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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day?
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ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-3 15:27 |顯示全部帖子
Thank you, abs. What you said is very helpful. Although my son had been attended nursary for a year, I still worried about his settlement in esf. I'm quite satiesfied with the teachers about their kindness, ways of teaching and encouragement, but they do not pay enough attensions on the kids personal needs, such as toileting and eating, taking shoes off etc. My boy can handle these, just needing a bit of help. I'm a bit worried what happens if I'm not there, but I also agree it may be a good for him to be independent.

So far, my boy settles in well. His little mentor is very nice, always looking after him and be with him. He is still looking for me sometimes, but in general he can play all by himself. The teacher suggests me to accompany him on Friday, then we will see if I need to go next week. Hopefully everything will be fine.
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