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兒童書店 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 12-4-6 15:58 |顯示全部帖子
commercial press and popular are the most convenient ones.  they dont have the books you want but they have some different kinds of books from time to time so i have to visit there from time to time.
metro got a good collection.  it just happens to be a bit expensive in their pricing.
and also the specialist bookstores for children, they have a very wide collection too.  just that it is a bit expensive also.
in the book fair last year, i found this Little Rainbow Educational.  i mail ordered some osbourne readers through them once.
also from the bookfair did i spot this store:
http://www.funtoread.com.hk/  read from some magazines that they do have their outlet opens from time to time.  but i hv only bought from them at the bookfair
i am also looking forward to the book fair in summer.  there we can find everything from the same one location.  :)
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