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教育王國 討論區 保良局林文燦英文小學 大家對林文燦有咩意見?
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大家對林文燦有咩意見? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 16-3-22 10:04 |顯示全部帖子
I am quite satisfied with the teachers of my daughter. They can explore the potentials of my daughter to the extent that I didn't even notice. I have been pushing very hard on my daughter's spoken English and Mandarin. She won 3rd in the English poem though she did not get a rank in Mandarin poem. She also told me that the school (for which my daughter is a member) won 3rd in group English poem. I did not know that my daughter is good at math though her math teacher recommended her to take Olympiad math. Now, she is going to take the national competition. My daughter did not take the OM ECA. However, she could take a place after we talk to school to obtain some support.

Rank: 2

發表於 16-3-22 14:02 |顯示全部帖子
sorry, I don't know and you may ask the principal or teachers. The important point for me is that my daughter likes going to school and enjoy.

Rank: 2

發表於 16-8-1 15:06 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter is very happy with the school even though I want to change an even better one for her. She rejected my suggestion. After studying at the school, she speaks really good English with British accent. She won English poem competition and 華夏盃全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽2016全國總決賽 -  x等獎. Her math potential was explored by her teacher and I didn't even know. She is within 20 in the whole form.

I give up persuading her because I think that the most important point is that she studies happily and wants to go to school everyday. What if she doesn't like the new school or not willing to attend the interview?


lmcvgood  I meant not band 1.  發表於 16-8-12 09:15
lmcvgood  Not in top 10, not band A.  發表於 16-8-12 09:07

Rank: 2

發表於 16-8-1 15:18 |顯示全部帖子
I don't really know whether it is my or the school's effort but my daughter at least knows who is Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Whom would she choose as the next president of the US.

If she has the money, is she going to buy Grand Austin? She can give me the reasons.

What are the reasons that she likes or dislikes CY. She can explain to me.


Chirley    發表於 16-9-9 16:36
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