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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St margaret or Pui Kiu 英文好D?
樓主: babytomhui

St margaret or Pui Kiu 英文好D?   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 13-1-31 10:00 |顯示全部帖子
sampapa 發表於 13-1-30 12:34
因高小已很少考公開試 ...
兩間學校邊間英文好,其實好主觀, 亦難以比較, 但有關於SMC英文教學, 我想提供多一些資料給樓主參考

1. SMC不是不教GRAMMAR, 只係初小時會inductive approach, 佢地用校本教材, 好似有一個UNIT係講superhero, 其實係教緊佢地點樣用adjective 去形容superhero嘅外觀同超能力, 又會教action words 去寫D superhero點樣打怪獸, 所以佢地唔會有本Grammar exercise,今個chapter教tense, 下一個教infinitive咁拆開尼教, 而係包括左響每個UNIT入面. 佢地都要考regular and irregular past tense, sentence structure etc.

2. Dictation - they have a list of words that need to revise, and during dictation, teachers will read 'unseen' sentences with those keywords. A recent P.3 dictation are as follows
a. A secret agent needs to collect evidence carefully.
b. Detectives need to be smart and patient when there is a difficult mystery to solve.
c. A spy must be alert so they can gather information and catch criminals.
d. We should investigate why this thief isn't in prison yet.

3. Starting from P.5 to P.6, there will be more explicit teaching of grammar.

So in my opinion SMC's english approach is not focus on examination and grammar rules, but teaching students how to use it as an language to communicate.  This is a very good foundation as students would be able to present themselves well in English when they need to write essay or present.
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