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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問有無人讀過 多多 既 playgroup?
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請問有無人讀過 多多 既 playgroup? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-28 22:37 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter just dropped the playgrounp class in TUTOR TIME.  The reason is that they changed teachers every lesson.  I mean they changed English teachers in the past 5 lessons and the Madarin teachers are not fixed for every lesson.
The playgroup offered for Infant class (6 mths to 12 months) is only 1 lesson per week.

I have queried why they often change the teacher and they replied that the English teacher has emergency matter and needed to back to his own country.  So rediculous! Only 1 teacher left but there is no one replacement teacher for the coming 5 weeks.  They have sent out an e-mail to me on 13/11 confirming the change of teacher.  But English teacher changed since early October.

My daughter used to play very happily in class but now she shouted and cried when she entered the campus. I told the school that I decide to drop the class and the staff just asked me to fill in the form as parents have to give 30 days notice for withdrawal and even if my draughter won't go to class in the coming month, they will not refund the 1 month deposit to me.

What I would like to point out is that , this school only concerns money and the attitude of teaching is bad and they give no concern about parents and BB.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-5 21:39 |顯示全部帖子
Tutor Time WOW
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