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教育王國 討論區 培僑書院 08/09 Grade 1已分班請進
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08/09 Grade 1已分班請進 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-30 16:51 |顯示全部帖子
Dear all,

I am sorry that I don't  know how to add in my son.  His name is Cheuk-hei and he is a boy in 1P.

Would like to share with all of you life of our children in Piu Kiu!!


原帖由 Doris 於 08-8-30 08:56 發表
1B--nono2006 (浩鈞,Wilby)男
       hohomum (皓桓,Marcus) 男
       linchan       (凌睿 Samantha) 女

1C--eunismom (樂遙,Eunis)女
        roroma     (晴晴, Charlot ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-31 14:43 |顯示全部帖子

Thank you very much for your assistance.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-1 14:03 |顯示全部帖子
Dear all,

I remember that in somewhere at the notice board of school, I have seen that P stands for Pine.  

Not sure which version is for sure.  


B for Birch 白樺
P for Poplar 楊柳
M for Maple 楓樹

C 我也忘記了?有誰記得嗎?是否木棉啊?
Roroma 發表於 08-8-31 23:50

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 13:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hello Doris,

May I know when did you receive the notice on extra-curricular activities?  My son is in 1P but I cannot find such notice!!

Anyhow, it seems that the deadline has passed and enrollment is not allowed anymore?


原帖由 Doris 於 08-9-3 11:33 發表
我都沒有報, 因為太遠啦, 接送很不方便.

系呢, 你地有無留意個校曆表, 有好多教師發展日, 有些連續放五日, 我計劃緊可以去旅行啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-3 22:09 |顯示全部帖子
Hang's mum

Thank you for your information.  My son did not go to school on 1/9/08.  I will check with Miss Yuen.

Yes, I have got an orange diary.  It is a very fasionable handbook.  

The school's calender (including the major events and school's holiday) are listed in the orange diary.  It's very useful. My son wrote down on the handbook today that there is a notice (asking parent to write down the music records of the student) and Maths homework.


原帖由 Hang'sMum 於 08-9-3 15:44 發表

The extra-curricular rec'd on 1/9/08 . Deadline is on 3/9.

Do you got one orange daily ? I think it is hand book , right ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 17:58 |顯示全部帖子
Hello lucky mother,

I can't help laughing when I read you say that your son complain to you that he is doing homework of BB Class.  Compare with K3, I agree that the present homework is really too easy for our kids

Well, I have heard one of my freind whose son has entered into a traditional famous school.  His son cried when he entered the school, fearing of the volumnious homework and difficult tests and exams.  Our kids are the lucky one!!  :) :) Just afraid that they are too free.

Can you share what is the class of your child?  A boy or a girl?


原帖由 luckymother 於 08-9-4 16:15 發表

我囝囝前兩天都有做數學功課,但他一邊做, 就一邊說:我己經一年班了,為什麼還要做BB班的功課?真給他氣煞.

他告訴我英文派了課本,但會留在課室,另外有一本英文故事書,有貼紙寫著 BookMax,囝囝說是送給同學的,每人一 ...

[ 本帖最後由 ononchu 於 08-9-4 17:59 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-5 13:18 |顯示全部帖子

Wow, the school of your friend's child is so cruel.     I am happy that Pui Kiu would not adopt such approach.  What is the meaning of school life if children just feel unhappy and scared at there?

One joke for you : yesterday I asked my son whether there are any 飯長 in his class.  He told me that there are no 飯長 , and claimed that he was 班長


原帖由 luckymother 於 08-9-4 21:55 發表

我囝囝是一個大男孩,讀1M的.我有個朋友的囝囝派到荃灣一間傳統小學,以前是區中名校,但一點都不快樂,每天早上都不願返學,他說急急的時候,老師都不准他上洗手間,要等到小息時才可以wee wee.幸好這些事情不會在培僑發 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-5 17:45 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Hang's mum,

Ah... My son has mentioned to me that he wanted to join in the competition.  However, I have no idea at all on what to make.   Anyone can help?


原帖由 Hang'sMum 於 08-9-5 14:56 發表
1P 星期一要交環保燈籠, 你地做左未 ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-11 11:53 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Hang's Mum,

Thanks for reminding on the need to put on the formal school uniform tomorrow.  I definately would forget about it if you don't mention about this.

Ah... our children would need to change their P.E. uniforms during school. Not sure how your child is, but for mine...

This morning I took my son to wait for the school bus.  Under the sunshine, I suddenly come to notice that his new pair of shoes which we bought for him only for this school year, has been changed to an old pair worn for some time.  I asked my son what has been going on.  He said that the children in 1P were asked to take off their shoes during one lesson and my son said that after the activity, he found so many pairs of shoes and he couldn't recognize his pair.  So, my son let all the other children to get their own pairs and took the remaining one as his.  Really smart in thinking out the way??!!    

Maybe, if need be, I would suggest you to make a label on your child's belongings, even on the shoes, to avoid  similar situation as my son.


原帖由 Hang'sMum 於 08-9-11 11:00 發表
Dear all

明天月會, 要穿 formal dress ! 帶 PE 衫 ! 月會做
甚麼呢 ? 問大少一塊雲 !
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