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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 高主教vs St. Margaret co-edu
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高主教vs St. Margaret co-edu [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-26 13:38 |顯示全部帖子
I personally, rather agreed w/ G-ma coz my son is also studying in SMC p.1 and going on to p.2 after summer holiday.

Honestly, SMC still has room for further improvement when comparing with traditional schools.  However, their new teaching method and style quite encourage students to read by themselves, to search info by themselves and to do home assignment / class projects by themselves.  It's a good training for students.

Moreover, I believe once kids are proficiency in languages (Eng & Chi & Putonghau), then they would be much easily to pick up and learn other subjects like Hist, Econ, Eng Lit, Chi Lit...etc


Anyway, just my own views to share with all concerned parties.


原帖由 mgwong 於 09-6-26 10:57 發表
u're always helpful. I'm afraid the新思維學校會有d混亂, G-ma, do have this feeling??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-26 13:45 |顯示全部帖子
想再回應多一點,就係學習ge 路程好漫長,我個人就唔想一起步就谷到d小朋友怕左返學、怕左睇書、怕左做功課!我只希望我囝囝可以enjoy school life 同埋享受學習ge 過程。識得learning to learn 先至可以持久同埋可以應用係將來工作。


原帖由 WD40 於 09-6-26 13:38 發表
I personally, rather agreed w/ G-ma coz my son is also studying in SMC p.1 and going on to p.2 after summer holiday.

Honestly, SMC still has room for further improvement when comparing with tradition ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-26 15:55 |顯示全部帖子
Don't worry too much.

At the begining, I never expect my son have reading habit but just wish he enjoy school life and learn more other languages like Japanese, French & Spanish in smc.

However, as smc provided a series of reading report / program for students to do.  As result, my son build up reading habit.  It's really a BONUS.

Currently, he always request to library to borrow books for him to read at home...haaa...it's a rather good method to kill time...not bad!


原帖由 AaronMa 於 09-6-26 13:51 發表
Hi WD40,

I'm interested to know if your son was already having the habit of reading before entering SMC.  My son will study P1 in SMC this year but he does not have the habit of reading by himself.   ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-1 22:02 |顯示全部帖子
hi gate gate,

其實我唔知點為之 "open",尤其放在 "學生"而言。

我覺得smc 採取較 "free" 教學模式。 所謂FREE 係指他們上課時會採用分組形式,把程度及語文基礎接近的學生編入同一 group ,係教學上就因應每 group 進度而有所不同。以我所知,其中一 group (p.1) 程度已追及其他小學p.2 程度,而其英文更趕上其他p.3 程度。

與其他 famous traditional schools 要學生正經八百座係課室,專心聆聽教師講書,smc反而encourage students to ask questions, to raise their ideas, to present some projects by themselves, to perform some puppet shows / other shows in front of class...etc。 好多時 smc teachers would like communicate with studnets in TWO WAYS.  

當然,課堂內基本規則都要學生遵守。好似初初開學時,我囝囝話我知上英文堂時,有2個同學仔用中文交談,個NET 即時用Eng 對住全班同學講話,上Eng Lesson 請用Eng交談及發問,並希望當老師講書時,大家keep silence 以免影響其他同學學習…之後同學就好自律用Eng ask questions and change & share ideas with others…

上中文堂時 (以普通話教授),老師係教完課本後,必利用10-15分鐘同學生玩問答遊戲 (同樣要求學生用普通話答),看看誰的分數最高…等等

唔否認,當中有幾個學生(p.1) 頗玩皮,因之前參加學校旅行時遇見過。但亦不得不承應他們腦筋轉數頗快,亦講得一口流利Eng & Putonghua。

講真句,現時小學生有幾多個唔玩皮,唔百厭?DBS 小學生都私自玩爬樹啦。咁樣係屬於 open, naughty, 定 free??於本人而言,學生有少少百厭,我會接受到,尤其小學生,他們都只係幾歲人仔,當然基本規距他們要知亦要學習,但自律亦好重要。




原帖由 gategate 於 09-6-26 17:17 發表
Nice to see what u tell, I also want to know more about this school. I heard some parent don't like this school..cause child too open..and naughty wor..Also, is there many foreign students? How many?

[ 本帖最後由 WD40 於 09-7-1 22:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-8 21:10 |顯示全部帖子
Dear chapmanma & gate gate,

You're welcome

Just to share my own views to those concerned parents.   Frankly, my view points may not 100% true.

To have full picture and understanding abt the school, I highly recommend parents try to attend the school briefing and also observe students during lunch hour / after school hour.

Wish parents could make good choice for their students.

Best wishes

原帖由 gategate 於 09-7-8 10:46 發表
Hi Wd40,

Very clear to let us know more on this school!! This is so good to teach students in group of same level! And sound good to encourage students on learning!

I think students in this school r ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-8 21:12 |顯示全部帖子
hi chapmanma,

Has SMC offered seat to your son?  Wish SMC accept your son.

Best wishes

原帖由 ChapmanMa 於 09-7-1 23:06 發表
Dear WD40,
I totally agree your opinions.  You did say the right things & points.

BTW, hope the other parents who still hold more than 1 DSS / private seat, please make your decision asap and release ...
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