

Thank you so much.

When will you take the 2nd in?  Would you mind to share some experience with me??   I'm so excited recently...

Wish both of our sons could get in db and be classmates la~


原文章由 Ultraman媽媽 於 07-11-17 13:50 硐表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-20 08:45 |顯示全部帖子
Dear OnHo,

Thanks so much for your kind sharing from 1st in until now.   

It seems quite difficult and different fr last yr's.

To be frank, I really feel worry coz I just applied 2 schools for my son.  Up to now, we are luckily to get in 2nd in for both schools, but they still need to choose from the batch, so.....really really really worry and anxious.  But I don't want to affect my son, so when we back home we would behave as usual.  However, both I and my husband really feel worry on that and can't sleep well these days.

How come our life like that?????   

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-11-19 15:42 硐表
Last year, the PANEL only asked the parents two questions and the parents needed to reply them within 2 minutes.  Then, the parents was asked to leave the room and the candidate was stayed behind for  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-22 09:01 |顯示全部帖子
Hi OnHo,

Many many thanks for your kind sharing and views.

Have you already attended the 2nd in?  If so, would you mind to share something with us???  Is it really different to last year???  What question(s) the Panel asked????

Sorry for so many questions but I really want to know more and well prepare for it even I think we may have a lower chance to get in, but.....

Million thanks in advance.

原文章由 OnHo 於 07-11-22 07:15 硐表
多謝你既誇獎, 攪到有d唔好意思添!希望細佬仔都入到就好囉!

雖然大家係"競爭對手", 但舊年既問題, 今年再問既機會都只係一半一半, 好似今年既題目, 恕我自私少少, 我可能無咁願意分享, 始終仲未完成整個2nd intervi ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 09:13 |顯示全部帖子
Hi...I've attended 2nd in of dbs yesterday (I think it should be the last session among all).

Honestly, the feeling is not good coz the PANEL LADIES gave me a rather "bad" impression....as practice, they asked us (parents) some questions.  When I and my husband took turn to answer and show our view points, the LADIES seemed having "day-dreams" and gave NO response.  It might because they took long time to interview, but....

When we answered all, one of the LADIES requested us to leave the room and let our boy stayed in for futher "test".  

After around 15 min, our son went out and looked not so happy.  When we asked our son what's happen and what kind of question(s) the LADIES asked, our son just keep silence and NO SMILING.

We didn't know what's up, but....let it be.  We didn't want to put much pressure on our little boy, who just 5 yrs old.

Both my husband and I didn't want to guess but, frankly, we gave up dbs coz we realized we would NOT be chosen.  As some parents said, they might already selected those "favourite students" for their p.1.  So, like us, who without siblings, without religious support, without "special connection", surely would be the 陪襯.

Frankly, we don't feel unset or 可惜 coz we believe  好多野整定.   一切隨緣吧啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 10:04 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Prema,

Thanks so much for your kind 安慰.  

Yup, we've booked a trip to Japan coz our son wants to visit Tokyo Disneyland.   How abt you?  


原文章由 Prema 於 07-12-1 09:48 發表
Don't be like this la... May be they are just tried after 2 weeks interviews.  The result won't come out till 2 weeks time.  Enjoy these time by arranging some Christmas or New Year trip and feel much ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-1 11:02 |顯示全部帖子
Macau...it sounds good wor~  

Hey, when you attended the 2nd in of dbs?  I think you should be earlier than us.  Do u feel any chance???  I read from other thread that some parents criticized dbs and queried they provide "private channel" for those who can donate $$$$ for school.   Do u believe such "rumour"???

By the way, any school(s) registered on hand?  We only applied 2 for my son and we are now waiting for the result after 2nd round interview of the 2 schools.  Wish we could get either one confirmation soonest la (dbs may have lowest chance lor)~


原文章由 Prema 於 07-12-1 10:55 發表
I feel so excited already hearing the name "Tokyo Disneyland".  I think it is the best Disneyland in the world. You know my favorite food is Japanese Sushi.

Our Christmas trip will be a ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-3 08:55 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Martie,

I only applied cky and dbs for my son.  Luckily we got into 2nd round interview by both schools.  However, we have NO school confirmed on hand yet.  Hence, we're rather anxious.

Anyway, I have to be patient to wait for the RESULT.

How abt you?  Can share any strategies for me???


原文章由 martie 於 07-12-2 01:07 發表

Which school did you apply apart from DBSPD?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-3 16:51 |顯示全部帖子
Wa...it sounds so good.  I think my strategy is rather poor coz I only applied 2.

If so, have you already registered one?


原文章由 martie 於 07-12-3 14:52 發表
In fact, I don’t have much strategy apart from applying a few private/DSS just in case my son does not do well in the interview.
Then, I may have more chance.
The tradeoff is I have to attend so many ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-4 12:46 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Martie,

What's it??  

原文章由 martie 於 07-12-4 01:49 發表

Yes, you are right.  I have one on hand.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 16:22 |顯示全部帖子
Pui Kiu????  What Goldfishco says is CKY wor~

Pui Kiu and CKY is totally different!!!!!

To me I would NOT consider Pui Kiu..hee...sorry for say that..heee...

Goldfishco,  I have same feeling as yours.  So I focus on CKY now.

原文章由 piggybank 於 07-12-4 19:08 發表
Dear Goldfishco,

Welcome to Pui Kiu! However, please note that we Pui Kiu students and parents usually respect others and do not judge other school by a single scenario encountered. We think that all ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-5 16:31 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry for mixing up cky and pk.  

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-12-5 16:22 發表
Pui Kiu????  What Goldfishco says is CKY wor~

Pui Kiu and CKY is totally different!!!!!

To me I would NOT consider Pui Kiu..hee...sorry for say that..heee...

Goldfishco,  I have same  ...
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